Tuesday, May 1, 2007

im done!

I am free. Until next week when summer school starts. Its a nice feeling for the week.

Last night went well after I finished my exam. I played poker and won about another $10k. Made my friend mad because he kept losing and I kept getting the cards I needed. He was seriously frustrated.

My roommate and I went and got taco bell at midnight. mmMMmm good.

But then I played some WoW and had my best hour of farming ever. Made 150g in an hour. That's right folks, it was 25g/10min. Then I put all those Primals up and they ALL sold in under an hour, thus making my mats turn into immediate cash. Nice nice.

I've got a ton of twink gear, since I just buy it when its cheap. I bought a cloak for 30g and one for 30s, sold the first one for 70g, so now I'm up 40g and a cloak.

I have nothing to do tonight. I'm at the gym for 5 hours, and I was told it would be dead. I believe it. People are already getting ready to leave. Some still have finals tomorrow. It is sunny and warm, and who wants to go to the gym?

I have no homework, so I'm stuck doing nothing.

I am now known as a Turretin lover. Whenever my roommate doesn't think I'm listening to him he says something like "and then I/he quoted Turretin." I usually catch it. People don't seem to understand that you can play video games and listen at the same time. /shrug ;)

I remember when running a 5-man took an hour, but UBRS took 1.5-2. I really hope these 5-mans don't take that long. I can't be running stuff that takes 2 hours. That is a waste of my time for 1 piece of gear.

(You can see that now that school is done my mind is free to think about more important things.)

Was I overanalyzing my situation? Was I not displaying faith? Hmmmmm. Well, there is something to be said for planning ahead. And I wasn't saying I didn't think I could get a job. I can, and I know I can. Alls I have to say is, "ok, I'll take it." My money problem is not the biggest issue. It is stuff like me being home and not being able to get Saturday off when people are coming over. That is a bigger problem then making 2k instead of 4k. Money comes and goes; mostly goes, but it does come in too.

Oh, my secret I said a while back was that I knew the next President of the college when people didn't yet. Anyway, they announced it last Thursday so its not a secret anymore.

I think I'm buzzing my head tomorrow. I was going to wait till after graduation, but I am kinda sick of my hair. I wish I had a cute barber I could go to.

www.askaninja.com Go there, click, watch, laugh.

And now, at 5:34 I have nothing to say. I can't play poker here, it doesnt work. I can't play WoW here either obviously. I can only blog. My internet course is dead obviously. I guess I can check SI, though I don't think I'm involved in anything on there right now.

If I ask my friend to check on 10-6 then that will make it seem like that's what I want and that I'm coming for sure. Maybe I should just call her, and talk to her myself.

My boss is the greastest. I needed 6 more hours, and since I was asked to usher my roommate and I were talking thinking we should be getting paid but he didn't think they were going to pay us. So I talked to my boss and he verified that we were going to get paid. But then that turns out to be only 4 hours, and I needed another 2. So, we are looking at it and then he says "But you have to be at practice on Thursday right? Just count that." So, I will be done with my work this week. Booyah!!

I found all the star wars music in midi form online. And now that I have speakers it doesn't ever have to be quiet in my office.

Oh, and I got an A in Greek. Didn't do as well as I was hoping on my test, but it worked out anyway.

Just sticking this here in case I want to use it later: http://www.wow-pro.com/node/600
and maybe this one: http://www.freewarcraftguides.com/sitemap.php
one more just in case: http://www.calloffate.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=37911&PN=3

4 hours down. 1 to go. 2 people have shown up. yay.

Logging off now. Going to work out early since there is no point in sitting here any longer. 9:16.


Joe said...

She is very beautiful not cute.! Hopefully you will get to meet her; so you can be more envious.

michael said...

Where did Joe's comment come from? How come I still haven't met her, Joe? How come you guys are having cleaning day on the day Isaac and Tera are coming down? And why did I fill my oxygen tank with helium instead of air?

David said...

i said "i wish i had a cute barber to go to" in one of my posts. he says shes not cute. I'm gonna tell her that, then see what she thinks.

Joe said...

Go ahead Dave you can do whatever you feel like doing. Cause your all talk and no action, because your a nice guy.

michael s. said...

Sounds like a dare to me.