Friday, June 8, 2007


So, I've been thinking lately about believing and faith. At prayer meeting the other night it came up, and my brother preached about how we in America don't really depend on God for much. And so, how often do we pray for a good president, and then in any political conversation we pretty much admit it isn't possible and that the country can't get better. Our reality is that things cannot get better, but we pray for them because we are supposed to. I've done it, and I know others have too.

Faith to move mountains. That is something viewed as impossible. Why don't we have faith? We pray for things. . .do we believe they will work out? Do we believe people will get better?

How often do we not believe because we think miracles are rare? Are we afraid we will be disappointed? Are we being better off being safe than being sorry? If we don't expect it to happen then if it does we are happy, and if it doesn't we were right. But is that how we are supposed to pray? "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."

I don't think this is unfounded optimism either. It is not blind hope. It is supposed to be faith. I think if it is just hope we will often be disappointed. I think we underestimate what God can/will do, and the means by which God has said He wants to work. Prayer accomplishes things. How is another topic, but the fact is, it does. Why don't we pray in faith? It is like the difference between reading the Bible and studying. Studying is so much more. Reading is good, but its not enough. Praying is good, but what is the point if you don't believe God will answer? Do you pray for something thinking it can't/won't happen?

I know a lot of people interested in a lot of things. Many who would love to have certain things happen in their lives, but how much do they consider it dependent on God and not rather on this rule or that, or this person or that?

Ok, I'm going to talk about BK now. I'm might talk about it in terms most of you might not get, but its just to talk about it.

So, what exactly is the correct time ratio when someone thinks they should run over to the other side to help you? You are almost finished with 3 sandwiches and two more up there. He says "what do you need?" It inevitably depends on who it is, and what is left. I had someone go over there today and I had two Dbl Whoppers up there. There was no way I was going to let him make those. He is slow. I wasn't done with what I had on the board but it didn't matter. I still finished them before he would have.

People do not understand the need for speed. I work with a kid who comes in in the afternoon. He tries to stand on my board and make the food. He gets in my way. And hes clueless. I have done everything short of telling him to get out of my way, and he doesn't get it. One of these days I will tell him to. When I am there, it is my kitchen and my board. Simple. The day shift knows that now. I had both the regular day guys tell me "You're faster than me." Thanks. At least they realize it. My friend is working with a kid who thinks hes about as fast or faster. The kid is soooo slow. I've watched him.

I'm pretty sure I'm faster than my friend. We want to setup a competition sometime. It might happen. He of course thinks he's faster.

It has been really slow lately. Becayse of that I could run specialty and whopper without much problem. I enjoy being back in the kitchen. I rarely feel the need to race anymore. Especially after the two of them admitted I was faster. Maybe 2-4 times a day I will fly through something because it only takes one or two times of an even tie for them to think they caught up. I had someone call me super dave again today. /shrug. I can see them trying to be motivated, and that's good. The one guy gets along better with me now. Just started getting along with him this week. I think he's starting to realize when I ask him if he needs something it isn't b/c I doubt he can do it, it is b/c it would optimize the time for me to do it instead of him. That is one thing I miss about my old store. There was a beautiful flow of communication between myself and other workers who could do it. Its developing here. They are realizing that they shouldn't sit on their assigned position when they could be doing something. And that I am willing and able to help. That's good.

The mgt in the evening stinks. We had to clean wrap holders so at 5pm (dinner time) the managers started cleaning them, which involved covering up the condiment well. What kind of stupid people are they? 5:30? Both managers decide to go in the office and eat. . . .6:05, they are still eating. So I make a loud comment about how I was supposed to be out 5 minutes ago. No, neither of them knew that. They are stupid.

The GM knows they are both stupid. But, she doesn't care about the dinner shift. Corp doens't come during dinner, so she's not worried. bleh! There is no solution in sight. They need a new manager to run things. The one I recommended is not going to get it. The GM wants her where she is. It would take work for her to actually lrn to do what she needed, BUT that is the best chance the store has. It won't happen though.

I of course can't do anything. The only other option is for my friend to come back to this store. Which he won't be doing, but the GM keeps hoping. AUHGA!

So, there is my BK rant for now.

I got a call the other day. Kaylynn says "so I have a question" I said ok. She says, can you talk to my dad right now? I was surprised to say the least. But yeah, I talked to her dad to ask permission to talk to her on the phone. He wanted to know if I was a packers fan. Nah, I pretty much dislike the packers alltogether. But he gave me permission anyway. He invited me over for dinner when I get back, and I guess they talked about me this morning and apparently he is really looking forward to meeting me, which surprised both her mom and her. Anyway, that's good news.

I got my second AGM. I only need 2 fishing things. So.....I'm out. I'll ttyl.

1 comment:

michael said...

you want to blog less? sheeshh..