Tuesday, February 20, 2007


"So there I was. . ."

Let me recap yesterday real fast: I need to save all my money if I want to go to Florida. I don't know anything about good eating habits for losing fat, and gaining muscle. And I need lots more $$$$. That's about it.

Let my men see me alive and you will see where their loyalties lie. -- Maximus Decimus Meridius

I don't have any men, but if I did. . .

I wonder what kind of leader he was. . .you know? I mean there are all sorts of types. I'm sure that there are problems with how I lead. (ask my siblings.) But what they are I do not know. . .I always hear something about poor people skills. . .I wonder how you judge that. Ah. . .to wish!

I was thinking about trying to work more days at McD yesterday when I was despairing for $$$. Then McD asked me if I would consider taking one more day since the main 3rd shift person quit. I was thinking, "hmm, does this mean I should take it?" Then I went to Greek. I was half dead, and couldn't concentrate. We didn't have a quiz, and my homework had already been finished so it didn't matter to much, but it made me realize how hard it was to work 3rd shift. I need a job that I can work 9-4 TR. If I could get that I could quit McD and life would be grand.

Wise as a serpent; harmless as a dove.

My internet course has been dead for days.

I read ab workouts now and then. . .they say, "aside from doing your 100 situps a day do . . ." I can't even do 100 situps, lol.

I made two sandwiches out of 2 cans of tuna, then I cut them into quarters and am eating one every hour. Hopfully that will keep my metabolism going.

I voted in the primary today. Took 5 minutes.

But what if I go to seminary when I finish here? I will need a full time job to pay for school, and food and an apartment. . .Hopefully that will be 2nd shift.

I have to put the hoops up and down like 4 times tonight. . .I would /sigh but really its the only work I will be doing tonight.

40 minutes until I can eat again. . .5:53.

So, I should finish my one paper this week. Then I will have to finish my NTI exam Saturday, and then start an exegesis of a passage in Eph/Phil/Col. . .I think I'm going to pick something in Ephesians but I'm quite sure yet. Maybe 1:1-7? Sounds too easy doesn't it. . .Idk. I need to make 11 pages or so I think. The prof is actually doing word count. Not sure if that's going to be good or bad. Shouldn't matter too much really.

Where is the line between not having debt and going to get a PhD which means lots of debt? I mean when I get out of here, I should only have about $6,000 in debt. . .That's not really too much when you think about it. I mean, it is, but you know. But let's say I go for my ThM. There is no way that I can make enough money to pay for all my bills AND whatever the costs of the ThM, plus I still have $6,000 of debt. TaDa! And then say I finish my doctorate. . .Now I have 6k+ThM (17k/year) + PhD. ($33k+) = $73,000 in debt. (Minimum) So, is it worth it? Granted, during that time I would hope to be paying off some of it, but that is a LOT of money. On the other hand, you only live once. How many people do you know who make 52k a year? Yeah, and then realize that you would have to work a year and a half to pay that off. If only I were really rich. HA!

"So here we are at southshore beach, and let me tell you. IT IS AWESOME!!"

I don't understand the reasoning behind wearing sleeveless shirts in the gym if you are just beginning to work out. The drinking fountain is outside the weight room and around the corner. Guys come out to get a drink, and they are often wearing sleeveless. Ok, now if you have been working out a long time I can see it, but guys who don't look like they've lifted before in their lives. . .maybe its like the Arnold thing. They show off their wimpy arms so they feel pressured to work on them? maybe. If I tore off the bottom of my shirt I might be tempted to run on the treadmill more often. . .but I would also be kicked out. ;P

Girls intramural basketball tournament tonight. Only for an hour. . .I think I'll watch it, before I starty my homework. 7:13.

Yeah, the one team beat the other one. It wasn't too exciting really. I think I should finish my greek homework now. Its translation so it shouldn't be too bad. 8:00.

8:32 done. So, now I should study my vocab. . .again.

Sometimes I love the fact that I'm cynical. Others it can bother me. I was just informed of some information about someone. Good information from their point of view. "A certain point of view?" But after hearing how it came about I couldn't help but think "Oh great." So, I wish them the best, and hope that my initial instinct was wrong. Of course I have little to go on and so its not something I would say out loud, but in the past when my initial instincts have gotten to the point where I did voice them, I can't think of a time I was wrong. One instance still in process but we have yet to see if I was wrong or not.

I got used to that all the time at my old job, and I would end up saying "I hate being right all the time." Now, some people thought it was just cocky and stupid. . .but really, I was right, and sometimes I wished I had been wrong. "Let's promote Sherry to management" "Bad idea; won't work; don't do it." They do it anyway. . .then she quits. If I had a $1,000 for everytime I've said "I told you so" within just the work environment. (yes, $1,000 doesn't have the same effect as a nickel, but it also isn't an exaggeration either.)

My hood won't open. The button thing just inside the door seems to be broken off, and I'm not sure how to get the hood open now. I need to check my oil pretty soon too. /argh I'm going to work on it a bit tomorrow.

I should probably play some pool tomorrow, its been a whole 3-4 days. I want to finish my paper so I can start on another one, but I know Greek comes first so then I put it off. I'm not sure how I'm going to last through another year of Greek, plus learn hebrew and german if I don't want to study vocab . . . yes, that calls for a rofl.

If my brother would e-mail me I could start looking for plane tickets. But he hasn't so I can't. /sigh. . ./heavy sigh. Ahem!

Jet Li is pretty cool. But I still like Bruce Lee better. The reasoning I was just going to give went out the window after doing some brief reading. . .I still like Bruce better, because of what I know about him, and because Jet makes so many movies for the pure point of philosophy. Fearless wasn't his last martial arts film, just his last "epic" ie. to make a point. We could care less about your point, we want to see a good movie. 9:08

So I need to drink more water (I've already been drinking a lot, but this guy I read says two gallons a day. . .yeah, that's not gonna happen either); Allow myself one day off (Sunday); Eat/dont eat before bed? Hmm. Obviously I don't want the carbs/calories before bed, but I do want protein, so do I eat the little bit of calories to get some protein? How much protein to I need a day? I have heard a couple say 100g, others 1g per lb I weigh, and other 1.5 per lb. I'm going to have to increase my protein intake I believe. . .That's going to be difficult/expensive. I'll just keep it around 100g now and if things need to change later I'll deal with it then.

I'm gonna log off. I get to kick everyone out in 10 minutes, and then lower the hoops (again). Ok, have a good week. See you Thursday. 9:36.

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