Friday, March 2, 2007


I love Fridays. I should always be trying to get work done but I know nothing is due the next day. It's such a great feeling.

I got the 2nd draft of my cousins paper. Going to start reading it now. Oh, btw, I'm eating chili beans, and mmmmm, they are good. Its going to be a bit more expensive (what isn't compared to oatmeal?) but they are better than the oatmeal was, and they taste good too. 5:17.

I could eat a whole can of these beans at once. I might go buy another can for Sunday dinner, mmmmmm. 6:28

We have a huge hugh school tournament going on. Started yesterday and goes through tomorrow. Apparently concessions went through all the cheese and pretzels and had to go get more like twice. A huge warm pretzel with dipping cheese sounds great right now. 6:56.

So, I have foudn myself thinking more about WoW. If I had internet out here, I might come back to play with a few select people. I don't have internet so to explore all of thottbot to find what I would want would be taunting myself. I haven't yet, but I'm sure I will tomorrow. ;)

I wish my cousin would sent me back my paper so I could post it. He said he'd probly have it done this afternoon. Its almost night time. 7:03.

So, the good news is that all the new enchants require lvl 35 items, and so any new twink that gets made is actually going to be exactly like my old twink. Cool beans. I wonder how prices are. . .did they go up since gold is so cheap, or did they go down since no1 needs the little stuff anymore? hmmm.

I can't even remember the formulas for computing dodge%, and crit%. I think its lvl/4 and lvl/2 respectively. hmmm.

I just got the the response I was looking for. He told me I need to insert some of my own words between the quotes, so I'll go over it again but its being posted tonight. YAHOO!

I finished his paper again, and am going to read it once more quickly before I send it back. 7:44.

Ok, I lied, I really didn't want to go through it a second time right now so I just sent it. I'm going to go work on my own. 7:54.

Yeah, this was me once:

Alrighty, I posted it. It turned out to be about 3 pages for the first answer, 3 for the third and a paragraph for the 2nd. I also posted a FAQ so I didn't have to answer them all the time. Such things like "yes you can be saved from any version; you can be saved from recitation of Scripture" So, we will wait and see now.

I know a couple people who will jump on it and argue till they are blue in the face, and others who will most likely not touch it at all.

I told my brother I might come back if I could get 2,000g. He said, well, you might be able to. It amazes me how easy it is to get it now. Well, sorta amazes me.

I was sooooooo close to exalted. lol, my purple tabard woulda matched my hair perfectly. I need to stop thinking about this. So I should probably close my CTprofile, heh. I'm going to get a drink and then start Greek. So, I'll post more tomorrow. Peace. 9:24.

1 comment:

michael said...

"That was the saddest postcard I ever read." - Charlie Brown.