Saturday, August 18, 2007

blogging PC

So, I'm back to my blogging PC. My boss asked if I would mind supervising today even though the gym isn't generally open this early. I needed the house since I took some days off and didn't start till the 6th, so, I took it. Should be easy. Who really wants to come work out on their first weekend on campus when they have been at football practice twice a day every day so far?

Lots has probably happened since the last time I blogged. Sorry. I was reading a journal the other day and I hated it when it skipped days/weeks/months. It was just because it showed a time when we don't know what happened. So, sometime I'll look back and regret not writing more this summer.

I am working for the Athletic Dpt. like I did last year. Same old boring stuff. Time filling stuff. We did paint the football/soccer fields yesterday. Still have about 4 hours left on the football field. I got burnt again. Farmers tan though. It isn't as bad as last year. Thankfully we have had lots of cloudy/rainy days. We have had some incredibly hot days too, but not as bad as last year.

The school decided that this year the athletic personal could eat free in the dining hall with the preseason athletes. w00t! So, I'm eating lunch/dinner in the dining hall all this week. I haven't really started my diet yet. . .I tried but eating at my GF's and going on trips didn't work too well. I'm not complaining though. I'll start my tuna diet when I get on schedule. . .I think.

We don't know how much rent will be yet. Part of me is hoping they skyrocket the price. We found another 3-4 bedroom house for rent for about what we are paying now, but we also know a 4th guy who would be interested which would drastically lower my rent. It is 5 miles from school, so I couldn't walk to work/class. But $100 a month in rent would be great to save. My roommate and I are taking the same classes and have the same work schedule, so we could ride together all the sounds great. I'm going to call on Monday to try to setup an appointment to look at it. We'll see how things work out.

Still don't have a second job. I really really really don't want to work at McDs. Really. But if that's what the Lord gives me, I won't complain.

Oh, football is having some kinda workout in the gym today, in about an hour. So, after they are done, it should be dead. . . .I think, but I don't really care.

My days mostly revolve around work and trying to see my GF sometime after. We took her 17 year-old sister shopping with us on Thursday. Yesterday, we went to Culvers with a couple of her friends . I was exhausted. Still am a little bit today, but I got to sleep in for the first time this week.

I'm working with Aaron Love. Its interesting. Sometimes he seems so picky and other times it doesn't even seem like he cares if the job is done right. Must just be my/his perception of the job.

I brought my girl home last weekend. My family liked her, and she loved them, so all is well. Jenn gave her blessing, and Mike picked on her about eating grapes. Katie wanted to sit by her more than me, which was expected. We had fun. We saw two SW, which was important. I saw a couple of my cousins which was as fun as expected. I did awful on the trampoline game this time though.....must be losing my ninja status. = /

It drives me crazy that her parents treat her like a little kid. They call while shes driving and need to know exactly what road she's on and where on the road. . . .bleh. Its all the little things that say: "We don't trust you because you can't take care of yourself." We've been talking about sitting down and talking to her parents. That could go unexpectedly well, or as bad as we anticipate it going. We are still praying about it.

We are also praying about whether she should drop out this semester or next. Or move out now, or later. . .atm, I think I would rather she move drop out now, but she wants to go one more semester. So, if that's what she wants and thinks she should do, I'm for it.

I'm not really looking forward to class, but I am looking forward to having a set schedule.

I'm having internet problems. I copied the post thus far so that if I do get DC I won't lose it.

Oh, we are cancelling our internet at the house. The price jumps from $20, to $60 when Sept comes around so, we won't be paying that. Which means no internet at the house again. rats. Oh well. My WoW account ended Wed, for the second time. I don't really miss it. I'm glad, b/c that last few days before it ended I was feeling like I would really miss it. Its the people/political things.

I have been thinking about train jumping. There are trains going by here all the time. I'm going to jump on some train sometime this year. Hopefully I'll be smart enough to get off before I end up in Nebraska or something. I'm also thinking I need to do something. . .but what Idk. (At this point lots of ideas occur to me)

So I just did some reading for a while on picking locks and I think that may be a hobby worth investing in. Besides, we should have someone in the family who can pick a lock easily.

I'm tired. . .I want to take a nap. The football team is still arriving in here. I should work on my paper some. I told my GF I would.

Oh, I should call home too, probably.

Church tomorrow. We were supposed to have a church picnic at the park, but it looks like it's going to rain. Oh well. Idc either way really. Or maybe I would rather it does rain . . . if it rains then we don't have to stay too long.

I'm wearing a sweatshirt today. First time all summer I think.

Calling home, bbl. Got the answering machine. Makes sense. Think dad had the day off, so they probably went somewhere.

Well, I just read for about an hour on creating master keys when one "change key" and its appropriate lock are accessible. I however, have two "change keys" with both accessible locks. The number of blank keys I would need would still be P(D-1), which could be somewhat expensive, but it sounds fun. If however, I could get blanks for under $.50 then I would be more inclined to attempt to work out this problem. Finely, if I could further determine how "change keys" affect the master key, it could be much simpler since I can possible get access (for a short time period) to a large amount of change keys. I will need a metal file since I won't be spending the $$$ of getting a key cutter. What I would do with the Master when I'm done I don't know yet. A few ideas come to mind though.

I should probably go work on my book/paper. I won't be back in here for about another week, but I'm sure I'll write more next time I'm here. peace. 3:13.


michael said...

Train Jumping. And when you slip and fall under the train, you'll end up on every radio program's "Wackos in the News" section, and millions of people will have a good laugh. Well, not your girlfriend. She'd probably be crying. But "needs of the many...," am I right?

Joe said...

that brings a whole new meaning to "thrown under the train".