Monday, February 26, 2007

uh huh

Here we are. I have work tonight. I am eating oatmeal and tuna again. . .I wish someone had said "Dave, potatoes are a good source of Carbs." Before I went and bought oatmeal. ewyuck! So I will try making some potatoes when my oatmeal is gone. I would go buy them now, but I don't want to waste that $1.20 . . .seriously, I've left more in a tip because I didn't want to wait to break my bill. Its odd how some things bother us and other don't. Well, I can't go shopping until Wed. anyway.

My roommate had Invincible or w/e it was last night, so I watched it at 3:30am. It was ok. If I wanted to watch some nobody run through Philly I woulda rather seen Rocky though.

My cousin told me I should be going over seas to study since I don't have a wife or kids. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. It doesn't mean I'm rich, but I guess if you figure you're going to be paying on your bills the rest of your life than it doens't matter how big they are right?

I got invited to a birthday party. Sounds like fun. It a double party so there might be a good deal of people there. I'd prefer smaller groups, but I'm going either way. (If I can get the time off)

/gasp! There were 55 people invited. meh, I know maybe, mmm, 10-15 of em. It should be interesting.

Ok, to be more honest, I only know 9, and a couple barely, and another one I don't get along with.

I have to answer one more question before 9:30. My problem? I don't know which one. The one I wanted to answer is really odd, and I'm not sure how. The one I do decide to answer however means I cannot write on a similar topic for my paper later. what to do what to do. 6:44.

I almost threw-up my oatmeal. That makes any more even harder. It isn't like I haven't had it before. I was surprised it was so hard to get down that time. bleh!

AGUH! I am writing complete lies. I hate it.

My cousin said that to get into a ThM program you generally need about 100 graduate level credits. I will have 34. hahahahaha. So, I need a 2nd masters before I can get a ThM (which is a masters too) and then I can get a PhD. 1 year to finish here + 2 years for the other 70 hours I need, + 2-4 years for the ThM + the 4 years for the PhD -> 11 years at worst. -> 34. Then I only have one year to campaign for President. That's pushing it.

"Spielberg, by the way, tells me that production on “Indiana Jones 4” begins June 18th." --,2933,254767,00.html Like a 1/3rd down page.

/sigh. Its a long ways in the future, and I like to plan too much. However, I could be dead tomorrow, so why worry bout it now, right?

I made it through that oatmeal. . .but I can't do this oatmeal after today. I'm buying potatoes, and will probably have to settle for baked until I can find time to make mashed.

How do you bake/make potatoes? Think I need tin foil and a microwave.

I am free again. It is such a feeling of ecstasy to have the project that is due done. My scenario papers are now done. It was a weird asignment. 3 scenarios dealing with the topics of class, but it was like "you are teaching a Sunday School class and. . ." It ended up meaning much less technical details but much more application, which was good. Because I didn't want to write all the techy stuff that I didn't care about and the application I could agree. Some of the answers were plain falsities. . .but that's what he wanted. Not lies, see, because I wasn't attempting to deceive anyone.

I am thinking about a palm pilot. . .I keep hearing how you can get free games for it. . .I need to stop. I have too much other stuff I want atm.

Ok, I gtg. bleh, McD. I will probably eat a bit there. That's always the hard thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You don't need tinfoil. Just wrap them in paper towel or a napkin or something. . . . . Hopefully you have one of those things. . .