Saturday, February 3, 2007


I just played some pig and 1v1. . .I lost two games of pig, and lost 11-4 in the 1v1. I'm tired now. And sweaty. I haven't sweat this much in a while. I'm going to go stand outside a min. brb

ok, so it was only like 5 seconds. . .its FREEZING out there.

I just printed 15 pages on the KJB issue. I am pumped about class Monday. I'm sure we won't get into anything till maybe Tuesday or Wednesday, but I have the materials I need. Now I need to memorize enough of it so I can spout it and refer to it when I should give the book from which my quote originates.

The guys and girls high school teams have away games today. They are all standing just outside my office waiting to leave. That's a lot of people. And the guys always try to get away with playing in the gym.

I just ate. You care, really.

I tried something today. . .doing a set of 10 pushups every 15 minutes. It lasted until my roommate showed up to play ball. That was about 2.5 hours, so 100 pushups. Not bad. Next Saturday I will try it again. Once I know I can do for 8 hours, I will try 15 or 20 or so, but I was already getting sore after 100. Don't laugh.

My did I tell you my roommate thinks I should be a lawyer? He doesn't necessarily like it when I respond to his posts. He posted about dreams and visions. I didn't respond for a few days, but then I read it again and an answer just seemed to formulate, so I wrote it out.

My prof just answered some questions in my online class. That was kinda cool. For interaction I think online classes are great. For teaching purposes I think they are very very bad.

Snoopy -- What's there to do the rest of the day?

OH!! I won FF7 last night. The ending was a little better than I remember. . .just some of the little things. The ending still was wierd with 500 years later and all, but meh. Something I read on the very lsat fight that I hadn't gotten before was that it was just in Cloud's head. You just beat Seph, and then Cloud starts his spasms and then the form of cloud seperates from Cloud and then you are flying through space until you meet Seph. However when you come back you really haven't moved, and tifa is right there. So yeah, if you knew that already good for you, I didn't.

My cousin I ride to church with told me she was changing churches. . .I can't really give her reasoning b/c I think its sillyness, and lousy. . .like nailing jello to a tree. (I recently read that on SI too. ;)) I need to use that sometime in my discussions.

Don't you just have to feel bad for Ellex? I mean hes got no life. Lving in his parents basement collecting on some settlement. . .Reminds me of someone named. . .Doug. ;)

Props to all the people who give me info to put on my blog. I wouldn't have one without you guys.

Well, it would be more of a FF journal.

I see this notice for an outage at 11:30AM PST. . .its 2:26 here, and if I were in EST then I would be panicy. But I'm not, so I'm not.

Some guy in Canada named Mark Palmer says that the guys who wrote the canons of dort, and those who wrote the westminster confession were some of the worst murders ever and its sick and he will have nothing to do with them. <-- and that is what happens when you live in a socialistic state.

Maybe that was an unfair bash on Canada. . .but life isn't fair.

Well, I'm going to try to write some, and maybe work my shoulders. wait. . .forget the maybe. I will! Do or do not. There is no try. I watched that movie yesterday. It was good. No exciting Sunday dinner tomorrow. The church is having a church dinner and then the annual business meeting and then we can all be home in time for the superbowl. . .wait, is that how its supposed to work?!?! /sigh


michael said...

Was it a relative of ours who posted that Jello thing on Sports Illustrated? Er, I mean Sharper Iron. (SI is almost always Sports Illustrated, so that took me a second =D)

I haven't heard anything about Ellex for awhile now.

VanSneak said...

A "Doug" reference. You win the trophy.

VanSneak said...

The trophy in the shape of Ellex. Who incidently got his account hacked and lost everything.

VanSneak said...

The trophy in the shape of Ellex. Who incidently got his account hacked and lost everything.

VanSneak said...

Double post FTW.