Sunday, October 18, 2009

part 3. . .

So, I have had a bit of interest in this topic. Obviously.

I made my conclusion and then the church we attended today had different music. Music different than I would hear up north. Different than what I hear in chapel. Different than all of that. It had a beat. It was not hugely obvious. They played canned music. But the beat was not the focal point. It was not wrong.

Then I started thinking, maybe it would be wrong in some churches. One song would have driven some people crazy. The piano played a nice offertory but it was backed with canned music that was different. The question that would be asked by many is, "Why add that to that beautiful song?" Does that make it wrong? To add that? I can't say it does. But, if that song was played up north, then the purpose would have driven many to question the purpose, and they would not have been driven to worship or glorify God. Does that mean that in the right setting it is "ok" and in others it isn't? Is the fact that we can't appreciate the music a problem on our part? Are we not eating meat that we could be eating?

On to other things. I'm a chicken. I sat at a table listening to people talking about stuff and said very little. I don't know how to interact with people. It isn't that I'm really chicken. It is more that I honestly am not sure when to start talking when someone else is. They sit there and say something and someone else says something and they say something again, and it goes back and forth and I just don't pipe up unless I have an obvious space. It bothers me. What is the difference between that setting and sitting in the basement arguing anything? I feel more comfortable to say what I want? Maybe.

It also bothers me that I seem to be dumbfounded when I hear some things. I am good at arguing the intricacies of our doctrines, but the bigger picture I'm finding myself just quiet. This guy at work argues things I would never have imagined hearing, and I find I'm unsure how to respond. It makes me feel slow. I hate that.

I read a verse the other day that seemed to fit very well with some conversations I have been having. A little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump. A little false doctrine or a few poor choices can ruin all the worship. Every false step in any systematic lends itself to a heretical doctrine down the road.

I've been reading Galatians a lot lately. I have been studying it as if I was going to preach through it. I figured I needed to study something Bible related in addition to just reading something Bible related. So, I've been spending time reading Galatians with that mind set. I hope to start writing on it soon. But one thing that keeps occuring to me as I read it is that Paul pronounces cursing on any that preaches any other Gospel. We want to ignore those things and go with them to conferences. We want to think that those Methodists, Lutherans, non-denominationalists, Catholics, etc, are just a little misinformed. Not cursed. Well, Paul says it twice, just in case someone thinks he might be exaggerating. Hes not. Then he says the leaven thing.

We fight with these two principles. We are to love the brethren. We are to strive for unity. We are to bear others' burdens. We are to separate ourselves from heresy. Doctrine is divisive. Because these things can be hard decisions, we must be close to the Lord. We must walk with God if we are to make the right decision in each instance.

If you are a Calvinist, say it. It just means you believe those 5 points. If you are a Baptist, say it. Don't hide behind bland labels. Biblicist. Non-denominational. What are these things? I don't get it. I want you to tell me what you believe. These labels tell me you are too chicken to name what you believe; OR, you really have no stance on some of this and you need to start reading your Bible and come to decisions on what it says.

I was talking to someone else this week and I mentioned that I love reading God's Word and studying it and he said, "You know that every believer should be able to say that?" He's right. Every believer should be able to say that. They should mean it with all of their hearts that they desire and long for God's Word and love spending time in it.

My wife cheers for the Steelers. I cheer for the Vikings. Next week they play. The Vikings are undefeated. Go them. Still don't like Favre though.


Zack Shrout said...

Dude how can you not like Favre? He has a huge part in your team being 6-0! I mean... I don't like him because he pulled off an amazing play to beat the 49ers... but you should like him!

David said...

Favre has been the captain of the viking's enemy for years; besides, i've never like him anyway. Now hes a traitor, and a wavering fellow, and i still dont like him.

Zack Shrout said...

Fair enough... I guess you can root for the team and not the player. I only wonder what team he will be on next year.