Sunday, July 26, 2009


Do miracles happen any more? This question was posed to me while in MI during one of my first couple weeks there. I answered it; we debated briefly, and then we moved on. It did not reoccur to me until last night. Here is the dilemma.

How do we define miracles? Are miracles special revelation or general revelation? These two questions settle the matter. First, if we cannot define miracles, then how will we know if they still happen? Further, with a completely ludicrous definition, we could say there have never been such a thing as miracles. (Such would be nonsense for the Bible clearly speaks of miracles (in 37 different verses).)

But, how do we define revelation? Let us pause here to first consider some facts.

Special revelation as we have classically defined it has ceased. This argument we must have, and can prove from Scripture against the Catholics, and the Pentecostals.

Miracles, as commonly defined do happen. Since again, we are dealing with the very word which we want defined, we shall instead clarify our meaning by citing examples: A man wrought with a fatal illness to which no person (but one, whose mind had become mush) has ever been recorded surviving, suddenly was cured and retain no sign that he had ever possessed the disease. This is something we would refer to as a miracle. With this wonder, that escapes the explanations of science and medicine we see what we are considering. [The response to this not being a miracle is that there is something within nature that we have yet to discover that healed this man of this disease. And, that science, given several hundred more years would be able to explain this away. Before resorting to such a leap (which is an excuse that could almost certainly be used in infinite ways always claiming a lack of ignorance to be explained in the future), let us instead turn back to our problem of revelation.]

[Let me clarify here that this is without any research besides a brief concordance search. I have not ran my definitions through any systematics, nor compared them to my present theology looking for errors. This is a working definition for the time present. I hope, that if my findings change significantly, that I will have the time to return and expand upon them.]

Now then, we define special revelation as that that points directly to Jehovah or to Christ, and general revelation as that that points to the Almighty, or the Creator. (Notice the difference here: As Christians we can equate these terms, Christ and Creator, but the Bible speaks that nature and general revelation point not to Christ, but rather to the Almighty. Nature, and so we define general revelation points to the fact that there must be a Supreme Being. It does not point to Christ specifically. Man only comes to that conclusion via special revelation as found in Scripture.)

These definitions work for our purposes. Again, Special revelation points specifically to Christ. General revelation points to An Almighty Being. If this is the case, then miracles as defined via example can and do fall within the venue of general revelation. For, they do not point to any specific god, but to A God. However, not all miracles are the same.

For out present age/dispensation, we are safe to say that miracles fall into general revelation, but in the Scriptures, miracles were used to identify a prophet as truly being from the god that sent them. Moses and Aaron performed miracles before the elders of Israel showing that they were really from Jehovah God. Pharaoh's magicians performed their miracles in an attempt to demonstrate that their god was just as powerful. The miracles performed by Christ were a sign and condemnation to the cities in which they were done for they clearly showed Him to be the Messiah of Israel, and He was rejected. Further, the early church was accompanied by miracles to demonstrate that the speakers were from God. These miracles gave credence to the performer. They neither pointed to Christ per se, nor to Almighty God.

We have yet to have define a miracle. This is not easily done. First, there are several unsaved philosophers (Kant is a big name you should probably be somewhat familiar with) that provide a definition one might easily accept. Some Christian philosophers insist that it is impossible to put a definition to a miracle. Further, one must be careful not to abandon the definition just because they provide it, but to provide a definition based solely on what merits it stands.

If we say that miracles are that which is not normal, we must then define what is normal. That in itself is a harder question then we may be able to answer here. Theologians say that God is the ultimate Norm. If God is the standard by which we judge normal, then miracles are obviously normal.

If we say that it is contrary to nature, we know that God has not just set the Earth on its course and let it go, but that He upholds all things by the Word of his power, and that he is the Sustainer of all things. Further, our proper understanding of his sovereignty tells us that every drop of rain falls where He desires, and how He desires and thus God is personally active in everyday events.

I think, that if we define miracles experiencially, rather than ontologically we have a much easier time of it. Experientially, we know miracles to be the blind receiving sight, the lame walking, the deaf hearing, the dumb speaking, and the dead coming back to life. The curing of all manner of diseases falls into this category as well as per the Gospels, and so, given this definition, and the previous definitions of revelation we can say with certainty that miracles do take place.

I have been having less and less blogging time/material as I have been emailing my cousin. But I have also been trying to spend time talking through everything in good detail with my wife. It is good for me, her, and us, and to be honest, it is more enjoyable than blogging about it. I will try to continue to blog though. That is good for me, you, and us as well. ;)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

quick update

As it is 1:20am, I need to make this quick.

If you recall, back in May/June I spoke about the FBFI and the message preached by one Dan Sweatt. This message bashed Calvinism. Dr. Bauder from Central Seminary in MN rebuked him in his weekly newsletter and called for the leaders of FBFI to do something.

They did do something. It can be found at their website if you care. They basically said that they have always included calvinists and non and that everyone needs to speak with grace via the pulpit or keyboards. (Apparently their was a great storm of bloggers who were very unhappy with the message.) A week after Bauder's initial email, he emailed again. This one commending them for their response.

Then, the third week, he copied/pasted dozens of emails he had received regarding the issue. Several were appreciative, and some were not so much.

The question remaining is whether the response was appropriate and enough or not? Dr. Bauder believes it is for the time being. Many do not share his optimism. The result? Fundamentalism is still falling apart. As much now as ever.

If it weren't 1:25am I would blog more, but i need to go to bed. Good night!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I've been emailing back and forth with someone and as I write, I notice things that seem to belong here. I think I'm going to copy/paste some of them and try to expand on my thoughts.

I'm finding that I miss the learning that comes from college. I can read a book or two or five on my own, but I don't learn as much. The Dmin always seems the easiest Doctorate to get, but its not the one I want and its not even possible for me since I'm not in the ministry and it usually requires active ministry. Anyway, that is the more recent problem I have. One of the possible solutions that I have found is SES.

I have been considering this school after I finish my current MA. I was looking at their MA in Apologetics. I noticed where the profs got their degrees, and was happy with that. I was looking at the distance learning. I would have to start slow since I don't know what I can handle, but I'm thinking 5 years for 60 credits (hopefully max). I think i can do it faster, but I don't want to get my hopes up. The other thing is money, and one of their classes must be taken on campus. I can't find anywhere if it is a module, or if I have to be there an entire semester. That would rot. I was looking all over for an MA in apologetics, and it was hard to find anything that even looked reputable offering that. So I found a list of schools offering it, and this had distance option, plus I was happy with the profs education.

I've been considering writing a book for some time now. It was always a KJB book, since I don't really know too many things, and I have a pull to write something. I love the format that Whitaker uses. I've got quotes, references, several different 1-2 pages starts, etc. About a week ago, I almost started really going at it....then I stopped again. Does it even need to be written? This has gone on for around 100 years; would anyone read it? Would it accomplish anything? Maybe writing like old reformers won't accomplish anything today. Maybe it needs to be easy to read. Can it be deep and easy to read? Then I wonder if writing anything accomplishes anything any more. Those are my thoughts on writing; though I still want to write. But I have decided not to pursue this topic currently. I still want to write. I just need to find something worth pursuing and writing about.

I was directed to BBC in Clarks Summit. This tends to be a better solution than the SES, although it completely abandons the Apologetic trail. They offer a PhD in Theology online and through modules. The modules occur three times a year for one week. That would be fantastic. They want a MDiv before you enter the PhD, but they also say they will work with MAs to get them to the proper place for the PhD. Just what I need. Of course, it takes 3 years full time. For most who have fulltime jobs, etc, it takes 5-6 years. For me, who needs to finish my current MA (1 year) and then fill in the gaps I'm missing (1-2 more years) and then the 6 years of PhD work, I'm now 35. Honestly not too bad.

I am 20 minutes from Clearwater College and I can use their library for $35 a year. That is a great price to get into the library if it is any good. I'm guessing it has to have enough for me at this time. If only I knew what I needed to reference.

I have also debated on many occasions writing a commentary. If I were to preach through a book, I believe that I could write a commentary on it at the time. Since, I am not a greek scholar I would have to go easy on the Greek, but not all commentators have greek, and indeed, even at the MA level not everything I read disected the Greek anyway. (The cool part then was that since we didn't know Greek, we were permited to skip any Greek exegesis. . .we liked books with pages of greek/endnotes. ;))

I made list of all the things I would like to accomplish this year and numbered them, and put Greek fairly high up. . .and then I realized that both my Greek books and index cards are in my parents basement. I don't know how I will ever get three huge bins down here. . .maybe someday I will have a house, and an office and all my books.

The other good news about BBC is that they only require Greek and Hebrew. Only, you say? Yes, most PhD programs require two modern languages as well, usually German and French (Latin is usually permitted if desired). Though this sounds like good news, maybe it isn't. Maybe I should be pushing myself to learn those other two languages. Maybe I need to make my brain study like that. Maybe I will find it necessary to read Barth in the original language and not be able to, /GASP. At the moment I think, meh.

I have been inspired by my sister, and am trying to read the Bible 30 minutes a day. That is more than I have purposefully planned in a good while. It is going well thus far.

I started working out again. I missed it. It feels soo good to be sore again. Interesting sentence that. Yes, I have to make myself to deadlifts now. And yes, I force myself to work my legs. But it is good for me. The creatine/protein that I read is the best costs an outrageous amount. . .but the guys in the trial added over 80lbs average to their bench in 12 weeks. That would be fantastic. But, forget that. I'm even going to try *whispers* running.

Kaylynn has been looking at houses and apartments lately. We like where we are, but thought it would be good to look around as well. Our rent is going up $10. That isn't at all bad considering they wanted to charge us that last time but the lady had told us in a moment of weakness that since it wasn't a pool view she would take $10 off. Ha! Plus, we have a Washer/Dryer here.

We aren't sure what she will be doing this year. We won't have William =(, so she has been trying to think about different things. I was told today that tons of people were applying at the school for positions. I guess they have lots of people wanting to Sub. She was considering subing, but after I heard that I don't know if she would get it anymore. Last year it was like a shortage. They made it sound like it is always hard to find subs. This year they made it sound like they weren't going to be able to use everyone that wanted a job.

I was offered the after-school job again. I got my email a couple weeks ago that said "I hate after school care!" Yeah, I remembered how much I hated it, buuuut, it would be nice to have the extra money. The few classes I have left are going to be about $600 each, and afterschool care will take care of the rest of this degree. It will be nice to know that I won't have to find that extra money some place. . .if I take it. If I do, that would mean being at school from 7-6. That is a long time. And since we only have one car, Kaylynn will either be home alone, or we have to find her a job in the next two weeks. Just pray. We are trusting the Lord that He will provide whatever we need. She really really doesn't want to be home alone for 11 hours. Who would?

I've played a good deal of poker over this past weekend. Won a good amount. Lost a fair amount. I came in 3rd out of 90 in the last 90 person I played. I was quite happy with that honestly. I'm at about $19k, fake of course.

I keep updating Mike's website as I am told things, or invited to things through FB.

I've been struggling to make it through this book. I told myself I needed to finish it before I start the next one, and I told myself I *had* to finish the next one before school starts. I am also reading a book on writing on the side. It is good, and I have always found it helpful. If only I was a good writer. I need a better vocabulary. But I don't have time. I have every hour planned out for the next semester/year and I don't have much free time. If I end up watching an extra TV show, or playing a computer game then I suddenly lost something important. That can be good or bad.

The Truth Project will be starting up again in January. I thought they had said it would be in the fall, but I guess not. So, January it is. For a brief moment today, I thought Mrs. Coney was going to say something about it not being that great afterall. . .but no, it is that great and amazing etc. Maybe it really will be. Maybe I will have to get on here and say I was completely wrong and it is fantastic. I doubt it though.

I bought Psych seasons 1 and 2. We have one episode left. /shrug.

Time to go. Goodnight all. And remember, I have nothing constraining me right now, so it is your responsibility to call me when you are free. I don't want to wake you up or disturb you. :P

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

more links for writers

Number 2 in the list looked the most interesting to me. While it says not found within the page, you can look around to find plenty of actual work for writing. Sounds like a great start to me. Like this:

And this looks cool too: That one is like $600 a month for a few articles...I'm not sure I could come up with an article a week. Seems like I should be able to, but meh.

That's about it for now...I started lifting again. Feels good to be sore.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Staying with the last blog's theme briefly:

My wife reminded me that the mental abuse is often as bad or worse than the physical abuse. Even in houses that are not "as bad," the mental abuse takes a long time to get over. And it is there.

My mom didn't like how I labeled these people in the beginning as fundamental baptist right-wing homeschoolers, because that is what she is. I am too. I thought I qualified them with the following statements. The reason I chose to describe them that way is because they are in our supposed circles. These things don't just happen in the trashy homes of the lost. These are the people we go to church with. And you don't know it. Yes, it happens outside our circle too, but it happens inside it.

Now, on to other things.

You may have noticed I added several links to others blogs and things on the side. I figure its about time I help people out that way, since they have been linking to me for forever.

I am sure a couple of those people are not active bloggers anymore, but still, their blogs are not deleted like some I have been following.

I would recommend google home page for everyone. You can have new headlines, weather forecasts, quotes, stocks, blog updater, etc. It is fantastic and it saves from clicking on everyone's blog every day. Anyone can use a google homepage. Create a google ID, and then customize the page. Then set it to your home page. Not hard.

I noticed people using the "follow" thing on the blogs. I think I'm going to try it and I'll give feedback on it.

I'll probably post more this afternoon. That is the other reason to have some plan for following blogs. Because if I post again this afternoon, and you haven't checked since yesterday evening, you are very likely to miss two posts -- this and the previous.

EDIT 1: I added actual blog snippets from other blogs so you can check out who has blogged if you stop here. I added a subscribe page, so if you RSS, you can subscribe easily, but that is about the same as what Google Reader does. I also added the follower link. This is all on the left sidebar, and you have to scroll to see it all.

EDIT 2: For some reason I couldn't add Patrick Rothfuss to the list of blogs. I did link his blog down below the others. It is worth keeping up on imho.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Forget for a moment the parents we are generally familiar with and love. I want to write today about a world that is despicable. A world that is hard to imagine. Stories from this world are more weird than fiction. Rarely do you even see this world through the TV.

This is the world of fundamental baptist right-wing conservative homeschoolers. These parents that go to conferences and think they are "good people." These parents that don't understand how to love but only that their children reflect upon them, and everything revolves around them.

These parents strip any bit of decision making or freedom from their children. They cash their children's checks and take the money for their own. They buy a car to be used by their children and so it can be taken at a moment's notice. They pay for their child's phone so they can cut them off entirely. This does not end at the age of 18. Oh, no! They are in control until they decide to someone else is the one their child should marry.

Recently I was informed of a daughter whose house is worse than the one many of you are more familiar with in these manners. Physical abuse is common, and the house is ruled with an iron fist. If this was a country than people would be getting shot and/or tortured for missing curfew. At the moment this 18 year old girl is only a junior in high school. She has no money of her own (per the above) even though she has a job. And as far as I know she has only one real friend. To top it all off, her phone was taken away because she went to her friend for help. Now she is completely cut off. Completely. And she has already tried to kill herself once. Yeah. See? This isn't just some story that will always have a happy ending. She's considering it again, and she has no one to talk to.

But, and this is the part my wife really hates, she went and spoke to her pastor. She told him something. She explained stuff. Do you understand how hard it is for someone who has lived with this her whole life to not think it is normal? Do you understand the courage it takes to approach anyone, even a pastor?! I do. It took me forever to convince some people. Other people have promised each other they can't tell me what's going on anymore. If you honestly want to help, you will be cut off, because they are sure "It's not that bad."

The pastor told her she needed to submit. She was making a big deal out of this, and she needed to do what she was told. BAH!!! What is with pastors? Do they honestly think that children are out of control with blaming their parents ignorantly? Are pastors so ignorant of the teenagers in their congregation that they honestly think that these teens could bring these slanderous accusations easily? Pastors, take warning. You need to know your teens. It is not for the teen leader to know them. It is your flock.

This is the ehrm, fourth(?), pastor that I know of that has ignored such situations (not all the same). Why?!

Of course, this only places guilt on the pastor. It does not say that the situation would be any better if the pastor had done his job. No, because the parents, as upstanding members of the church and community, would lie to his face, and go home and beat their kids. Then the kids wouldn't speak up again. How dare they the first time. Prevent their dad from being a deacon in a Baptist church. They deserve whatever they get.

Of course, the daughter begins to question God. If her parents are, as everyone says they are, really godly people, then what kind of god is God? Does she want anything to do with Him? If everything in life is horrible and the only worldview that could ever correct that is run portrayed by horrible people, would life be worth living through? It seems that the only thing to prevent suicide is to be a Christian, but even then, many weak Christians might not make it through it either.

And what is it with homeschoolers being held back in these same circles? You don't want to lose control? Yeah, they can't run away with a year of school left. They won't make it anywhere.

My wife wants to rescue them all. She knows what it is like and wants to save them all. Unfortunately, they can't even be found or recognized. How do you find these kids? The preaching against this stuff is Amen'd by the guilty. They supposedly think they are doing right. And then they blow it and admit they have a small temper problem that they are working on, but "Nobody's perfect." "Everyone has skeleton's in their closet." What?! Really?! Is that how you think!? They quote verses for everything they do. They have a verse. They have a verse for that, and against that. AUGH!

I can't have everyone living with me. I can't. I have no room, and can't support them. On the other hand, I do have room, for 4-8 more, and we can live on Ramen and Mac and Cheese if we need to. Tuna is a good protein, and vitamins aren't too expensive considering what we get out of them. And we have water. Of course, I also have to be gone for the day, and don't have a job where I can supervise and be "dad" to all these people. Oh that I had a lot of money and a job where I worked at home. But, the desire to be rich really isn't mine anymore...

Everyone I know older & wiser would advise against it too. It is my wife's first instinct. It is all I have ever seen from my mom. It is often my instinct. Of course, I must care for my family first. But what is the difference between someone starting and living in an orphanage and caring for all those kids, than what I would be doing? God would provide. Ideally, it would only be one or two kids at a time. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

I think I will leave other blog business for a different blog.

Please pray for our friend.

A couple links

I saw these and thought of all the writing aspirations in the family and figured I would link them.

Don't know how accurate or useful it really is, but maybe interesting to read.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

summer time

So, summer is half way over.

My vacation was great. I accomplished pretty much everything I had planned and more extra bonuses on top.

First, congratulations to my brother and his wife on being married! That was a great way to kick off the summer. There was time with family: brother, sisters, parents, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandma. There was lots of MTG, and some Street Fighter. I read two books and almost half way through one I had to leave in MI, and I plan on finishing another this week, and two more later this month. I played Volleyball and through around a football. I played lots of Playstation 2, and watched a view good movies. I won Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back, and have started DMII. I attended a Tea Party, and yelled "Mike for Congress!" I went door-to-door in Belding and helped gather signatures. I put up my first real website. I went to Joe's wedding reception and I got in touch with some friends I hadn't seen in a long time.

I stopped by the school today and no one knew where my new textbooks are. I think I am going to try to get back in the gym and workout before school starts back up. Rent will be going up about $10-15 a month, which really isn't bad at all. But we have been thinking of looking for a house anyway, so we are still checking. We are catching up on sleep and slept in super late the other day...not sure how it happened.

Well, I'm not sure that I have any more to say...seems weird to say that.

I could blog about all the stuff that happened in more detail and stuff. . .but I don't think that it needs to be said. I'm considering building my own website now that I have a tad more experience.

That's it for now. I'm back in FL.