Saturday, March 10, 2007


so, my problem was bigger than I thought. I reformated my HD to find that the recovery CD I was using for my XP Home only works for an emachines! So I don't have XP home either, basically I don't have windows.

So I found Spa1 online other than with MS. Reinstall XP Pro, DL the SPa1 won't install, but I know I had gotten it before, so I find the program to change my key, change, then it works! So I get SP1, and SP2 and then spend the next 1 DL all the stuff I need. And copying from my bad HD to my good HD. /sigh, a lot of work.

Good news is our internet is smokin' fast. My roommate DL 500Mb MS07 (60 day trial) while I was DL my updates, and drivers. We were both moving along swimmingly.

Now I am working on Greek again, surprise.

Hopefully I can start listening to some of my "better" music so I can get this country out of my head. I haven't heard it in 3 days, and its still going round and round.

So I typed up my "request" It isn't as forcefull as I was partly hoping for, but it isn't pure kindness either. Its a mix, which is probably best anyway. I will wait to refine it throughout the day and then post it tonight. . .or that's the plan anyway. 10:56.

Oh yeah, and my graphics card is going. . .like the screen flickers and goes black every 15-30 seconds. Its annoying to be sure. I'm glad I have another one at home. Hopefully it fits (I think it will). I need to be able to get my onboard going until then though. 11:02

I've been having this urge to watch LotR again. I can replay most of them in my mind, but something is making me want to watch them again anyway. hmm.

Righteous anger and indignation vs. meekness. We are to have both right? Yes, we are. The two seem contradictory in nature. Of course anger is not a state of mind, but something (sin) causes us to become angry, while meekness should be a characteristic to describe us. I'm not very meek. : / I don't even know if I know how to be meek. I am right. . .well, to start I need to stop saying things like that. Meekness & humility can be obtained by a correct view of God and a correct view of man. (No, I didn't just come up with that.) Are meekness and humility the same? My whole aura says "anti-meek." My walk, my attiude, my speech. . .that's a lot to change.

Moses!! Meekest man that ever lived, but how do we picture him? As a strong leader, often probably forceful in voice, and manner. The apostle Paul. Definitely someone we do not think of as weak or mild mannered. He got plenty angry with the false teaching. But we know that his appearance and speaking was not impressive/forceful. But where/how does meekness operate in a sphere of leadership?

Meekness: calm, soft, gentle, humble, patient, forbearing, etc.

Ok, calm, generally ok, some times I over react. Soft, generally not. Gentle, nope. Humble, no. Patient, usually. Forbearing? sometimes. So I'm not meek. However, none of these indicate weak, which I think is generally associated with meek.

I'm afraid of compromise, and meekness always seems to mean compromise. My piano teacher was meek. I wouldn't have described her that way before, but she was all of the above, and especially evident when I didn't practice enough.

Patience. I've always been complimented on my patience. . .mostly by complete strangers. However, there is a huge difference between exercising patience than being patient. I do the former some, the latter I think I fail at.

/sigh, back to compromise. When is it "ok" to just let things go? I like to debate, obviously. I enjoy the analysis, and the logic involved. However, not everyone shares that love. Things are serious, but how serious is everything? If I make everything very serious then the things that are more so seem less. I need to find the method for standing just as firm in everything without having to argue everything. Sure, I don't think passing an offering plate is best, but is it worth arguing over? Sure, I don't think there should be "youth pastors" but is that worth debating? I mean, to an extent, Where do you find "youth pastor" in Scripture?!?! I can get just as riled, b/c it all comes back to a lack of knowledge of the Bible, but is it really worth debating. And the kicker here is when I don't bring it up. Someone asks me my opinion. So, I tell them and then they engage in discussion to "persuade" me. I guess that is where I "speak the truth in love." /sigh, so much to learn, so little time.

haha! its only 12:11 and I already have a ton typed up. 4.5 more hours to go.

1:46. I posted it. We will see what happens now. My prof sent a message via another admin that he has no internet since he is in Berma. A fantastic time for no internet, heh, right after he posts these questions. I am waiting for his return as some of this will be interesting.

3:53. finished Greek for today.

I think I'm going to log. I got ~35 min left, but I don't have much more to say. I might be posting Sundays now with net at the house. We will see how things work with my onboard vid. peace.

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