Tuesday, March 6, 2007


So, my test went well. Out of 150, with potential for 155. I doubt I scored a 155 just because that would be extremely lucky of me, but I am hoping for at least a 149. Then the 1 bonus from my vocab will come over and I will have an even 100% total. We shall see. Either way, my test ave should come up a good deal.

I got a book from my pastor today. It is an exposition of the London Baptist of Confession of Faith, 1689. Looks interesting.

My roommate and I are working on getting internet at the house. They can't come till next Tuesday for setup. That's annoying because we were thinking they should come this Thursday. ah well.

As of now, I have nothing big happening (school-work-wise) until April 2nd. So, If I can get the two due the 2nd done now, and then also get this other one almost done that would be sweet.

Did you know? In 1984, Mr. Potato Head was written in on enough ballots to be recognized as a candidate for the Mayoral seat of Boise, Idaho. Found that a minute ago and thought it interesting.

Reading can help you get excited about something. If you are thinking about starting something, start reading about it. The more reading I do on how the metabolism works, and how the body uses carbs/calories/water/etc the more I want to use the info I know. I originally thought I was going on a low calorie diet, but it turns out (after a couple weeks) that this is really a low carb diet. My calorie intake is not high, but it isn't really low either. My carbs however are pretty low. After more reading I discovered that I need to stick with beans over the wheat crackers. Which, I like them better anyway, but they are a tad more expensive. I will keep an extra box around just incase I think. I haven't been watching sodium, but I am going to have to now. Tuna does have sodium. I read 2000-2500mg is about an average amount the body needs. I doubt I am getting anywhere near that, but maybe I am. /sigh, and I need to incorporate cardio into this program. Everyone says it, and I know it. . .now I just have to find a steady time where I won't cheat.

Tickets to Fl are still somewhat expensive. Hopefully they come down some.

I re-did my budget (yeah, it hasn't been a set budget since I've been here) and I figure I can make it on $40 a month in groceries. I will budget $50, just to be safe, but that's my plan. I would love to quit McD and get a day job. That would help too.

So, I'm gonna stop going to a certain website. It isn't worth the trouble it's turning into. It was fun while it lasted, and it did cause me to get some of my thoughts/writings organized and in print, but meh.

What is it to be personable? That is, to have your personality be agreeable/pleasing to others. Amiable, friendly, pleasant, good natured. . .So, I'm told I'm not. Granted, I take a lot of stuff seriously lately. I think that the majority of the time we (I include myself) spend in entertainment is wasted. I think we speak far to many idle words. I don't point elsewhere without condemning myself too.

I am right, and being right, it isn't something I can be agreeable about if someone else is wrong. There is a difference between not saying anything and being agreeable. I hate both, but I can tolerate(its still hard) being silent when I disagree. I cannot be agreeable with something incorrect. So, I make statement A, you make statement B, I'm not going to say "oh. . ." or "yeah, I see" I'm going to explain statement A, backing it, and also show the deficiency of B. And then if you want to label me contradictory, go for it. /sigh

People (including myself) don't like having their bubble infringed on. But how often do we need that? I didn't want my brother to come work at BK with me. I had found a groove there. It wasn't that I was stealing/swearing/etc, but I wasn't the light I needed to be either, and my brother working there woulda thrown my bubble out of whack.

But that is what my problem was as guild leader too (supposedly). I wasn't personable. But I wonder. . .pfft. I don't want to run through that line of thought again. I have done so 100s of times.

On a different note, McD installed 8 video cameras. What a WASTE!!! /sigh. The reasoning? So they could keep a better eye on the crew. AUGH!!!! Hire me to fix your problems. I could do it for half what you paid, probably less, but why cut myself short? ;) Seriously, if the management doesn't do their job now, video cameras are not going to fix it. We never had video cameras in my store. I do remember sitting in the office thinking "wonder what the crew are doing" So I got up, opened the door, and went to see what the crew were doing. TaDA! A fool and his money. . .It makes me want to scream: AUGUHAUHAGUHGAUHGAUHGAGAUHAUHGGAUH! I'm at the gym so that's all I get. Further, its not a closed circuit, which means, its illegal (I'm pretty sure) So, all's it will take is someone unhappy to make a phone call and they will have to change it up anyway. And the last kicker: They have cameras where they can watch the customers, specifically: playland. Yes, that calls for a sad laugh. Why do you want a camera in playland? You asking to be sued by some parent who doesn't want any legit hacker watching their kids? I mean seriously. I don't count as a legit hacker and I have already considered getting into the system. (for the fun of it of course. Although, then it wouldn't be too hard to loop it everytime I work, and then . . .) I mean, wow. Morons. Stupid.

Look at the management. IF on the other hand, they were paying their crew better. If they cared about their crew. If the managers cared about the store. IF. Then the video cameras wouldn't be needed. Then you wouldn't be wondering where your inventory was going. Then your waste would be lower and your profit higher. Yeah, someone pay me to fix stores. I have been thinking about trying it this summer. Its not a new thought, something old, but this summer would present a good opportunity.

I call up the CEO, and offer my services as a fast-food efficiency expert. I work in the store for 5 weeks, take two off, and go back for another 5. I need complete authority of course, and that's the hard part. I need to be able to fire anyone. Anyway, something I've probably put too much thought into.

I have to go set up tables and chairs in 15 minutes for something that's happening tomorrow. I could care less, but my boss asked me too, so. . .

I didn't read my Greek chapter. I will do that tonight, for tomorrow. I'm glad he cancelled homework for tomorrow; that's a nice break.

Well, that only took like 15 minutes. Sure, it was kinda annoying, but hey it was good for me. 30 tables and 90 chairs. The tables were all the really light whiteish kind. I was asked to help Mr. xxx and "his crew". He had no crew, if he had had a crew it woulda taken like 5 minutes. pfft.

Like the reading thing, the more you dwell on something that you might like you tend to filter out the bad and concentrate on the good. The more I think about being a lawyer, the more I like the idea. I am pretty sure I can handle law school. It is a PhD. Passing the bar is tough, granted. (the latest comparison was to an ordination council, but sadly, that's probly easier now days.) Doesn't it sound fun though too? Late nights, logic, suits. . .well not necessarily. My roommate has a friend who is a lawyer who specializes in debt or something. He has companies pay him to get the money back that they are owed. But apparently hes good at it, and has tons of service.

I got an e-mail about being on a volleyball team of GA's and dorm sups. I said sure. Now I can be embarrassed in front of a whole bunch of people, instead of the pool tourney where it was only like 2. The more I think about it I think, I should not do it. But, it would probably be fun. Thus the ever looming question: Appearance or preferability? I prefer to wear a hat because its cold outside, but I look better without it. I prefer to not look silly on the volleyball court, but it would be more fun to be playing. etc etc.

Slow digesting protein is what you are supposed to eat before bed. hmm, what's is slow digesting protein? So apparently its Casein protein, which stays in your system for up to 7 hours, while whey is gone within an hour. So taking whey before bed is almost a waste, but casein will continue to release the amino acids all night. . .blah blah blah. However, Casein is more expensive than whey too. (surprise) I wonder where tuna comes in. Wow . . . I don't have the money to devote to these kind of diets. I wish I did, an apple a day sounds good. Anyway, maybe later in life.

I gtg close down. ttyl.

1 comment:

michael said...

" I think we speak far to many idle words. "

Just fyi, that post is longer than War and Peace... =D