Tuesday, July 29, 2008

So there have been comments (literally here on the blog, and others) about my last blog being published out of guilt....uh, no.

It is not a contradiction to say what has previously been said, and to say that sometimes it is fine, and right to miss church. Yes, right.

Everyone that might read this knows this. If you are puking with the flu then don't go to church. Agreed? ok, so there is my point.

Now on to other things.

Speed of service. It is the little things that matter. I know everyone rushes around like crazy when we get a $15 order to ensure it goes out in 2:00 or less. But seriously, what about that 1 medium drink order? or that 1 Jr.? The rush isn't there, because we all know that that order will go out in well under 2:00, and without work will probably be around 1:30-1:40. But that is the mistake many make. If you work even on the orders you don't think you have to, then you end up with no a 1:40, but rather a 1:10.

The 6-7 minute orders are sometimes (rarely, but sometimes) unavoidable. This means that no matter what you do, the car is going to take as long as they please. But, if you work hard on those 1:10 orders, then your 5-7 7 minute orders will average out to under 2 minutes. If you don't work hard then your average is not dropping. And you end up with a 3:00 and you show up poorly in the daily/weekly SOS numbers.

My crew works hard, and so we are coming in 2-3 in the entire market. . .the other managers don't like me too much.

Do any of you care about this? probably not....but hey, I blogged.


Varda said...

Aye, but you weren't puking. Yes, if something is wrong, by all means, don't go to church. Nothing was wrong. Therefore, we all think you should be there. And when that many trust-worthy people think you should be there, maybe you should reconsider why you weren't, eh? Just a thought.

Varda said...

Oh, and I knew that wasn't why you wrote it. I just thought it was a little. . . . . hypocritical. Or maybe ironic is a better word.

David said...

No, I wasn't puking. But frankly it isn't any of your business why we weren't there. I'm kinda surprised you are being so judgmental. You have no clue, and you make the blanket statement that "Nothing was wrong."

The example of puking was to point out that sometimes it is right to not go. And maybe, rather than assume that your family (would you assume so with Christian brothers/sisters? . . .hope not.) are in sin, maybe use some charity and think no evil.

Varda said...

Oh, well that's different if something were wrong. I could have sworn that Dad asked and you said no, but anyway. Also, that wasn't judgmental. Judgmental would have been, "You sinned. Repent."

You can't think no evil to the point that you you start winking at sin. So there has to be a line where you don't assume someone is doing the right thing. And questioning someone is by no means condemning them or proof of a lack of love.

By the way, I didn't accuse you of sinning or assume you are/were. In fact, I've been very careful not to do that because I don't know the specifics and I generally trust you.

michael said...

Jenn is more right than wrong here. The enitre post was illogical in light of what you allowed us to know. Sure, it's not any of our business, but you just published a post and that tells us we can apply that (the post) to you as well. Applying the post to you makes you look, as she said, hypocritical.

All's I'm saying is, Jenn was joking, the post, at least on the surface, seemed hypocritical, and if you're allowed to say things like "Let's pretend that church is where we go to worship almighty God," then she is allowed to say, "yeah, let's."

P.S. No one really cares that you missed that Sunday School. It happens. That's not the issue.