Thursday, April 19, 2007


So, when you get swamped and/or bored its good to re-visit some old stuff that makes you laugh:

SI can be fun. But most threads people don't want to get into it with me too much. I'm posting on this thread atm though that could open into debate. We will see.

Respect. Where is it? Why don't Christians show enough respect to each other? Calling a pastor by his first name, neglecting the Mr. or Mrs. Yes, the elderly will say, "Don't call me xx." or "Sit down. You don't need to stand up to." But that is a polite courtesy on their part. How disrespectful is it when you get teenagers calling these same elderly by their first name? Does not the world show more respect than often Christians do? At a business meeting, isn't it appropriate to stand up when the other party enters the room? Do you not rise to shake hands? Why has the church cast off what is common respectful behavior?

This brings me to another issue. "Uncle" & "Aunt" When is it appropriate to refer to someone with or without the titles? Hmm? Generally speaking age is the deciding gap in many of these things. What about evangelists/pastors? I worked last summer with a kid who spoke of the evangelist that was coming on a first name basis. Ok, the evangelist was my age. Understandable, but the example before me is my Grandma who addresses her son as "Pastor," because she attends his church. I mean seriously. How hard is it to say Pastor, or Evangelist? This is definitely not age based. Some things are; some arent.

But aged based becomes subjective. What is the age gap that is appropriate? Does it also depend on familiarity? I would say yes. Does familiarity eliminate the age gap? As you probably all know, I hate the subjective. I would rather proof I'm right then have it be my opinion. Because honestly, everyone has opinions, and my opinion isn't worth too much. So, its a pride issue. Well, that's another topic, and I don't want to talk about it now. So meh.

Going to try to get some reading done. 7:02.

Well, got a tiny bit of reading done and then happened upon a thread upon the sacraments. Ok, a Fundamentalist forum on the sacraments. Let's look at it. Then the guy goes off. . . This was my first hammer. And I'm sure I'm going to be fighting this one. The guy is wacko, or re-defining every definition we hold to. Anyway, I have to go set the VB net up for the missions team. brb. 7:57.

So, I posted more. No big deal I guess. going to actually read now though. 8:55.


Joe said...

fluffy puff marshmellows. one of the greates of all time; and yes kids people have little respect these days. I think it comes down to pride and what people think they are worth. Have great day Mr. Schmidt. LOL

VanSneak said...

Just got done reading some SI posts. The Rosie one really surprised me as the to the validity of the topic in the first place. I hope you blow that guy out of the water. Yeah, I said it.
Can't stand those nubs.

Boomkin FTW.

Joe said...

please expand on the God is not male topic.