Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stubbornness and ignorance and . . . rhyme?

The young generation is ignorant of the why behind the rules.
We don't know. We weren't taught.
The rules were hammered in, and too often the "why" was left to rot.
And so we throw the rules out, we can't stand to have them, baseless as they are.
And we continue anew, finding our standards now are very few.
We forge ourselves a path hoping it is near the truth.
Our closest counselors, those others of our youth.

The old generation is too stubborn to admit they could be wrong.
When asked the reason "why", they wax long and long.
They tell us to be safe. They tell us it is worldly.
And yet when the principle has left, they still hold those standards strong.
Despite the nonsense they then preach, they still preach it as a jewel.
And when they have young folks to teach, they hammer in the rule.

The middle ground is hard to see, the observer can't be sure.
He hates to ask his friends of glee; he sees their nonsense sure.
He sighs to ask the elderly, he doesn't want a liturgy.
He seeks the Truth unabridged. He wants the principle and rule.
And so he talks to old and young, with the Bible as his tool.
He counts on the Holy Spirit to show him the truth.

Well, there is some more poor rhyme, but I think it kinda expresses my frustrations. Of course, I need the disclaimer that not every young person is like that and not every old person is either. I have heard elderly get sharply harsh because of something that the young person says when that person needs to be guided to the truth instead of force-fed it. At the same time, I have seen young people abandon what they had been taught because of one rule that did not have basis.

I hate to be Rehoboam. It scares me to be one of those "wise" kids that doesn't need to listen to the elderly and all they have. But then I hesitate because sometimes I don't get very Biblical or logical responses. It is more of practiced rhetoric. Both are scary. The young wise kids and the old ones who quote the same thing over and over.

Another poem I wrote at school today. You may not care for the content...I'm not sure what I think about all the content myself. But a lot of it I do. So, here it is for your pleasure or not. For those that read it already, I didn't mean to repeat that one section. . .I got distracted when copying it, so here it is as is should have been.

Out with the Old

The old fashioned is gone
In with the new
We don't need a tie
Or a suit in a pew

A worship team with a screen
We'll clap to the beat
We'll sway back and forth
When Holy God we meet

We'll critique His Word
It isn't quite right
Though we rest upon it
The end of our soul's plight

No more humble awed reverence
We need to fix church to win the lost
The past church had it all wrong
We will fix church whatever the cost.

What will bring that poor soul in?
Surely, not "thees" "thous" and preaching on sin.
No, not old fashioned hymns nor words.
They've lost their fire, their zeal, their "in."

God understands when we edit His plan.
We must be modern to win the modern man.


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Anonymous said...

Hello I'm new. Awesome forum. Just found it on Bing. Thank you 4 the Nice community we have here :)

gonna check for the [url=]latest trends[/url] now, hope it's not Justin Bieber again :\