Sunday, July 6, 2008

theology, politics, computers

It has been about two months since I last blogged. Two months. A lot has happened since then...sorta.

Anyway. I like theology more than politics, and politics, more than computers.

Theology. I love theology. I would love to teach at some Bible College. I could do it. I can teach all sorts of classes. I just don't have a PhD. Which, do I need it? maybe. BJU? bleah. But maybe. I was asked the other day if I was interested in pastoring a church that was without a pastor. I was kinda surprised. I had to say no, because honestly, at this point I am not called to do that. But, could I? Am I capable? I think so. Yes, there are lots and lots of things I don't know, but my doctrine is pretty solid. My logic is generally good. I am doing better with my people skills. One of my biggest weaknesses would be ignorance. I can't pastor now, and don't have the desire to, atm. I would like to teach though. Even when I was at MBBC I talked about reserving a room, passing out fliers, and holding a Bible preservation seminar. It wouldn't be near as informative, nor detailed as my Uncle's, but I'm not just repeating empty dogma either. I lack info, not the reasoning behind what I do have. I don't know. Life goes on.

Politics. I enjoy reading the old American political geniuses. I could study their stuff and learn waaay more than I know now. But that takes time, and effort. Then end result would be running for public office of some kind. Governor, Senate, President. . .who knows.

Computers. Not what I want to do the rest of my life. It is cool stuff. I can enjoy it. It isn't bad. I need it right now though. I'm stuck without a place, and without a job. I'm grateful for my parents generosity, but who wants to spend their married years living in their parents house. What parent wants their married kids to live in their house? I need my Computer degree now. . .and I need it to get me a job.

The problem is, what do I, in my limited time read? Do I read Hamilton because I want to learn about politics? Or do I finish Whitaker? Maybe I just finish Shakespeare because that is reading I enjoy? Since I STILL do not knnow what I am supposed to do when I grow up, how am I supposed to plan? Well, right now, I should be getting certified. So, my reading should be for that (which it is.) But then what?

Maybe that will be the rest of my life. Trying to do right one day at a time, because I don't know what is next. I have always liked to plan waaaaay ahead. Maybe this is a trust exercise for me. Maybe I won't know what I'm supposed to do until it comes up. God has given me a understanding mind in many areas. I understand and like math, physics, chemistry, English, etc. With a little work I can pick things up. . .I just wish I knew what I was supposed to pick up.

Maybe I'm too lazy right now. Maybe if I knew what it was I wouldn't be so careful to try to study. Maybe I have no discipline.

Well, the fourth was this weekend. It was fun as usual. I'm sore. We played VB a few times. I didn't do to hot. I hate that I'm outta practice. I did really well out at school, and here I got schooled. Oh well. Football was fun too. Missed my brother though. Magic was good. Seemed like we played less than normal. It was ok though; wouldn't have hurt to play more either, but it worked out.

Matt's story looks good. Although I would really like an ending to the first one. Even if it is just one paragraph. The kid ends up being bad and dying, and there is a war and no1 ever sits on the throne. Something like that. . .maybe?

I should go. Want to sit by the pool or play more cards. . .we'll see.

It was good to see everyone. really good.


VanSneak said...

I'll finish that old manuscript someday, though it is the first in a trilogy. Maybe I'll juts slap an ending on it.

Sounds like you should be a Theology teacher. I would finish up that master's pronto and then start applying for adjunct professorships.

Just my $2.00

VanSneak said...

I spelled "just" wrong. WHOOPS!