Sunday, May 3, 2009

Part 2

Read part 1 below.

So, the evening service was much better than the morning service. We have noticed that this seems to be the case. He also tends to say things like "This might go over your head if you are a newer Christian." These things make my brilliant deductive skills say that he purposefully preaches simpler messages in the morning. Tonight there were many Scripture references, and it was a insightful message.

I have often been. . .intrigued by the fact that the only thing Solomon had to do to get all his wisdom was to ask. James says that that is all we need to do. If that is all that is necessary, why aren't we asking for wisdom daily? Well, I try. I have been praying for wisdom for years....mostly it involves a particular circumstance about which I need wisdom but I pray for general wisdom too. I have noticed some things where I have been given wisdom but it isn't so much what I thought it would be. Wisdom to shut up. Wisdom to listen to older wiser men. The PACEs ask, what is wisdom? Well, there it is. "Shut up and listen." I jest, yet, in that I have learned to be quiet and listen, I have gained more wisdom. God uses methods and sometimes those methods are to listen to wiser people explain things to us. I guess this paragraph is followup to the verses from Proverbs where it speaks of fools talking.

On top of that thought, which I was thinking on the way to church, Pastor spoke of being filled with the Spirit as we are commanded in Ephesians 5. "but be filled with the Spirit." Then he closed with a verse that I have never remembered reading or being referenced (very hard to pull off on me) in Luke 11. After showingthe disciples the Lord's prayer and then telling them to have importunity in all they ask, Christ concludes with: "how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?" Voila! Right here is pretty much the same principle from James only applying to the Holy Spirit. Maybe it is the smallness of my thinking that likes to point out the particulars that this applies too. But this doesn't just apply to things like the above, but also to anything that God desires of us. 1 John 5: 14-15. So, it was a very encouraging sermon.

I have the seed of a thought in my mind that was supposed to go in the first blog but I just cannot place it. . .

There are 1010 calories in a double whopper with cheese. In case you were wondering. Also, in case you were wondering, I burn approximately 1700 calories if I sleep all day. So, considering I don't sleep all day....meh, who am I kidding? It was still a LOT of calories. It was the Angry Whopper, and it was fantastic. I think though, that I find lots of tasty foods fantastic after eating almost all tuna for a few weeks. I do take weekends off.

I miss Roast Beef/Pork. We haven't had it since like august, and I think last time we were home we may have had Lasagna twice and no roast. =( *hint hint*

I hate walking. . .I need to find an activity that I can enjoy that will be my daily cardio. Unfortunately, we don't know what that is. Yes, we have a pool, but swimming laps in this isn't the easiest and it breaks the first rule: I need to enjoy it. There are ninjitsu classes next door to the apartment. I have thought about signing up. I still want a black belt. In three years I could have one. It just occured to me that that would be a family first...right? I can't bench 300, I don't have a PhD, I can't fly a plane, but I have a black belt.....hmm. Doesn't have quite the same ring, but its still something.

FYI, within the grammatical bounds of the English language, it is possible to use the word "that" seven times in a row. No more. Some of you knew that. Some of you probably didn't.

I think that's it for today...I'm gonna try something crazy tonight: I'm gonna go to bed at 10pm. *gasp*



Varda said...

Finally made it through both of your new posts. Good stuff. :) You have my sympathies about the 15 verses of Just As I Am. . . At Calvary in Watertown it was annoying. Not nearly that bad, more like 7 verses, but yeah.

I really liked the second to last paragraph on your first installment. I understand exactly what you mean about the finances thing. I don't get it either. And the faith thing. Been thinking about that one myself. Anyway. Good stuff; nice food for thought. :)

VanSneak said...

Wow, I haven't checked your blog for a while and WHAM!