Wednesday, December 30, 2009

church decisions

So, after a lot of discussion and thought, I have come to some conclusions. I am still uncertain if I'm beginning with those, or with the the recent church experiences. Yeah, let's start with those.

We heard that we should try a church that was another 35-40 minutes away. So, we did. We went in the morning. We sat in the back. Another man sat in front of us. He noticed several other people greeting us, and so he turned around to greet us too. He was also a visitor he said. He was the original pastor of the church we were at which he started some several years ago. In the conversation we mentioned we were from MI. I'm assuming that was the reason that he then did something surprising. He recommended another church. He was talking in a whispered voice. More along the humorous tone than a hushed secretive tone. He assumed we were "independent," then went on to say he was part of the Southern Baptist Convention. "Heretics" he said, then chuckled. He was a nice guy. The service was horrible. The preaching was just a mess. The pastor's kid I had seen and recognized from MBBC. He recognized us too. The pastor's wife was a talker...took us a while to get out. It was a mess.

In the evening service, we went to the church recommended by the pastor at the other one. It was better. Preaching was some of the best we had heard in a long while. (Not to say it was great. It wasn't. Just better than some.) The music wasn't bad. Wasn't exactly traditional; wasn't real modern either. The beat was not at all heavy. The melody was fine. The words however were new, and on a screen. I am not opposed to a screen all the time. However, when they are new songs, and there is no music to follow, it makes it very weird. I was not able to take part in the worship. I wanted to sing. I didn't know the tune. The words were on the screen, but I could not sing and make a joyful noise unto the Lord. That was the same tonight. I don't like screens. I like reading music.

The preaching Sunday was ok. Like I said, not great. It was satisfactory for the last Sunday night of the year. It was understandable with much application. But it was not deep. It was not something that would be good if it typified the regular messages at the church. My fear is it did. We will have to wait to find out. Tonight was not good. There are two screens. One behind the pastor; one behind the congregation. The pastor's notes on the screen. Well, tonight he couldn't keep a sentence together without referencing the wall. It interrupted his sentences, and his thought patterns. Now, he did have two funerals today with graveside services. So, he had an exhausting day. So, again, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. That has been our church experience this week.

Now, on to my conclusions regarding churches, and memberships, and all that good stuff that drives a man insane. We have been looking for a long time. Over a year. We have been disgusted, discouraged, and downhearted. We have talked to a lot of people. We have thought this through from many different angles. Different things have appealed to us. We have bent on things we didn't want to.

The question is really, "How important is church attendance and/or membership?" If, attendance is really really really important, than maybe that outweighs the importance of some other doctrine, preference, etc. If membership is important, that changes things too.

The Bible places importance on fellowship and joining to a local church. This importance is not to be neglected nor is it voided by the importance the Bible places on other things.

Important things: (1) If we find a Baptist church, we are less likely to encounter stuff like baby baptizing, or elder rule. (2) If they hold to the KJV then the Word of God will go forth. It never returns void, and so God's Word will accomplish what He wills it to accomplish. (3) Arielle needs to be in church. She needs to get into the habit of being there. She needs to know it is important for her parents to be in church and on time. She needs to know we understand the importance of the Word of God. She won't get a lot of that in the beginning. But she will get the habit. She will learn to sit still and listen. And, by the age of three, she will have some of the habit. (4) It is important for us to be around the saints too. We need it even when we think we don't. Praising God, singing, giving, and hearing the Word preached is something we can't measure in a tangible way. It is amazing how much difference it makes to be in God's house. (5) If we are in church, we can make a difference. We can serve. We can be active. We can be an encouragement to others. We can do those things. The stories I have heard of the Calvinists being the most active witnesses at the church could not have taken place if they had not joined the church where such a thing like that would be noticed. I need to be faithful in the smaller things. I need to go on visitation. I need to go door-to-door. I haven't done that before. I need to be involved. Before, I was thinking I needed to teach, and so I wouldn't join a church where that wouldn't happen. Maybe I shouldn't be starting by asking and telling the stance on Calvinism. Oh well.

Anyway, so there is our decision. Maybe I'll post some of it on facebook, so all the others with some input can read our reasoning.

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