Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday post!!

So I dont usually post on Sunday. But today was a good day. God is good. Just no getting around it. So much to be thankful for.

My roommate left yesterday to go home for the weekend b/c they were having a big Garage sale weekend. He came back with a free Vacuum. We didn't have a vacuum for the whole year. Once we borrowed one, but think about that for a min. 3 guys living in a house without a vacuum. YUCK! So that was a blessing for sure. I can now not worry bout stepping on piles of dead bugs on my floor.

Church went well. We were packed tonight because the Acad musical grp showed up. It was good. Singing, bells, and then one preached. He did a good job. Better than I would have thought he would do. Better than I ever remember doing. I heard people say after "You can tell hes called to be a preacher." I couldn't, but it made me think of how bad I had wished I was for w/e reason. I'm not saying I won't or wouldn't, but just don't think that's what I'm supposed to do.

We had a College and Career thing after the service. I wanted to mention it to this girl who I wanted to get to know. We never really had a conversation but we were at least cordial to each other. Anyway, she walked out with her family while I was having a conversation with some other people. I watched and felt "rats." Then they walked back in and after a moment I was able to let her know we were going. And she asked if I was and didn't really give any indication as to whether she would show or not.

She did. And after some talking etc, I changed seats and then we talked for a bit. However, one girl wanted to engage me on the Bible issue. So I let her. I had a captive audience. The people who woulda disagreed were already sitting in a poor place to voice that, and then they just kept to themselves for the most part. Question after question. When one group went to leave, the one lady said she has a bunch of good tapes agreeing with me. I think it was all she could think to say that let me know she agreed even though she was silent the whole time.

One girl only left the topic after her ride told her she had to go. She wants to e-mail me about it. I'm game. She doesn't know, and I don't mind telling her. She has honest questions. Those are the best kind.

I ended up being the center of attention; which honestly, isn't hard in that grp. I think I worked for it, which looking back bothers me a bit, but those grps are always so dull, that what I did wasn't really for my attention, as much as to make things more lively. It could be viewed otherwise though. Then it was just 3 of us. The pastor's son, myself, and the girl. We talked for another 30 minutes probably. Idk what he was thinking. Wish I did. I never really got to know him. This was our first real conversation I think. But hes a cool guy and his best friend was one of my first friends out here.

We all walked out together, and then after he walked to his car she said she better say goodbye. Then she said I could e-mail her. Basically, made my night.

Funny, because it just so happens that I get to talk to this girl the week AFTER school gets out. I leave in 5 days. Oh well. We talked for a bit, and she asked a lot of questions, which kinda surprised me but I didn't mind answering.

I knew that I could handle the situation once I got to it. It was getting to it that had me baffled.

Anyway, I thought about keeping it a secret, but really, those of you who read this are probably the people I would have said "hey keep this a secret. . . ." So, yeah, w/e.

One of the girls/ladys played out of my sisters song book again. Butchered the song again too. /sigh. My roommate heard me say that and was like "wow, shes been playing for like 10 years." Yeah, my sister is just that good.

He also said I better leave before she gets here or I'm going to have my hands full with guys to deal with. /shrug. I can deal with them. =D

j/k Jenn

I know two different people who are both keeping secrets about some situations. Some of them are very close situations, but I only hear bits and pieces from either side, and neither side will let me tell the other. I'm in the midst of a web and if I don't tread carefully I will end up in trouble. Ok, not really, its not near that bad, but its kinda funny watching both sides, and me being privy to much of it.

My roommate and I already have great plans for next year. If the Lord wills we will do this or that. Yeah, if the Lord wills.

Gas is up to 3.20. It will cost me almost $100 to get home I bet. That is no good. Its going to cost me a bundle to go to work in Mt. P. too. Such is the boundary and the price of immortailty. Ok maybe not, but that quote did fit there.

I'm still a lvl 30 unfortunately. I was getting ganked by a stupid rogue, so I hopped on my favorite mage to camp them. I killed every horde I saw. 70 hunter going to just sit there and look at me. I killed him, then the 30 pally with him. I killed them all and went looking for more. I camped the rogue as long as I could, but rogues are easy to lose. Then I helped a dps twink pally get the arena chest. Stupid pally.

I put gel in my hair this morning because it was puffy. Then tonight I kinda just let it wasn't the best looking, but it wasn't horrid. Yet, this night I get asked to take offering. So I'm in front of the whole church with fluffy hair. Hey, I can't complain after tonight.

I have a theory that if you log while dead you get rested XP. Twice I have logged, near Nessingways, but not in it, and dead, and when I come back I have half a bubble rested xp. I won't be running to BB. I can kill myself easier than that.

The cherry pepsi I drank is wearing off. But im 1 bubble from lvling

The one thing that coulda made this day better though, is if I had caught both the rare fish I needed in the contest. Yeah, that woulda done it, lol. But I'm not complaining.

We rented movies yesterday. Stupid stupid movies. What a waste of like....7 hours.

I lvl'd. But I then got immediately ganked by a 34, and 32 druid. The 34 couldn't one shot me and I could run, so he got a buddy. Oh well, I'm logging anyway. I'm tired. I should go put my second load of laundry in. brb.

I've been reading "The last twelve verses of Mark" by D. J. W. Burgon. I enjoy reading stuff by scholars. It is nice to read something that is not fluff. Grad school material is built for grad school. The text books are not student lvl, but they still talk down, and attempt to simplify. I like being forced to stop and actually read it. I flew through my NTI book. Flew. I sit down to read Turretin and I have a hard time not reading a paragraph multiple times, let alone skipping a word. Thinking if good for the brain.

Which, I happen to dislike emotion. We watched Equilibrium again Friday. It was good, but it reminded me of the frailty of emotion. Emotion is often subjective, and removes the objective. You don't think when you act emotionally, and emotions are capable of overriding the brain. When you do that you are in for a LOT of trouble.

But then you get to my extreme. I like black and white, right and wrong. Objective, logical conclusions that have been reached with solid reasoning. (btw, while I'm thinking on it, I heard recently there were a lot of people who were happy when I left the guild. Though I new some disagreed I didn't know any were flat out happy/relieved. That pauses me to stop and think. Which my brother had been trying to tell me for a long time. /sigh)

But, you stick feelings into a situation and you get stuck with the top grammaton cleric crying in broad daylight. noob.

On the other hand, feelings enable things that would otherwise seem impossible. Feeling of anger, feeling of entrapment. What's the saying? Always let them have a way of escape because then they won't fight as if they have nothing to lose. Something along those lines. It is the feeling that drives that. If it was logic, you would fight like that all the time. Your brain cant believe it is a matter of life and death when it knows of possible escape.

Further, it is often in moments of desperation that great feats are accomplished. Samson killed how many men with the jawbone of an ass? Yup. Idk whether he was scared or not, but thats a lot of people to kill and I doubt he thought he could out run them.

Which brings me to the next point. All the logic you ever have cannot prepare you for the inevitable feat accomplished by your foe. It is bound to happen. You can best prepare to minimize the chances and the damage that is done, but you cannot predict what it is, nor what the result will be. Sun Tzu woulda had something to say about this I'm sure. Know your enemy and know thyself. Neo only knew himself. It took him a LONG time to know Smith. If he woulda had Sun Tzu instead of the oracle he woulda been better off. Ok, obviously not, but I wanted to say it anyway.

No, I have not been reading the art of war lately, but it is a good book and should be read by everyone. If you haven't do it. You can find it for free online, or borrow it from me.

Well, I just realized I really need to get over to the office and fill out my time card before the morning. I really don't want to, but hey, its the last time this semester. I'll try to write sometime else. Feel free to call me. I got a module this week, but my evenings are open. peace.


Joe said...

You dont blog you write chapters in a book. You the man; way to go you got the girls e-mail and dont cut your hair she likes it.

michael said...

Exciting news.

I read it all, and it didn't seem to drag. You characters seemed realistic, and I like the cliffhanger ending. Plus, there was just the right amount of "will they / won't they get-together" angst.

Varda said...

lol! Mike, you're so funny. =D

Were you kidding about your roommate saying that or about dealing with the guys? 'Cause the two both seem to be about the same amount of unbelievable.

michael said...

His roommate really said that.

David said...

yeah, Mike's always.