Friday, October 31, 2008

Oct 31st.

The new bond looks cool. Its weird that they moved the release date back. We were well aware that it was coming out on the 7th since that is Kaylynn's birthday, but now it is out on the 14th. Not a big deal though.

School seems busy. I took a day off when we had Josiah & Karleen down. It took me almost all week to catch up with the grading. Stats kids were way out of hand the other day. I sent three to the office. /shrug. Gotta do what ya gotta do.

They asked for handouts, and maybe that is a good idea. I can give handouts. It will be more work each week, but I can do it.

I had lunch duty again this week. It is annoying for a few reasons. 1. I can't go home for lunch to see my wife and Will. 2. I have to watch and pick up after disrespectful kids who should know how to throw their trash out. 3. My prep time is disrupted. I like to use lunch period to prep for the class immediately following. It is harder when I'm sitting at a picnic table away from my desk.

I haven't picked up my Java since the last time I blogged. Company and school have kept me preoccupied. /shrug. I can see how getting an advanced degree with a family is very difficult.

On that note, MBBC is offering an M. Div. now. This is the degree that is waaay better than what I was going for, and would be more widely recognized. My credits will of course all apply. I believe I have 32, if I figure correctly. The downside of course is that the new degree requires....wait for it......96 hours!! doh! That means a lot more credits. I took about 6-8 per semester while I was living there.


1. Move back and finish working fulltime and going to school fulltime. bleah! The thought of living in WI, the thought of cold (real cold), the thought of working a poor paying job supporting a wife, and possibly some kids (well, we are talking the future here) while attending school fulltime. bleah!!

2. I could take 1-3 online classes a year; depending on what they offer, and depending on the money issue. That way, we stay whereever we happen to be; I just take some classes in addition to work. In addition, MBBC offers module courses. These are courses where the entire classroom period fits in one week. The three papers and test, then get mailed in, up to 9 weeks later.

3. I don't need to finish with an M. Div, and then I can just finish what I have via internet/module.

I'm guessing 2 is my option.

I would like to be back in class. I miss the classes. I never thought I would say that, but yeah, I do miss the classes.

I want to argue something. Not as in the common connotation of argue. I want to present logical thought-out argumentation that someone or something is right and someone or something is wrong. I want to be dogmatic and sure. But, here, I'm not met with anything. . .sure the music is dumb, and the kids are brats. The most theology I talk about is dumb little stuff in the library. bleah! bleah I say!!

Every now and then I talk to someone on the phone who has something. . .but not often enough.

Mike V told me he was going to call to talk about "nothing." That was two weeks ago. So, here I am not knowing anything about "nothing."

I need to argue fundamentalism or versions, or calvinism, or redemption or SOMETHING!!!

Anyway...I can't even think of anything to just argue blindly here. I can argue when something makes me frustrated/mad. But I can't sit here and type out a arguement for total depravity when I have no source to direct it at.

I need to exercise my brain. I can't write much more notes for a book that I have no sources to cite.

Idk, maybe I should try to start an exegesis of a book. Just work my way through little by little through each verse/chapter/etc. That's probably a good idea. I probably won't do it either. Oh well.

Parents will be here in the morning. Exciting. Its nice having family come to visit. Its nice having furniture for them to sit on too.

I should go...cake and ice cream sound good.


1 comment:

Varda said...

The furniture comment made me laugh. :)

And I know exactly what you mean about needing to argue stuff. I understand completely. I'm very much looking forward to Thanksgiving and hopefully some good theological discussions. :) And Christmas. =D Can't wait for Christmas.