Thursday, April 12, 2007


So I doubt I get my paper done . . . It will be extremely tricky. If I weren't having company it would be close, but now its like the death star in the firing process when Han shows up close. That is close.

My brother wrote an excellent paper, and sent it out for revision before mass mailing. Will make the wedding interesting imo.

I can't wait for my cousin's wedding. Soo cool.

Haven't played much WoW lately...not too much to do, and little time to do it.

The good news, which depends on the bad news happening, is that the paper due next week I have done except for final editting, so if I am late on this paper then the next week will not snow-ball to being behind on another paper, but rather I will have all of next week to do this one that I'm having a very very hard time with. Its so hard because I don't want to or know how to write on this topic. I am writing on interpretting revelation. Throughout the past year I have either been given my topic, or been able to pick one that I was familiar with. This one I had to pick, but the familiar ones were off-limits due to my answering them on the Final questions. /sigh

Got a 20 on my greek today, and an 18.5 on yesterdays. Yesterdays shoulda been a 20 and todays a 14 or something but hey, it works out this way.

The first night of the play tonight. do i hear a woot? Didn't think so.

I miss my house, my parents, my sisters, my brother, my cousin, my other cousin. I miss the get togethers, the laughing, my brother's constant bragging, the witless jokes, the witty comments, the ragging on those who deserve it, even when its me. I miss the slams on the people who ask for it, the food, the debates, the energy, and being around people willing to hammer me when they should. I miss the political comments, and hearing the same stories over and over. I miss the debates over capitalism and lying. I miss poker, magic, star wars, and hearing my favorite final fantasy coming from the piano. I miss the superior attitude upon every topic, and sitting in the living room talking about life late at night with mom on the couch and dad at the PC . . . . . I miss home.

This new PC in the office has speakers built in. Can I hear a woot? how bout a "Poo Ha hoo ha huh?"

We've grown up, just like the puppies and the 4 seasons, with the little red squirrel. Ok, perhaps a little different than that, but here we are. Its weird. . . . .but its cool.

Oh, i may be giving out my Passwd for my stay at the resort (medical facility) so people can get me some arena trinkets while i am swimming on the beach and getting a tan (taking drugs and having my blood drawn). I only need 18 more, and me being gone 21 days it really wouldn't be too hard for a few peeps who really want to help me out to get me all 18. Yes, I'm talking about you, so think about it.

I was thinking over a book I read last fall . . . It was one of those that is left hanging until the author decides to finish the next one . . . I hope he does so soon. I have two series where I'm stuck like that. /sigh.

I keep forgetting to remind my cousin about Volleyball tonight....not like she will show up anyway, but i should at least tell her.

I made a TON of tuna-salad yesterday. It filled to the brim a 9x14 pan or w/e those pans are. We didn't have a bowl big enough. Ate about 1/3 yesterday, another 1/3 today. Leaving me about 1/3 or so for tonight or tomorrow. . .probly tonight. 6 cups of noodles and 4 cans of tuna. mm mmm, good. 7:26.

I showed back up on a forum briefly to comment on a moron, er, mormon's beliefs. He gave his farewell and jumped ship. Part of me wondered "should i feel bad? this guy had been around here for a while." then the other part said "no, why should a mormon feel comfrotable in a Christian setting, and why should Christians feel comfortable tolerating a mormon?" Thus, the fact that he left may get me in hot water, but over all, I don't think my response to his ramblings was incorrect. Like my roommate said "who wouldn't give up two years of their life to become god?"

A,C,N,O,U,T = _ _. ._ _ _ _ (the dots are a space) Hmm, I'm trying to figure it out...I'm slow I know.

The new Rocky was ok, but I was kinda disappointed. It was just very slow. 45 minutes before he even started to think about fighting. It was a good closing to the rocky series, waaay better than the last one tried to be, but not something you recommend to anyone not a rocky fan, imo.

What would the plot line have been if adrian had decided to come back for the movie? They woulda had to change a lot. Maybe he woulda won the fight? Or was that determined he wouldn't win? I think I wanted him to win . . . aren't you supposed to?

My uncle runs his blogs through MS word . . . I would too if I thought there was anyone important reading this. I run my internet course posts through word. It isn't usually for things I don't know, but rather for all the stuff that I glaze over by accident that Word can easily catch.

My cousin is going to call me in an hour so I should finish the Greek in front of me. Translating itself is not too hard. however, it does get difficult to parse. I hate parsing. Parsing is worse than anything else. It requires much thinking; no matter how much memorization, it requires thinking. I can memorize all my vocab and then I know the verb means "I give" but to find whether it means "I have been given" or the normal "I give" makes a difference. /sigh

My chest hurts. . .I love that feeling. I don't think I'm going to make 300lbs by the 4th if there isn't a weight room at my beach resort (see above). Paying taxes on my stay might be difficult. I will definitely have to remember that I will have to PAY and not be getting money next year.

I was thinking of joining some form of the armed services for law school. That gets it all paid for, plus guarantees me a job when i get done. Plus I get the veteran status that i have always wanted (ok, so maybe not for the right reasons, but talk about that later) I could be like Tom Cruise on a Few Good Men, and say stuff like "I want the Truth!!" Then again, there are a lot of rules in any of the military and I don't like rules. They disagree with me, and I with them. I need to start running. . .8:15.

Well, my uncle called first so, I'm gonna split. peace. 9:05

1 comment:

Joe said...

Whats up cousin? You were right you ramble, alot! Hey thats cool you put up with my avaiton triva and amazingly useful facts about ariplanes and the flying of them. Got to go to class and learn more useful stuff about aviation and the world of flight.