Thursday, February 1, 2007


Sooo, its Thursday, but my week is practically stress free from this point on. I got a 51/50 on my vocab, and didn't do nearly as well on the grammar part of the test, but haven't gotten a grade yet.

I have translation due tomorrow which I will do tonight, and then I should spend Friday/Saturday writing a paper due next Friday. I am intending on doing it. . .but we shall see.

Some people never change. . .I assume you all saw this by now but if not, here it is --

I laughed. Out loud.

Let's see, where did I leave off? I maxed Cloud's Str, but it stopped at 247, and then 10 minutes later it jumped to 255, and then I un-equipped him and he fell to 225, and now I have to give him Power Sources again to make him go back up, even though I put his weapons back. . .Its glitched, and not worth maxing someone if they don't stay maxed. I beat Ruby weapon. Emerald is still a huge pain.

My roommate is trying to talk me into working at camp over the summer. I would of course be going home for the 4th, and the wedding, but it doesn't sound too bad. Something to pray about.

Some guy posted that we don't go to Hell for our sins since they were taken away at the cross. . .yeah, I'm telling you.

Do we pray believing? Or have Christians given up and really only pray for revival because they think they should? Honestly, how many people are just expecting the Lord to come back and get us out of this mess, instead of seriously doing our part?

There is a violin recital tonight and Saturday night. I might be going Saturday. . .only to hear the violin. And when I put it that way. . .I will probably go play FF. I'm a sad case.

Next week is my NTI class. Which reminds me: I need to get my text info into a nice organized format and printed. I will probably spend most of Saturday working on that, rather than writing my paper. Which wouldn't be an awful waste, better than some things I find to do.

My boss finally gave me his password. BWHAHAHAHAHAH. Oh well. I can watch homestar now is all that means. ;) (His PC has speakers.)

Isn't it sad that some people have nothing better to do than to play a video game non-stop. . .like me I suppose. Although, to be honest, I did take a break last semester and played like nothing.

What is wrong with our culture?! We have to have entertainment rather than discipline. Think about it. Would you rather sit down and read history, or watch Star Wars? Ok, I kinda made it unfair by picking Star Wars, but you get the idea.

I have terrrrrrrrible posture. My roommate came and worked out with me last night, and told me I was doing all my back exercises incorrectly. Good thing he showed up, because that coulda ended up bad in the end. But now I have to start back over, and it feels funny just to straighten my back. . .my mom was right. Doh!!

Well, got to go respond to the guy who wants to teach universal salvation. =D

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