Thursday, May 8, 2008

been too long

Well, here I sit again (back home at my old desk, with one monitor). . .I'm supposed to be studying for a phone interview but I've been doing that for over an hour now, so I needed a break.

Last time I blogged I had 50 days until my wedding. Now I have been married for 13 (counting today). It feels good.

So, what's going on in my life? That's what you all came here to find out isn't it? Well. . .

I'm back in Michigan for a bit. We are staying with my parents while we try to figure out the next move. I walked into BK and got lined up for a second interview tomorrow for management. I have had 4 different store managers at this store. The second one, who also probably did the best job, is back. We got along generally, so I could probably have the job if I wanted it.

After I got home I got a phone call from a possible job in San Diego, CA. I had an initial interview right then. That went well, so she sent me a test. 4 programming problems in an hour. I finished that Tuesday evening and sent it back. Got the results yesterday. I scored well with one of their toughest graders. So, now I have another phone interview this afternoon. The stuff she sent me to study (which is what I was doing before I started blogging) is stuff I have never looked at or cared about. So, now I'm worried. If I pass this interview they fly me out there for an openhouse next Wed. Then if that goes well, I have to work Thur and Fri. If that all turns out, I get offered the job. whew!

So, now I study to see if I can pass this afternoon test. If I don't I still go to BK to get a management job for a temporary income. If I get it, I forget BK and hope my time out in CA goes well.

We are praying that I just get whatever job I'm supposed to get. This company is not a place I would have chosen to work if I had been the one to choose. However, it is the furthest I have gotten in my search. I put several resumes in with some very respectable places. . .but I probably won't get in there, until after I have worked in the field for a 5 years or so.

Anyway. . .moving on. My wife and I have both been sick this past week. Honeymoon was good, and then we got bad colds and sinus problems the week after.

Wedding was beautiful, imo. But many others second that opinion.

My Uncle Pete does such a good job. But what I enjoy most is that he enjoys it. He is truly happy, and his smile is genuine. It makes for a happy time. I was glad for everyone that was able to make it. Hadn't seen some of you guys in some time.

It is really nice to see people truly happy for other people.

It is nice being out of WI. We haven't missed the constant stress and worrying at all. We talked to some of the kids earlier. Things aren't going so well out there I guess. Apparently the Mr. and Mrs. . .dad and mom? Greg and Belinda? anyway, apparently they are in depression. . .probably worse than if Kaylynn had died. They won't stand up to sing hymns in church and stuff. . .the kids are embarrassed, because they are acting like old people.

No one had to be escorted out or locked in a closet at the wedding. That's always a plus.

Josiah asked me if I was still doing push-ups. Expected my dad to ask me before anyone else. Anyway, I need to start doing them again. Should do situps too.

I'm probably gaining weight with no job and consistent meals.

I would like to start lifting regular again. Maybe I'll just run down stairs and use some of the stuff we have here. Just to get started, and get back into it.

I should get back to studying for this interview soon. I was nervous about this test because I haven't done anything like this and it has been a while since I programmed. But then it looked easy. The only problem was trying to remember stuff I hadn't used in a while.

Now, these questions aren't even on my list of all the stuff I need to study. So, that list has gotten bigger and I have gotten more nervous.

There is a Bible conference down in GA starting Monday. I wanted to go, but didn't realize it was so soon. It is being offered as graduate credit. One final and one 15 page paper. Easy 2 credits.

Pete is brainstorming about a website for the Textual debate topic. He wants to start another institute, beginning with this website. I was asked to be the site admin once the site is up and running. I'm excited. We have tons of details to work out and everything. . .about a lot of stuff.

He's hinting towards further degrees again. He's not pushing like he used to though. . .and tbh, as much as I find the regular brainwashing of students disgusting, part of me still wants to keep going so I can get another degree. . .after I finish the one I'm working on. We will see where the Lord leads. Any school I look at says my degree was pretty much wasted and I need another ~6 years work before I start my PhD. BJU might let me start as soon as I finish what I have. Would I rather have a ThM from Calvin, and a PhD from Westminster? Sure. . .but its me, lol. I'm not going to be in full time school for another 10 years. pfft.

I sent a resume to FL to see about teaching math in a Christian school. It was kinda out of the blue, but the thought was exciting to me. Doubt it will really work out, but it opened a possibility in my mind that I hadn't considered in a while. So, now its open.

Keep praying we will get a good job where God wants us to.

I don't really know if I should even take this management job here in town. I feel like I could be gone in two weeks. But I might be here for 3-6 months too. bleh! Only God knows.

Hopefully Memorial weekend will be fun. I haven't seen Mike and Em and Alice since I've been back. . .there is a problem there. If I move to CA, we probably won't be back for the 4th this year. Definitely Christmas though (Lord Willing).

I need to go. Hopefully people will start blogging again.

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