Wednesday, September 10, 2008

to blog

I have thought about writing some short poetry lately. . .but the kids in Matt's class have been coming up with some "ok" to deep stuff. It makes me not want to, because instead of just letting it flow, I would be trying too hard to make it fit. That isn't the type of writing I need to do. I don't write for a living, so I just write what flows.

Class is weird. I am making tons of mistakes. I am learning lots.

I have had very little parent interaction. Which somewhat scares me. . .I have caught up a lot with the "teaching" and kid interaction, but parent stuff I know I don't know how to do.

Watching movies with some kinda swear removal is weird. . .especially when even the taped TV versions have some kind profanity in that silent moment.

Jenn blogs regularly. It is great. Keep it up. Btw, we are happy that things are going better. . .very happy.

Although, all the boy comments are interesting....but I think in the end they make me happy too. Just be careful. I don't want to have to tell Micah to take advantage of his security job to take care of some kid. ;)

I would recommend buying the Name of the Wind. Thanks to Matt for the recommendation.

The new MTG set looks cool. I have seen some cards I would probably play. But, you know . . . when you spend 30 minutes during class breaks to look at a budget, MTG takes a back a great many things. I guess growing up has to happen some time....when you get poor.

I talked to the gym guys (don't know their names yet). They said I could get into the weight room early on school days if I wanted. I plan on lifting again, starting in a week or two.

I'm fat.

My wife makes the most delicious cookies. WOW! mmMMmm

I wish I could blog at school...It would make it easier.

Anyway, I need to go. Have a good night, and weekend. Remember, if you want to stay in touch with people, or be friends, you have to work at being friends, and have to call them. . .don't just expect them to call you.....I'm trying to remember this, and slowly making the rounds. But, if I get swamped and forget this little piece...CALL me. Peace.


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You blogged! :D YAY!!! :)

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