Tuesday, July 29, 2008

thinketh no evil

So, I have this friend that is going through a really hard time. Lots of stuff in her life that is just not good. It doesn't make sense. One thing after another. She is sweet and kind, and extremely patient. We wonder why this stuff keeps happening. It has been going on for over a year, and it has been very very hard on her.

Sometimes I catch myself wondering, just wondering, if maybe she isn't doing right. But then I remember. . .

There is nothing in her life to make me think she is in sin. She has a good testimony, and continually seeks Godly counsel. She is patient, and very prayerful.

So, who am I to say that she is lying to me when she says, that she is right with God? Who is anyone to tell another Christian that they are lying about their relationship with Christ without any known and habitual, unrepentant sin?

Any persons relationship with Christ, is between them and the Saviour. So why do we have so much gossip/tale-bearing/assuming about people? I have had talks for a couple hours and gotten back and thought "wow. . .was that talk just gossip? How much of that was really necessary to talk about?"

Especially in my family and extended family. . . .it just seems its so easy to make everyones business our business. Is it really my business what is going on with cousin X?? Now if he/she calls and tells me and spills the beans . . . but then, what right do I have to tell the rest of you? Is it really your business?

My conclusion, is that we lack charity. I think many of us could have come to that conclusion anyway, through different channels of thought, but for me, today, and for the last several weeks/months, it has been because of all the evil we think/say regarding people. Maybe it isn't "murder and blaspheme" evil, but we don't think good about them. We assign them bad motives, and attitudes for things we make excuses for.

We used to have this saying around the house when I was younger. It was always something to the effect that each person needs to ensure they are doing right and not wrong, because that is too big a job for them, and they don't have time to worry about each other. . . .it is still true.

I don't have the time to worry about any of you. . .My fault list is too long. . . . . .

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