Wednesday, December 17, 2008

quick thoughts

Alright, some thoughts provoked by another blog I read (

Can movies and/or video games ever successfully be titled "Christian" with our standard of "Christian" behind it?

At the moment I am thinking "no." But that depends largely on the purpose of such. If the purpose of a movie is entertainment, then I don't want to watch "Facing the Giants." I am not entertained. I think it is a script which I could have written. Nothing surprising, and no sweet screen shots. However, looking at the story from a point of meaning, there is meaning. There is principle there.

So, do we watch movies for meaning/principle? Sometimes. Braveheart. Yes, it is a fantastic movie for many reasons, but I can't watch that movie without feeling saddened by the betrayal, and the broken-heartedness. What about old classics? Star Wars? We don't watch it for principle. We may draw principle from it, but it is entertainment.

Of course, everyone draws different things from different movies. I don't understand why girls would want to watch a movie they know is sad, that is going to have them all crying in the end. BUT they get together to watch it anyway. So, we all watch movies for different things, and from that perspective, it is possible to have a "Christian" movie.

Video games however are pure entertainment. Of course, they are becoming more and more of other things. Anyone seen the new cooking commercial for the handheld something (psp, or NDS). But still, video games are for entertainment. So, what is a "Christian" video game, and how do you win? By getting the most sinners into Heaven? Sounds Catholic/Pharisaical to me.

Anyway, there are my thoughts. Let me know what you think.

Merry Christmas to all, and happy new year. (Since I probably won't be back to blog in quite a while. . .just in case: Happy Valentines day!!)


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

does it really matter?

Yes, it does. But in what view? The micro view to be sure. How far out do we have to zoom to realize the unimportance of this election? Not too far I think.

God sets up and takes down. We know this. God punishes a people by allowing their sin to abound. America has been asking for God's judgment for a LONG time. So, disappointed? Yeah, I am. But I'm not too terribly shocked. We made it through Clinton. We did. I remember the elections and the voting. What I don't remember (probably because I was a kid) is anything that happened in those 8 years. I remember fervently, praying that he would get kicked out of office. I remember checking the votes on the TV every break in school. . .but do I remember a thing Clinton did? Nope. The joy of being a kid.

Of course the story is different now. I have my own place, my own family, and I will end up dealing with everything that happens. Such is life.

School is school. It is somewhat frustrating when I have so much to do and I can't get it all done. On the other hand it is extremely gratifying when I can get it all done, which I did today. ;)

We are looking at this other church. . .doctrinal statement is good again. So, we are looking at at least 3 independent kjv baptist churches with good hymnals within 20 minutes of us. So, this isn't like seeing horrible things and then settling on what fits. We have real options. So, we are still praying.

I got a key to the gym, so I will be trying to work out regularly now. I'm excited. I miss it.

I should go now. . .not getting any more typing done. Peace.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Oct 31st.

The new bond looks cool. Its weird that they moved the release date back. We were well aware that it was coming out on the 7th since that is Kaylynn's birthday, but now it is out on the 14th. Not a big deal though.

School seems busy. I took a day off when we had Josiah & Karleen down. It took me almost all week to catch up with the grading. Stats kids were way out of hand the other day. I sent three to the office. /shrug. Gotta do what ya gotta do.

They asked for handouts, and maybe that is a good idea. I can give handouts. It will be more work each week, but I can do it.

I had lunch duty again this week. It is annoying for a few reasons. 1. I can't go home for lunch to see my wife and Will. 2. I have to watch and pick up after disrespectful kids who should know how to throw their trash out. 3. My prep time is disrupted. I like to use lunch period to prep for the class immediately following. It is harder when I'm sitting at a picnic table away from my desk.

I haven't picked up my Java since the last time I blogged. Company and school have kept me preoccupied. /shrug. I can see how getting an advanced degree with a family is very difficult.

On that note, MBBC is offering an M. Div. now. This is the degree that is waaay better than what I was going for, and would be more widely recognized. My credits will of course all apply. I believe I have 32, if I figure correctly. The downside of course is that the new degree requires....wait for it......96 hours!! doh! That means a lot more credits. I took about 6-8 per semester while I was living there.


1. Move back and finish working fulltime and going to school fulltime. bleah! The thought of living in WI, the thought of cold (real cold), the thought of working a poor paying job supporting a wife, and possibly some kids (well, we are talking the future here) while attending school fulltime. bleah!!

2. I could take 1-3 online classes a year; depending on what they offer, and depending on the money issue. That way, we stay whereever we happen to be; I just take some classes in addition to work. In addition, MBBC offers module courses. These are courses where the entire classroom period fits in one week. The three papers and test, then get mailed in, up to 9 weeks later.

3. I don't need to finish with an M. Div, and then I can just finish what I have via internet/module.

I'm guessing 2 is my option.

I would like to be back in class. I miss the classes. I never thought I would say that, but yeah, I do miss the classes.

I want to argue something. Not as in the common connotation of argue. I want to present logical thought-out argumentation that someone or something is right and someone or something is wrong. I want to be dogmatic and sure. But, here, I'm not met with anything. . .sure the music is dumb, and the kids are brats. The most theology I talk about is dumb little stuff in the library. bleah! bleah I say!!

Every now and then I talk to someone on the phone who has something. . .but not often enough.

Mike V told me he was going to call to talk about "nothing." That was two weeks ago. So, here I am not knowing anything about "nothing."

I need to argue fundamentalism or versions, or calvinism, or redemption or SOMETHING!!!

Anyway...I can't even think of anything to just argue blindly here. I can argue when something makes me frustrated/mad. But I can't sit here and type out a arguement for total depravity when I have no source to direct it at.

I need to exercise my brain. I can't write much more notes for a book that I have no sources to cite.

Idk, maybe I should try to start an exegesis of a book. Just work my way through little by little through each verse/chapter/etc. That's probably a good idea. I probably won't do it either. Oh well.

Parents will be here in the morning. Exciting. Its nice having family come to visit. Its nice having furniture for them to sit on too.

I should go...cake and ice cream sound good.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I find that I like to use some of the same phrases too often. I borrow from Hamlet. . .I like when I think in similar terms. I like thinking in terms of Shakespeare, Twain, Dickens, Turretin, Whitaker, etc. I wish I did more. I don't read enough to keep my thoughts like that. I try.

Every day at school the Bible teacher runs some copies of the crosswords out of the daily paper. So, Matt sat down and grabbed one one day, and so I did too. (Things like that are always better with someone to compare notes with.) I came home and told Kaylynn and within a few days we had a website ( ) that had 1,000s of crosswords. So, after a week or two we got a book, and now we do crosswords, about everyday. Of course, the ones online have a lot of repeats. So do the ones in the paper. It is good for me. Ever since watching my great Grandma do them over and over I have thought about how good it would be for me. . .I'm glad to have finally started.

I miss blogging. But I can't blog at school, and that is when I have the most time. I would like to blog more though...

I have been reading my Java book again. Of course, my free time is all at school after class. And I can't fit the book in my bag, so I don't spend as much time as I would like reading it. I would like to read all sorts of things.

I started an idea for a book. I have a few pages of notes, etc. I want to write. I think I can. . .but I need WAY more research before the book actually goes. That means I need time and access to a library. I started reading some ideas, and read that one of the most important facets to writing a book is to be consistent. If I write one page a day, then within two years, I will have a book. Then editting, etc. While this might take a long time, it also seems it could prevent getting discouraged. I have often gotten discouraged when I would try to do something. I would try by scheduling lots of time or effort to something to finish it in like a month or something. Too much work, and not enough time always meant that I didn't finish.

So, I start again. This time I think I'm doing better. Except the research part is a HUGE snag. I don't have time for research. I don't have easy access to a good library. Which means, even though now, I may have a good plan, and a good outline, and some good starting notes. I don't have a personal library large enough to do this. I know PhD's with enough books in their personal library. I don't think I will ever own all the books I know now I need to reference, besides all the books I'm not even aware of yet. Phooey.

Students talk about WoW. Steve and Tim and Matt and I talked about it a bit this past weekend. I asked Matt if it made him want to play. I don't think I miss it. But I do think I miss something about it. It isn't WoW I miss. . .maybe its the social aspect. Maybe its the running the guild. Maybe its the fact that the things I was doing I was good at. I played through Diablo a few weeks ago. Several times. I played a mage for the first time. I enjoyed it.

What now? What more should I be doing? I'm working on a book (maybe.) I'm trying to read regularly. (need more variety in reading though). I'm trying to learn Java (still.)

God has blessed greatly in the last couple months. Free: bed, dining room table, 4 chairs, office chair, card table, couch, reclyner, two TVs, 3 end tables, 2 dressers, 3 stools, 2 mirrors, shower curtains, bath rugs, 2 lamps, book shelf, microwave, and probably lots of other stuff I can't remember. Amazing. We have so much far sooner than I anticipated.

We are trying to be content, and when looking at God's blessings, it isn't too hard.

Church shopping is interesting. We have been to a couple KJVO, Independent, Baptist. Doctrinal statements all right. But the one pastor is quite arminian in preaching (seems to think he is responsible for getting people down to the altar.) The other pastor seems shallow, but it might just be this series. We are leaning towards the latter for a few reasons, one of which is that I am sick of the arminian stuff.

We both miss friends and family. We have a busy couple weeks coming up. Siblings here tomorrow, and parents in a week and a half.

Planning/living with a budget is interesting. . .anyway, my time is about up. I got stuff to do and the battery is low....hi to all.

I try to call now and then...but you can call to. Don't forget it: friends/friendships take work. Don't let them go to waste.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

our new place

Address was here. . .Then it was removed because I don't really need any stranger happening by to see it. Call me if you want it.

We are 5-10 minutes from Wal-Mart, Save-A-Lot, the airport, Work, Bank, etc etc.

Not much more to say really right now. peace.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

to blog

I have thought about writing some short poetry lately. . .but the kids in Matt's class have been coming up with some "ok" to deep stuff. It makes me not want to, because instead of just letting it flow, I would be trying too hard to make it fit. That isn't the type of writing I need to do. I don't write for a living, so I just write what flows.

Class is weird. I am making tons of mistakes. I am learning lots.

I have had very little parent interaction. Which somewhat scares me. . .I have caught up a lot with the "teaching" and kid interaction, but parent stuff I know I don't know how to do.

Watching movies with some kinda swear removal is weird. . .especially when even the taped TV versions have some kind profanity in that silent moment.

Jenn blogs regularly. It is great. Keep it up. Btw, we are happy that things are going better. . .very happy.

Although, all the boy comments are interesting....but I think in the end they make me happy too. Just be careful. I don't want to have to tell Micah to take advantage of his security job to take care of some kid. ;)

I would recommend buying the Name of the Wind. Thanks to Matt for the recommendation.

The new MTG set looks cool. I have seen some cards I would probably play. But, you know . . . when you spend 30 minutes during class breaks to look at a budget, MTG takes a back a great many things. I guess growing up has to happen some time....when you get poor.

I talked to the gym guys (don't know their names yet). They said I could get into the weight room early on school days if I wanted. I plan on lifting again, starting in a week or two.

I'm fat.

My wife makes the most delicious cookies. WOW! mmMMmm

I wish I could blog at school...It would make it easier.

Anyway, I need to go. Have a good night, and weekend. Remember, if you want to stay in touch with people, or be friends, you have to work at being friends, and have to call them. . .don't just expect them to call you.....I'm trying to remember this, and slowly making the rounds. But, if I get swamped and forget this little piece...CALL me. Peace.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Life at school

Life is weird at school. Lots of business and bustling around and I just feel bored. I don't have a classroom to decorate. I float around three classrooms. My Stat kids will be in a math room, but my Algebra, and AoF kids will be in Spanish and History/Politics respectively. /shrug. What can I do? nothing....

Anyway, the people are nice. I have already been offered a bunch of other part time jobs, like substituting and after school care. Both of which I have accepted after a few days of thinking and stuff. Apartments are a little more than we anticipated. And that is if those are available. . .otherwise they will be a lot more than anticipated. If I figured right, without the substituting we should be a little better than even. If I can sub even two days a week, that will be great. Of course, at first I doubt that will happen but later in the year.

Matt consistently reminds me that I have not blogged. Its easier for him now when he doesn't actually have to comment to remind me.

Jenn blogs a lot. Good job Jenn.

I printed up the monkey problem for my algebra kids. I'm thinking it will be extra credit later in the year. We will see how the class does.

My AoF class has 21 kids in it. My stats are 19. And Algebra is like 15. Figures, the easiest class is the least kids.

Sounds like we are almost ready to go apartment shopping so I need to go....


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

thinketh no evil

So, I have this friend that is going through a really hard time. Lots of stuff in her life that is just not good. It doesn't make sense. One thing after another. She is sweet and kind, and extremely patient. We wonder why this stuff keeps happening. It has been going on for over a year, and it has been very very hard on her.

Sometimes I catch myself wondering, just wondering, if maybe she isn't doing right. But then I remember. . .

There is nothing in her life to make me think she is in sin. She has a good testimony, and continually seeks Godly counsel. She is patient, and very prayerful.

So, who am I to say that she is lying to me when she says, that she is right with God? Who is anyone to tell another Christian that they are lying about their relationship with Christ without any known and habitual, unrepentant sin?

Any persons relationship with Christ, is between them and the Saviour. So why do we have so much gossip/tale-bearing/assuming about people? I have had talks for a couple hours and gotten back and thought "wow. . .was that talk just gossip? How much of that was really necessary to talk about?"

Especially in my family and extended family. . . .it just seems its so easy to make everyones business our business. Is it really my business what is going on with cousin X?? Now if he/she calls and tells me and spills the beans . . . but then, what right do I have to tell the rest of you? Is it really your business?

My conclusion, is that we lack charity. I think many of us could have come to that conclusion anyway, through different channels of thought, but for me, today, and for the last several weeks/months, it has been because of all the evil we think/say regarding people. Maybe it isn't "murder and blaspheme" evil, but we don't think good about them. We assign them bad motives, and attitudes for things we make excuses for.

We used to have this saying around the house when I was younger. It was always something to the effect that each person needs to ensure they are doing right and not wrong, because that is too big a job for them, and they don't have time to worry about each other. . . .it is still true.

I don't have the time to worry about any of you. . .My fault list is too long. . . . . .
So there have been comments (literally here on the blog, and others) about my last blog being published out of guilt....uh, no.

It is not a contradiction to say what has previously been said, and to say that sometimes it is fine, and right to miss church. Yes, right.

Everyone that might read this knows this. If you are puking with the flu then don't go to church. Agreed? ok, so there is my point.

Now on to other things.

Speed of service. It is the little things that matter. I know everyone rushes around like crazy when we get a $15 order to ensure it goes out in 2:00 or less. But seriously, what about that 1 medium drink order? or that 1 Jr.? The rush isn't there, because we all know that that order will go out in well under 2:00, and without work will probably be around 1:30-1:40. But that is the mistake many make. If you work even on the orders you don't think you have to, then you end up with no a 1:40, but rather a 1:10.

The 6-7 minute orders are sometimes (rarely, but sometimes) unavoidable. This means that no matter what you do, the car is going to take as long as they please. But, if you work hard on those 1:10 orders, then your 5-7 7 minute orders will average out to under 2 minutes. If you don't work hard then your average is not dropping. And you end up with a 3:00 and you show up poorly in the daily/weekly SOS numbers.

My crew works hard, and so we are coming in 2-3 in the entire market. . .the other managers don't like me too much.

Do any of you care about this? probably not....but hey, I blogged.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

taking church for granted

So, how many different churches have we all been to? How often do we sit and hear a message and think, "I've heard that before." How easy is it for us to say "I'll just skip this week/service." Do we forget that there are people who walk miles to get to church? I think we do. I think we take it for granted that we can always go to church. Church will always be there. If I miss a service, that isn't a big deal.

(There are the people who only go once, twice, or three times a week. And they are happy with that. They feel no need to go to that fourth service. Church isn't that important to them. (Even as I type my thought process is interrupted thinking "Christ died for the church!!! Of course it is important.") So, where is the level of church importance?)

But there is the other's group, the group I fall into on too many occasions -- those who go to church and are willing to skip, don't get anything from the sermon, and hope the power goes out, and that half the people say they are sick, take the overtime, etc etc etc.

What is church? If it is the building, and the social club, then, yeah, miss church. If it is the nice songs, and the proper place to be, then yeah, missing one out of four isn't a big deal. But let's just say for a minute something else. Let's pretend that church is where we go to worship almighty God. This is the Christ that when he said "I am he," His would-be captors stepped back and fell down. If Christ died for this, where should we be when the doors are open? Are churches full of hypocrites and wolves? Yes. Does that change the fact that Christ died for it, and we are there to worship Him, as commanded and taught? no.

What else is church? Preaching. So the pastor has a style you don't like. . .is it God's Word being preached? So the pastor does dumb things (and yes, some pastors do dumb things), is that a reasonable excuse? Let me ask, if the church never sings your favorite songs, and the pastor always makes stupid jokes, is it then ok to skip?

When I was at MBBC, sometime within the first or second month of my first year, I read this morning/evening by Spurgeon where he spoke of always being ready to attend God's house. That no matter what the preacher spoke on, the believer should ALWAYS come away with something, because it was the Words of God. But I think Christians are lazy.

We leave it up to the pastor to try to come up with something that applies to us. So, take a very small ours. With 13 people (give or take some kids) who will 99% of the time be at every service. Now tell Pastor he has to come up with something that will speak to all of them. And for any other church that task becomes exponentially harder. So, we are lazy. We don't come into the house of God ready to worship, and glean, and think. We come in to be spoon fed. And then we say, I had that last week.

Every message where the Word of God is opened and faithfully (key word here) proclaimed
has truth for EVERY believer. It might not be that special word of encouragement that you needed in your dire hour, but there IS something there for you. The question is, do you get something every time? And if not, who's fault is it? The preachers? Not if God's Word was opened. Is it the Holy Spirits? He just didn't apply it to you this week. Obviously not. If you get nothing out of a message it is because you were not prepared to be in God's house.

Unfortunately for us it is that simple. We can't blame the pastor. We can't blame God. So, yeah. . .yeah, it is a struggle sometimes. Yes, it can be for weeks in a row, but that doesn't ever give anyone the right to be lazy. That's all it is. . .everything takes work. You can be the hardest worker at your job and still be lazy. Hard work applies to everything, not just a job.

Lesson number 2.

Look not every man on his own things, but everyman also on the things of others.

The things of others. How different life would be if we practiced this! Would it not? Not on our own things. . . . . . .Tomorrow at lunch sit back and think about what has absorbed your day thus far. What have you thought about? What have you done? Has it been on your things? Or the things of others? That is a convicting verse.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

theology, politics, computers

It has been about two months since I last blogged. Two months. A lot has happened since then...sorta.

Anyway. I like theology more than politics, and politics, more than computers.

Theology. I love theology. I would love to teach at some Bible College. I could do it. I can teach all sorts of classes. I just don't have a PhD. Which, do I need it? maybe. BJU? bleah. But maybe. I was asked the other day if I was interested in pastoring a church that was without a pastor. I was kinda surprised. I had to say no, because honestly, at this point I am not called to do that. But, could I? Am I capable? I think so. Yes, there are lots and lots of things I don't know, but my doctrine is pretty solid. My logic is generally good. I am doing better with my people skills. One of my biggest weaknesses would be ignorance. I can't pastor now, and don't have the desire to, atm. I would like to teach though. Even when I was at MBBC I talked about reserving a room, passing out fliers, and holding a Bible preservation seminar. It wouldn't be near as informative, nor detailed as my Uncle's, but I'm not just repeating empty dogma either. I lack info, not the reasoning behind what I do have. I don't know. Life goes on.

Politics. I enjoy reading the old American political geniuses. I could study their stuff and learn waaay more than I know now. But that takes time, and effort. Then end result would be running for public office of some kind. Governor, Senate, President. . .who knows.

Computers. Not what I want to do the rest of my life. It is cool stuff. I can enjoy it. It isn't bad. I need it right now though. I'm stuck without a place, and without a job. I'm grateful for my parents generosity, but who wants to spend their married years living in their parents house. What parent wants their married kids to live in their house? I need my Computer degree now. . .and I need it to get me a job.

The problem is, what do I, in my limited time read? Do I read Hamilton because I want to learn about politics? Or do I finish Whitaker? Maybe I just finish Shakespeare because that is reading I enjoy? Since I STILL do not knnow what I am supposed to do when I grow up, how am I supposed to plan? Well, right now, I should be getting certified. So, my reading should be for that (which it is.) But then what?

Maybe that will be the rest of my life. Trying to do right one day at a time, because I don't know what is next. I have always liked to plan waaaaay ahead. Maybe this is a trust exercise for me. Maybe I won't know what I'm supposed to do until it comes up. God has given me a understanding mind in many areas. I understand and like math, physics, chemistry, English, etc. With a little work I can pick things up. . .I just wish I knew what I was supposed to pick up.

Maybe I'm too lazy right now. Maybe if I knew what it was I wouldn't be so careful to try to study. Maybe I have no discipline.

Well, the fourth was this weekend. It was fun as usual. I'm sore. We played VB a few times. I didn't do to hot. I hate that I'm outta practice. I did really well out at school, and here I got schooled. Oh well. Football was fun too. Missed my brother though. Magic was good. Seemed like we played less than normal. It was ok though; wouldn't have hurt to play more either, but it worked out.

Matt's story looks good. Although I would really like an ending to the first one. Even if it is just one paragraph. The kid ends up being bad and dying, and there is a war and no1 ever sits on the throne. Something like that. . .maybe?

I should go. Want to sit by the pool or play more cards. . .we'll see.

It was good to see everyone. really good.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


To put it bluntly, if fundamentalism does not have scholars, then it can expect to see its credibility and following erode. Without scholars, fundamentalism runs the risk of being dominated by demagogues and pontificateurs. Without scholars, fundamentalists will not be able to answer the current questions or even to defend their own distinctives. People will have to look elsewhere for intellectual leadership, and they will inevitably transfer their loyalties to whoever provides that leadership.

We need scholars. We need Christian scholars. We need fundamentalist scholars. This is not to say that scholarship is more important than other callings. But the consequences of not having fundamentalist scholars will likely be far more serious than the consequences of not having fundamentalist mechanics or bakers. Somehow we must find a way to encourage scholarship within fundamentalism." -- Kevin Bauder

Maybe this is why so many "Bib-stud" students at MBBC are deciding not to be fundamentalists anymore. I kept hearing over and over and over about these guys who were tired of fundamentalism. When they questioned it, they were given stock answers that made them question even more.

So, is that the problem? We lack scholars? Perhaps. Who are the "big" names in popular theology today? Piper? MacArthur? Others. . .yes, I know few of them. Others know many of them. Then we start looking at "scholars" in particular fields. Greek -- Aland. NT, others. History -- Others. They all have their own specialization, and all know many of the people in their field.

But what about fundamentalism? Do we have anyone fighting for us? Not, do we have scholars in these other fields, but do we have scholars fighting for fundamentalists? I wouldn't know it. But then I'm out of things. I'm not really sure how to even get "in." Oh well.

How do you get to be a scholar if your occupation is different from your scholarly pursuit? If I become a software developer, my research time will need to go into keeping up on my studies, and the new technology. When am I supposed to read all of Whitaker, Turretin, Fuller, Hills, Kuyper, Muller, and Pickering? The frustration of not having the adequate time bothers me. Aside from trying to reach some knowledge upon my particular topic (textual issue), I also have other reading I wish to pursue. . .bah!!!

Well, I need to write another email. . .so, I will log for now. Have a good night.

been too long

Well, here I sit again (back home at my old desk, with one monitor). . .I'm supposed to be studying for a phone interview but I've been doing that for over an hour now, so I needed a break.

Last time I blogged I had 50 days until my wedding. Now I have been married for 13 (counting today). It feels good.

So, what's going on in my life? That's what you all came here to find out isn't it? Well. . .

I'm back in Michigan for a bit. We are staying with my parents while we try to figure out the next move. I walked into BK and got lined up for a second interview tomorrow for management. I have had 4 different store managers at this store. The second one, who also probably did the best job, is back. We got along generally, so I could probably have the job if I wanted it.

After I got home I got a phone call from a possible job in San Diego, CA. I had an initial interview right then. That went well, so she sent me a test. 4 programming problems in an hour. I finished that Tuesday evening and sent it back. Got the results yesterday. I scored well with one of their toughest graders. So, now I have another phone interview this afternoon. The stuff she sent me to study (which is what I was doing before I started blogging) is stuff I have never looked at or cared about. So, now I'm worried. If I pass this interview they fly me out there for an openhouse next Wed. Then if that goes well, I have to work Thur and Fri. If that all turns out, I get offered the job. whew!

So, now I study to see if I can pass this afternoon test. If I don't I still go to BK to get a management job for a temporary income. If I get it, I forget BK and hope my time out in CA goes well.

We are praying that I just get whatever job I'm supposed to get. This company is not a place I would have chosen to work if I had been the one to choose. However, it is the furthest I have gotten in my search. I put several resumes in with some very respectable places. . .but I probably won't get in there, until after I have worked in the field for a 5 years or so.

Anyway. . .moving on. My wife and I have both been sick this past week. Honeymoon was good, and then we got bad colds and sinus problems the week after.

Wedding was beautiful, imo. But many others second that opinion.

My Uncle Pete does such a good job. But what I enjoy most is that he enjoys it. He is truly happy, and his smile is genuine. It makes for a happy time. I was glad for everyone that was able to make it. Hadn't seen some of you guys in some time.

It is really nice to see people truly happy for other people.

It is nice being out of WI. We haven't missed the constant stress and worrying at all. We talked to some of the kids earlier. Things aren't going so well out there I guess. Apparently the Mr. and Mrs. . .dad and mom? Greg and Belinda? anyway, apparently they are in depression. . .probably worse than if Kaylynn had died. They won't stand up to sing hymns in church and stuff. . .the kids are embarrassed, because they are acting like old people.

No one had to be escorted out or locked in a closet at the wedding. That's always a plus.

Josiah asked me if I was still doing push-ups. Expected my dad to ask me before anyone else. Anyway, I need to start doing them again. Should do situps too.

I'm probably gaining weight with no job and consistent meals.

I would like to start lifting regular again. Maybe I'll just run down stairs and use some of the stuff we have here. Just to get started, and get back into it.

I should get back to studying for this interview soon. I was nervous about this test because I haven't done anything like this and it has been a while since I programmed. But then it looked easy. The only problem was trying to remember stuff I hadn't used in a while.

Now, these questions aren't even on my list of all the stuff I need to study. So, that list has gotten bigger and I have gotten more nervous.

There is a Bible conference down in GA starting Monday. I wanted to go, but didn't realize it was so soon. It is being offered as graduate credit. One final and one 15 page paper. Easy 2 credits.

Pete is brainstorming about a website for the Textual debate topic. He wants to start another institute, beginning with this website. I was asked to be the site admin once the site is up and running. I'm excited. We have tons of details to work out and everything. . .about a lot of stuff.

He's hinting towards further degrees again. He's not pushing like he used to though. . .and tbh, as much as I find the regular brainwashing of students disgusting, part of me still wants to keep going so I can get another degree. . .after I finish the one I'm working on. We will see where the Lord leads. Any school I look at says my degree was pretty much wasted and I need another ~6 years work before I start my PhD. BJU might let me start as soon as I finish what I have. Would I rather have a ThM from Calvin, and a PhD from Westminster? Sure. . .but its me, lol. I'm not going to be in full time school for another 10 years. pfft.

I sent a resume to FL to see about teaching math in a Christian school. It was kinda out of the blue, but the thought was exciting to me. Doubt it will really work out, but it opened a possibility in my mind that I hadn't considered in a while. So, now its open.

Keep praying we will get a good job where God wants us to.

I don't really know if I should even take this management job here in town. I feel like I could be gone in two weeks. But I might be here for 3-6 months too. bleh! Only God knows.

Hopefully Memorial weekend will be fun. I haven't seen Mike and Em and Alice since I've been back. . .there is a problem there. If I move to CA, we probably won't be back for the 4th this year. Definitely Christmas though (Lord Willing).

I need to go. Hopefully people will start blogging again.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

the long awaited. . .

Escape from Orgrimmar

Yes that's right!! Its here. Check it out ->

Not nearly as good as the first. . .figure they only finished it because everyone was pushing them too. . .still, it has its funny parts.

So, yeah, no1 blogs much. Jenn does an ok job. I'm pretty busy with wedding stuff. And I spend my other free time working on learning Java, and studying computer stuff. It gets boring, but I try to stay with it. I've been missing WoW a bit lately. Mostly the guild running, which is ok I guess since that can't pull be back. If I missed playing I might be spending my money on it again. . .and that I can't afford right now.

50 days till the wedding. Then I can get out of here. YAHOO!!!!!

Miss you all.

Friday, February 22, 2008

is this where i blog?

That's the newest family member blog.

Congratulations to Matt on his baby boy!!

I think I have carpal tunnel.

The wedding is 9 weeks from tomorrow.

Plans are moving along. . .somewhat slowly at times.

Things got better with Mr. O, and seemed to backtrack again. I'm not sure where they are right now. /shrug

We are both ready to be married and get out of here.

Not sure where we are going yet. Still praying for a job.

Need to go. . .I wish I had more time. Maybe next week. or never.