Saturday, May 29, 2010

three wishes

Well, it is summer. I haven't blogged since March. "Blogged" is a verb. The lack of blogs is not for lack of material, but rather for busyness of schedule and prioritizing on my part.

So much stuff has happened...I think I will skip the recap.

I was at graduation where the graduating class was challenged to "Try to Fail." Yeah, you read that right. So, while I still listened and was happy when I realized this would not be a long speech, I started to think about some other things. The speaker mentioned greatness, and trying things, and other stuff, and something he said triggered a line of thought for me.

It was something along the path of what three things would I wish for from this next year. Surprisingly, it did not take me long to come up with them.

I want to be closer to the Lord than I ever have been. I was asked once if I really wanted something or if I was just trying because someone else wanted me to. My response was that I want to want to. I want to desire God more than I have. I want to say with the Psalmist that my soul pants after God. We sing it and say it, but I want it to be the true inward desire and longing of my heart to know Christ. And so, as this school year comes to a close, and summer break is upon me, I hope to grow closer to the Lord.

Secondly, and just as quick to my mind was that I want to grow closer to my wife than I have ever been. As with the previous, these seem like things that are just expected to happen as time progresses, but it doesn't work that way. It is not a passive thing that makes a relationship just grow stronger. It takes work and effort, and this is what I want. I realize more and more that relationships are what matter. I have stuff, and I am grateful for it. I have lots I can go do, and again, I'm thankful for it. But really, that doesn't matter so much as relationships. And, so, the most important one is that with my wife.

She is amazing. There really aren't enough words to describe how great she is, or how much I need her. She helps me in so many ways. She is a blessing, and truly a help that is meet for me. She keeps me going, helps me see when I'm wrong, and teaches me traits that I do not have. I love her dearly, and I want to love her more.

My last goal/wish as it were is to be wiser than I have ever been. I don't know how wisdom works really. It doesn't seem measurable necessarily. I don't know if it runs out. If I have wisdom now, can a wise man become a fool? Can a fool become wise and then go back to being a fool? Did God give Solomon his wisdom all at once or did he give him wisdom in each situation that it was needed? It seems to me from recalling passages that Solomon was not given some wisdom every time. He was wise. People came from all over to see his wisdom. This one, is probably the easiest considering the first one. If I am getting closer to the Lord than I am spending time in prayer and if I am spending time in prayer, then I can pray for lots of wisdom.

A passage I like a lot, and have for a few years now is James 1. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." Wisdom is ours to have. I think some people envy Solomon thinking he got wisdom just because he asked for it. But we have the same privilege and opportunity. Ask in faith and we get wisdom. It is great!

Being a dad is great. Arielle is fantastic, and she is well behaved. People say things like "Just wait till she turns 2" or "Well, yeah, boys are worse; wait till you have a boy." Bleah! I understand that some babies aren't as well behaved, BUT the difference is not just due to boys and girls. And at the age of two, Arielle will still be well behaved. (I say that and have yet to see it proved; at the same time, if I am right people will say stuff like there is just something different or we are just "lucky") Anyway, she is adorable, and we are blessed to have her.

I finished my masters work, and now have an MA in Biblical Studies. Apparently a Masters in anything is supposed to be a huge resume boost. At the moment I don't need to worry about that though. I am glad to have that out of the way. It feels great to have it finished. I want another one. I want two more, or three. But I don't have the time or the money. It is a commitment. Part of me doesn't understand how big a deal this is. It wasn't a big deal at the time. I moved from high school to college to my masters work and it wasn't any different. It wasn't harder or more exerting. Now I have it, and people are seeing a big deal in it. Then I think about trying another one and I realize more of the big deal. I don't see how. Some people at MBBC with me were there in their 8th year or so. Taking a tiny bit at a time to eventually get to their MA. Look at others who spent their entire life thus far (into their 30s) getting a ThM. Because of the type of MA in the field of Bible, I would need another Masters before I could even pursue a PhD. And I have considered another Masters. If I moved somewhere and worked hard, I could (feasibly) do it in two years. The PhD would be another 3-4 after that. Since it is not this year, I already have my contract, that would mean that Arielle would be 7 before her dad was done with school...really, that doesn't sound terribly bad. That would be very hard on my wife though. I don't know how I am supposed to work and do school either. No, I do understand. I've heard stories and others have done it. It is possible. Is it something I need though? Is it something God wants me to do? Is it something I just want?

Well, that is something I will be praying about. I can probably get a loan or lots of loans, and make it through. This year has, for many reasons, caused me to consider what work I want to do. What do I enjoy? Where can I use my talents? How can I find a job that is right for me? These things are still questions that I ask. I don't know what I want to do. I do know, which I didn't even after most of this year, that I enjoy teaching. What it is exactly that I enjoy, I am unsure about. Is it the instruction? Is it the kids that I have come to care about? Is it the math, or the teaching of life lessons when they come and ask personal questions about their future? I don't know. Maybe some of all of it...

I like the Bible, but as someone is very fond of pointing out to me, all Christians should like the Bible. I like to talk Bible stories and doctrine, but shouldn't all Christians? I like to teach Bible, but would it be worse for me to have to teach Bible in some place where I had weird and odd restrictions than to teach something like I am now? What is my dream job?

I might have an opportunity to be teaching Bible Doctrines at the Institute at the church. It just started this year, but Pastor would eventually like to get it accredited. That would be great. It would be even more great if I can actually teach this fall. It isn't settled yet. I was asked if I would teach through the summer, but had to decline due to going to MI.

We will be leaving Sat. I am excited. I am unsure how I will be spending my time out there. I would like to go canoeing. I think that would be cool. But, grandma would have to take care of a lot of kids for that to happen.

I spend most my free time here playing games, and reading. I finished Elantris back a little bit ago. I think it was Brandon Sanderson's first. I read his Warbreaker last June. My wife actually finished it before me. I am so proud of her for reading a fantasy novel. Then we bought the Mistborn series. I finished the first one a few days ago. So I have two more to read this summer, but I'm not as hooked at this point. They weren't meant as a trilogy. I think he wrote the first one as a stand alone novel. It was easy to pick up the story, but now I have yet to determine what the main point of this book is. Maybe in a few more chapters?

The official post from Pat Rothfuss is that the book will be done in Sept, and therefore on the shelf in Mar. I remember last year, 2009 that I blogged and spoke of my disappointment because I expected it on Jenn's birthday of 2009. Oh well, I'm enjoying Brandon Sanderson for now.

I should probably work on my book some more. I have more theory I need to work on. It has been a while since I wrote anything related to my book, and the only thing I wrote at all was the last short story I posted here. That would probably be a good use of my time.

Oh, I got an A in my last class. My GPA was 3.7; I'm satisfied with that.

I want to start something else. It is funny; school has been out for only a couple days and I am done with my MA, and I suddenly feel like I have nothing to do. Of course, there is always more to do. I should spend more time blogging, and perhaps trying to get something published. Maybe writing up something expertly. Perhaps I should try to use Calvin's library while I am out will never happen.

Maybe I should get involved in some cause. Like the RE:Fundamentalism site that just went up. I know little about it, just know that its there.

Oh, and I think its Interesting that Central Seminary, and Faith are merging parts of their schools together. I find it very...intriguing. I don't know that I could be on staff at any Bible college. I'm not the Bible college type of guy. I don't work well with all the "pointless" rules.

Anyway, I need to go play Blokus. I have never played and really want to win, so goodnight. Hopefully I will blog later.

Oh, I heard Munchkins was a good game, and also Settlers of Katan. I think we need to get this game for MI. I might buy it...bye.