Monday, January 29, 2007


I have suddenly lost almost all my drive to play games right now. I guess I played too much this past month that now it just seems "bleh".

For the record, it took me five hours Saturday night to breed a Gold chocobo. It is fast, and has stamina, and can pretty much beat any other chocobo in any race. But so can my black one and green one.

I can't beat Emerald/Ruby yet. No big deal there; I will be able to soon enough. If I can make myself keep playing.

I am thinking of trying to read through the Bible in February. I have never made it through in a month, and my new schedule gives me free time that I should be using more effectively.

I have lots of class-room reading as well. But that gets boring, but if I cna keep up on it I will be able to spend some time reading what I want to.

So, if I just want a Ph.D. I should go to BJU, but if I'm looking to write books, or be an authority I need to go somewhere else because people just don't recognize BJU as much. Which of course, means that extra 4 years of schooling. Argh? Yeah, I think so.

Last night my roommate basically told me that I shouldn't be a pastor but that I would make a good lawyer. It was an odd conversation.

We had a missionary to the Muslims in England at church yesterday. He was very informative during Sunday School about some of the things they have done. How they are taking over the world and we are basically the only ones left. And considering how long the left has been wanting to give in, we might not be holding out much longer. Pulling out of Iraq means vitory to them, pure and simple.

The point of course was that they need to be saved too; strategically speaking however, it would be a good idea to plan to win. Imo.

I have to work tonight. Its odd that I only have to work one day a week now (@ McD). Its nice, but different. I haven't gotten my credit card bill for the past two months. I wonder. . .

Doh! I forgot to call someone.

Need to study Greek a lot tonight. So much work I need to get done this week. Its tiring trying to think about it all.

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