Thursday, May 31, 2007

the scoop!

She is amazing.

So, e-mail progressed into IM which turned into phone conversations. We have talked every day this week for a few hours. We are not a couple, and she is not my gf. "What is this paradox?" you ask. I need to talk to her dad. So, yeah. . .technically.

In other news:

I am missing one BoE for my second twink, and I picked up several pieces of other twink gear for a mage if I ever decide to go that route. It also turns out that some of the stuff that we thought was going to be inacessible to twinks after the patch still is. This means I could really make any number of twinks. Something to consider, but I really haven't played much lately.

The summer is going slow.

I was invited to a BBQ, and "just a BBQ." They made sure to lmk that there would be no alcohol, etc. Just a BBQ with some friends. They are making sure they do it before I go back to school to. It appears I was a factor in the planning for this. /shrug. I will probably go.

Anyway, don't have too much more to say. Kinda frustrated with work again. I am comfortable and getting complacent. My dad says I can't make waves. . . . . . .I'm so good at making waves. And its not intentional, really. I just see what needs to be done, and comment. oops.

3 weddings this year....hmmm.

Alright, I'm gonna check the AH. ttyl.


Joe said...

not "officially" your girlfriend and you are already thinking about marrying her this year.
Very cool though very cool

Varda said...

*poke!* You got shot with one of cupid's little arrows! :D *dancing* Weeeeeeeeee!!! Hehehe.

David said...

wait....i never said I was thinking of getting married this year! I need to talk to her dad in order to date her.

David said...

oh and the 3 weddings are Zach's, Jess's, and Ashlie's

VanSneak said...

Whew, cleared that one up quick eh my friend, eh?

michael said...

Ah, spring. That magical time of year when a young man's fancy turns to love.