Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I find that I like to use some of the same phrases too often. I borrow from Hamlet. . .I like when I think in similar terms. I like thinking in terms of Shakespeare, Twain, Dickens, Turretin, Whitaker, etc. I wish I did more. I don't read enough to keep my thoughts like that. I try.

Every day at school the Bible teacher runs some copies of the crosswords out of the daily paper. So, Matt sat down and grabbed one one day, and so I did too. (Things like that are always better with someone to compare notes with.) I came home and told Kaylynn and within a few days we had a website ( http://www.boatloadpuzzles.com/playcrossword ) that had 1,000s of crosswords. So, after a week or two we got a book, and now we do crosswords, about everyday. Of course, the ones online have a lot of repeats. So do the ones in the paper. It is good for me. Ever since watching my great Grandma do them over and over I have thought about how good it would be for me. . .I'm glad to have finally started.

I miss blogging. But I can't blog at school, and that is when I have the most time. I would like to blog more though...

I have been reading my Java book again. Of course, my free time is all at school after class. And I can't fit the book in my bag, so I don't spend as much time as I would like reading it. I would like to read all sorts of things.

I started an idea for a book. I have a few pages of notes, etc. I want to write. I think I can. . .but I need WAY more research before the book actually goes. That means I need time and access to a library. I started reading some ideas, and read that one of the most important facets to writing a book is to be consistent. If I write one page a day, then within two years, I will have a book. Then editting, etc. While this might take a long time, it also seems it could prevent getting discouraged. I have often gotten discouraged when I would try to do something. I would try by scheduling lots of time or effort to something to finish it in like a month or something. Too much work, and not enough time always meant that I didn't finish.

So, I start again. This time I think I'm doing better. Except the research part is a HUGE snag. I don't have time for research. I don't have easy access to a good library. Which means, even though now, I may have a good plan, and a good outline, and some good starting notes. I don't have a personal library large enough to do this. I know PhD's with enough books in their personal library. I don't think I will ever own all the books I know now I need to reference, besides all the books I'm not even aware of yet. Phooey.

Students talk about WoW. Steve and Tim and Matt and I talked about it a bit this past weekend. I asked Matt if it made him want to play. I don't think I miss it. But I do think I miss something about it. It isn't WoW I miss. . .maybe its the social aspect. Maybe its the running the guild. Maybe its the fact that the things I was doing I was good at. I played through Diablo a few weeks ago. Several times. I played a mage for the first time. I enjoyed it.

What now? What more should I be doing? I'm working on a book (maybe.) I'm trying to read regularly. (need more variety in reading though). I'm trying to learn Java (still.)

God has blessed greatly in the last couple months. Free: bed, dining room table, 4 chairs, office chair, card table, couch, reclyner, two TVs, 3 end tables, 2 dressers, 3 stools, 2 mirrors, shower curtains, bath rugs, 2 lamps, book shelf, microwave, and probably lots of other stuff I can't remember. Amazing. We have so much far sooner than I anticipated.

We are trying to be content, and when looking at God's blessings, it isn't too hard.

Church shopping is interesting. We have been to a couple KJVO, Independent, Baptist. Doctrinal statements all right. But the one pastor is quite arminian in preaching (seems to think he is responsible for getting people down to the altar.) The other pastor seems shallow, but it might just be this series. We are leaning towards the latter for a few reasons, one of which is that I am sick of the arminian stuff.

We both miss friends and family. We have a busy couple weeks coming up. Siblings here tomorrow, and parents in a week and a half.

Planning/living with a budget is interesting. . .anyway, my time is about up. I got stuff to do and the battery is low....hi to all.

I try to call now and then...but you can call to. Don't forget it: friends/friendships take work. Don't let them go to waste.


1 comment:

Varda said...

Hey! You blogged! :) Cool. Is your book fantasy? If it is, how much research can you really do? If it isn't, what kind of universe are you looking at?