Monday, April 30, 2007


So, first, i didn't go to the comedy thing. I guess it was exactly like a "who's line is it anyways" and I heard it was funny. Though, what I heard wasn't all that great.

Maybe I woulda enjoyed it. . .but we will never know now.

Now, to my actual dilemma. I could be home in 12 days. HOME in 12 days. wow huh? Or I could go to the resort and wait another 30 days.

Reasons for going home: Partys, and memorial day, aside from the fact that I could probably find something to do every Saturday.

Reasons for staying: I get lots and lots of money in a short time frame.

Further broken down: $7/hr * 30hr = $210/week. That would take me 20 weeks to make what I'm going to be making in 3. Also, if I come home early I have to get a job. a JOB! I don't want to work, and since I will *have* to work, I will probly miss memorial day and all those saturdays that i might get to do something anyway. Thus, the reason to come home early would be my bane!!! I would not only not get money, but I would also get no time to spend doing anything fun. /argh! I mean I can't get a job and say I need Memorial day off, and two weeks for a wedding, and every saturday, and. . .I don't know what people expect. I will be around MORE if I don't come home early. 24x7 = 168x3 =504hrs. Well, ok, maybe I won't be home more, b/c i doubt im working 30hrs for 15 weeks. I won't be home that long. But I still can't guarantee I will be home when I need to be.

I can't come home and just not work. My parents would have a fit, and I would probably get bored eventually.

What am I worried about? Really, I'm worried I'm going to be home and everyone comes over on Saturday and I have to work. That would be worse than being out here and missing everything i already miss. Memorial day is at the end of May. I can't wait to after May to get a job, b/c that's pointless for whoever hires me.

On the other hand, my cousin starts work like crazy and I might not see him at all once summer starts if I don't get home soon.

It might be better if I didn't know I could get a job, b/c then I would put apps in and stuff, but really no1 wants to hire someone for 2 months with a 2 week break in the middle. Except the people who call me superman, which leads me to wonder how flexibile could they really be? What if I worked 10-6 5 days a week? That would be more than 30 hours, that would give me weekends off. That would be lunch and part of dinner rush. I wouldn't be able to stay up too late, and I would be pressing it to make it to church on Wed, but I would have 40 hrs, I would have evenings for lvling/pvp. I might have to look into that.

The other possibility is trying to only get 20 hours instead of 30-40. If I got 20, then I have free time, I'm paying my bills and saving. Beside, I think my brother still owes me money. So its not like I have that many bills for two months.

But on the other hand, if I get this $4k I don't have to worry about finding another job next semester. I don't have to worry about working 3rd shift, or any of that fun stuff. I might still try to find one, but not one where I'm working all night.

So, in conclusion, if I pass on Thursday I'm probably staying here unless I talk to my friend and he can get me very specific details on this job/schedule. oh, my other option is to play poker and win lots of money. I vote C. =D

Got my insurance bill. Good timing, b/c I was just starting to feel rich again. /sigh. Oh well. $900 turns into $300 pretty fast, with just a couple bills.

Oh btw, the one thing I am kinda worried about is that I've gained back some of my weight and they might say I'm too heavy. Honestly doubt it, but it could happen.

And if I do end up going, pray that something goes wrong and that I get super powers. Like spiderman or something, but not spiderish. I could really use something like that, so I hope it happens. Like maybe if I could turn invisilbe...but that really isnt too useful. All's I can think of are illegal ways to make money with that, or cheat. I'd be good at hide and seek though. Or the hiding part. . . .wow, what good is invisibility? Its only used for Def it seems. Not saying I would complain if I got it, but there are better things out there. And perma-invis would not be good.

Ok, now that I'm thinking bout it, my brother was talking about Mr Fantastic the other day. So really, is invis better or stretchy? What can you do as stretchy? they both seem pretty worthelss to me. The fire kid, now that is AWESOME! I wish I could turn into a ball of fire and fly, are you kidding me?! But still, that whole grp is pretty much pointless in the huge list of super powers.

Did I tell you guys about the people in front of me at Aldi's that spent $391? Yup, they spent that much.

I heard our next class was supposed to be easy so I was happy and wanted to check. I get online and find out we have reading evalutations, a paper, a presentation, a preaching outline. . .what part of this sound seasy? Great, just as I'm aoubt stress free I have to look at the class for next week and it turns out its not easy. Futher, while it has its good points, the presentation is due Thursday night, which means that the paper will probly need to be done by then too. /sigh

Alright, im out. g'night

Saturday, April 28, 2007

saturday its saturday

*in merry little tune continued from title* 3 more days and I'm done. =D

Yeah, so only 200 pages of reading and 2 tests left. 1 Test is 2 hours long open book. The other has no time limit but I can only use the Bible. The latter is definitely the harder of the two. Last semester I had one similar to this last one but he neglected to say closed book. I got an A, how can you not? But I guess it was a mistake on his part. He was like "I don't know why I let you guys do that." Sooo, now I have a closed book test that will be killer. ah me.

SI can get boring fast. I think I need to think very carefully before posting. Well, the problem is not that I haven't thought before posting, but its that posts that seem one way are another entirely. I can think the topic will go X direction and it goes Y. Such is life and the way of variables.

Can't decide if I should buzz my hair or not. I'm going to be ushering at graduation next week, and I don't know if I want to hack my hair off first.

5 hours left. /groan

Now, I've only got uh, 2 hours left. yay. 3:55.

The audacity!!! I wasn't going to join this thread, but I was reading over it and this guy makes this statement "when people like Turretin, James Price, Rick Norris, or most modern day Church confessions of faith start talking" What kind of ignorant unresourceful. . .ok. Seriously though, grouping Turretin with vocal-anit KJV guys hurts your cause. This is something anti-KJB guys would love to claim and the KJB guy just gave it to them. Moron.

meh, 30 minutes left. /sigh. My roommate wants me to go to some comedian thing tonight. I'm tired and not feeling social. I have to be social tomorrow. Besides, it might be a little funny, but I doubt its "Rofl" funny. Even "lol" funny IRL turns into *chuckle*.

I gtg, so I'll ttyl I guess. 5:37.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

something fishy

So I got an email that my ad-account was cancelled because of something I did. . .I didn't click on the ads myself. I didn't post and tell people to click on them. Idk why it got cancelled....but idc either. BUT there are still ads on my site. "Now, I'm angry!"

Meh, ok, not angry but frustrated.

Took my greek. I had 4 straight pages of memorization I needed to know....spending 3-4 hours studying doesn't give too much time too study the "other stuff" since those 4 pages only =1.5 on the test. I wasn't too happy with several of my answers, but others that always seem hard when I first look at them I was pleased with. Out of 190, so we will see. Got a 52/60 on my vocab. . .if I got an even 70 on the whole thing I get a B+. . . .70% would be 175 total. I got a 52, which means I only needed a 123 to get a B+. Add another 25 points say, to give me 80%, which is still probly going to be a B+. . . . .the final being 25% of my total anything below my average, of an A is going to bring me down. So I woulda needed a. . .225 to hit a 90%, which woulda been incredibly difficult. Although I mighta hit that, tbh. Oh well.

Oh, I HAVE to remember to read turretin Saturday. I need another 200 pages or so by Monday night. It won't be hard to get I just need to remember.

Pizza VB party tonight in the gym. We are having pizza and playing VB. We are probably going to have our biggest crowd too. . .4 or 5 pizzas? hmm.

The academy is having some concert, so all these "little" "boys and girls" are carrying instruments through the hall and practicing in the little gym, and stuff. . . . . . .they are loud.

I can't wait till Tuesday. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAH. IT WILL BE GO GREAT. ok, I'm done. I know, I know, caps hurts the eyes.

I went and bought some cheese. mmmmm. Tuna sandwich with doritos and cheese. What could be better? I'm living the high life now. I also bought some ham for my Mac and Cheese. mmmmmmm.

going to go do some pullups because i feel like it, brb.

ok, nvm, I thought the gym was empty. Its not.

I need to take another IQ test soon. I'm losing my edge. I can feel it. The other day I misspoke on a simple math problem. /gasp! "But," you say, "Dave, you just misspoke." Would I forget it if you misspoke? No, didn't think so. Why not hold myself to the same standards? See I'm fair like that. ;)

Joe, I can't believe you told that joke. seriously.

I don't want to go 3 weeks without wow. . . .rofl, my roommate went for a screening today. He's not sure if he wants to get accepted because they dont want him working out while hes there and he works out every morning. HAHA. I mean, think about me. I don't want to go b/c I'll be missing out on WoW, and be in this place with wierd people and I'll have to do my laundry on a different schedule than normal. yah, hah.

I should do something. I feel like I've got some energy. I need to get rid of it. I could go do pushups in my bosses office. hmmm. No, b/c my chest is still soar from my workout.

I need a haircut. I'm going to be shaggy when I come home. Think about it....3 MORE weeks without a hair cut. HAHa. Maybe I'll buzz my head after graduation. That gives me 4 weeks to grow it out some before coming home again. And I don't have to buzz it super short, just like to 1inch or so. hmmmmmmmmm.

Loud little kids. . . . . .ok, for those of you who don't know, these "kids" are the high schoolers who are performing some concert. Just to clarify.

I spoke with a cousin of mine who is attending a church where currently they are going through a series on the bible issue. I was told there are holes in my argument. I laugh at said hole. /point /lol. told ya. We talked for a bit after, and I think I debunked most of my supposed holes.

Plans are for Ponderosa Sunday. That sounds good already.

Doh!! I need a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nvm.

I played a MUD once. I actually ran a MUD from my PC once. I helped build a MUD before. That was good experience. Yes, yes it was. I say "nyah!" to you detractors. Just because it lacks graphics doesn't mean it isnt a real game.

I am a twink master. I got a ginvite from people on another server. They were impressed with how I dishes out the pwnsauce. Who wouldn't be? ;)

I'm wishing I had a 70 priest now. heh, instead of 29. lol. I was reading about priests who would jump off their birds and levitate and dot someone up. then mount asap and repeat. HAHAHAHAHA, sounds like a blast. Of course the person posting wasn't too happy, but QQ more noob is what I say.

And did I tell you I had a lock on me and double DoT'd and I ran around the corner, got out of combat, watched my dots, stealthed and sapped him, hahahahahahaha. Who needs CoS? ;)

Locks/priests are quite dangerous at lvl 19 too. Fear does not seem to have diminishing returns like it should. Which makes them unbeatable 1v1. Especially if you don't have ur pvp trinket, which I do not yet.

I haven't checked SI yet today. I probly should just to see what's up.

Ah stanley. Always good for a laugh, and then, when we see your seriousness a blank look of unbelief and utter dismay that someone claiming fundamentalism is so vastly ignorant. But alas, there are many like you.

I want to post in response to this one thread but the guy asked a question that never gets answered, and the reason it never gets answered is because it is waaaaay complicated and leads off topic. I know the answer but I can see every non-KJB guy coming to the thread once I post it. And I'm not prepared to deal with every detractor that feels the need to correct the transcendend Scripture. Btw, I like that word: transcendent. It is very fitting and applicable to all of life.

Which reminds me, our whole life attitude should be one of submission. Something to work on for most of us I'm sure. . .

Shakespeak could write. I would enjoy a shakespear class I think. . . no, now that I actually "think" about it I'm not sure I would. I enjoy shakespeare for what it is. I don't want to have to find the deeper meaning behind it.

I was thinking of something last night. . .idk what now though, rats. I had some really weird dreams. Been doing that a lot lately. Wonder what it was. . .it was some good times.

One guy posted about a response to an article, and this guy posting is KJB, BUT he is off. He is probably young and zealous. No, actually he's not. You would hope that is all it is, well, no you wouldn't. You would hope the young ignorant ones would keep their mouths shut and lrn from the wise, but I digress. Apparently he's ~60ish or something. By that age, you should have your arguments nailed down a bit more, OR if you dno't know them, you shouldn't be posting. Which is partly why I am selective in my posts. . .though, my default life assumption is that I know everything, and am right. It musta been the wierd ceiling in our room b/c my brother just happens to always be right too. Amazing huh?

Through the grape vine, I have heard that some people are wondering what my secret is. I could play it up, play it down, or just laugh b/c you don't know. I was gonna do one of them, buuuuut, someone else said they might so I'll just leave it alone. It won't matter by next Friday anyway.

I am cold. Odd. It is chilly outside for sure, but this office really shouldn't be that cold, imo. We are supposed to be back up to 70 by Saturday. I'm really sick of this cold weather.

Tomorrow is Friday. I have no classes because the semester is almost over.

I posted my concluding remarks in my online class. I was gonna comment here again about teh foolishness that was expounded upon but I'm sure you have had enough of that.

I just deleted what was going to be here. It didn't need to be.

ooh oh oh!! I just remembered another site where I am debating. hoo hooo! Got to read some of this now. ;) 7:43.

btw: hahaha, that's right, a new short.

/sigh, I can't figure out how to "get ye flask." I know i have to talk to this guy but I can't figure it out....I've never played DM3 before. Its short, and easy. So far, ;) Here it is: 8:41.

Hahah!! I defeated the dungeon and art truly thy dungeonman! It turns out that I was mispelling the name of the guy due to the odd font. Go figure. It is a K, fyi.

Going to play 1 or 2 now. ;) 8:54.

meh, won 1. It was rather simple. Can't find 2, anywhere. And bored with it anyway.

idk idk idk

Some kid in the Acad, thinks he wants to argue with me on the versions. I see what I was probly like. He is eager to debate. He thinks he knows his stuff. And he makes blatantly wrong statements effecting the rest of his theology but he doesn't realize it because he hasn't studied it. It is a whole different level of arguing. One I am not used to. But hes interesting, that's for sure.

Someone came in and went upstairs while I was in the weight room....Now, I should probly go make sure they are in appropriate apparel and not wearing head phones, and it would be better for me if I knew who it was. . .

I am sooooo cold! I don't get it. I shoulda brought a coat I guess. = /

I just ordered the pizza, BUT the coupon is at the hosue and I can't get in touch with my roommate so I am going to have to run home, grab my coupon and then run back right at close so that I'm back when the pizza guy gets here. =/

Gonna log. I'll write more later I assume. 9:27.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

me again

That reminds me, I should send out my email saying we are playing poker this week. No real reason except if I don't someone will say "You didn't send the email out so I didn't think we were meeting." even though we have all talked about it before.

3 tests and 1 paper left. Part 1 of test 1 is tomorrow. It shouldn't be too bad. Part two will be tough. It is greek.

My roommate asked me when the last time our TV was on...neither of us could remember. We don't watch TV, or movies anymore. We don't have time for movies (or so we say). We did talk about getting the Muskateer movie that came out a while back.

Sunday services were our 50th aniversary service. It was interesting for sure. It was packed then we ate lunch, and then we had 90 minutes of testimony. It did get long but it was cool to hear too. The baseball team just had their game cancelled. They aren't too happy but hey, can't stop the rain.

I think it would be good at this point to express some thankfullness. I sat down yesterday and typed out a 10 page paper in about 5 hours. I can only do that because of the good grace of God. I surprised myself.

I hope the softball team has lots of food they don't eat today. I could use some turkey sandwiches.

I'm DW Assassin Blades. It is not near as much DPS as I was expecting. = ( I just equipped it today too. Honestly I am somewhat disappointed but over all its not a big deal b/c its just some gold and I can get that anytime.

I am getting anxious about going to the resort. Should be interesting.

I got a bag of doritos here. I could open it and eat them. Or I could not eat. I did eat a bagel before coming to work, so I'm not starving or anything. But they look good, and I haven't had any in a long time.

I feel tired. I shouldn't really.

Dominoes has this deal for a medium pizza for $4. I can eat 1.5 though in a sitting. So, you can tell they aren't like great pieces.

The VB team doesn't practice tonight...oh yeah, there is a recital thing in there instead. I forgot.

Oh, and these doritos are good. mmMMmmm.5:49.

9:20. So, I posted, and posted, and posted, and wrote and posted some more. I still have two more posts that are kinda pressing but I don't have time right now. I need to go over my greek vocab again. *in a chanting voice* Vocab Vocab Vocab Vocab *ok, back to regular me* bleh.

I want to play poker. . .and more poker.

I wish . . . well, yeah so do lots of people. It doesn't do much though.

I need a GF. Normally that is proceeded by a /sigh or /groan, but not today. Idk why, so don't ask.

Oh, I just remembered another post that needs my attention. /sigh.

We are discussing having a party Thursday night instead of our normal Volleyball. While it sounds fun I think Volleyball will actually BE fun. Pizza is all well and good but I can get pizza w/e, and I don't get to play VB very often.

My friend just talked about going canoing this summer. I will need to make sure I lose some of this weight again by that time. Shouldn't be too hard I dont think.

I ate about half that bag. that was dumb. Ok, just plain old stupid. I don't feel too good now. My lips are chapped. My bag is half gone and I didn't even get Applesauce with it. I was just sitting here typing/reading and eating. Then I was "Ooh!! I'm eating too much." My sodium intake is wAAay high right now.

6 more days. YAHOO!

I want to play poker...Ialready said that, but I was thinking about it again. I wish I were home this weekend. My cousins are going to be doing stuff. . . .it stinks being 8 hours away. If it was only 4, I would make the trip home more often.

I was put in charge of inventory. sorta. What it meant was, that when the secretary set me up with a coach I would help them do inventory. The secretary has only set me up with 2, of the many, and one of them cancelled on me. So, now what? I should probably write her and say, I'm only working 1.5 more weeks, so get those appointments going or dont bother.

Going to go do something else....vocab or work out....probly work out now that its 9:30. g'night.

Post Script: I just saw someone ask that I expand on the "God is not male topic." The topic is simple. People in my online course believe that God is genderless despipte the many many references in the Bible to god in the masculine. Further, they submit that it is wrong of us to designate God as male. They try to differentiate between the statement "God is male" "God is a male" "God is masculine" I am not sure which they would accept or if they are even in agreement regarding it. Just that they do make some distinctions there.

I on the other hand am happy to say God is male. God is Mascualine. And due to the definitions of the other two, I don't really have a problem saying God is a male. Reference "him" "he" "his" "Father" "Son."

That's an expansion, and a little summary. took me 5 minutes, so I'm not going to time stamp this. You should be able to figure it out.

Monday, April 23, 2007


I didn't blog Saturday b/c I couldn't think of anything to say. I had my blog up the whole time, just never logged in for lack of words.

Working on a paper. That's cool, I guess.

My Prof did post the test. . .so much for thinking we weren't going to have one in this class. I don't anticipate it being overly hard though.

School will be over next week. We are going to try to clean our house.

I'm running out of good food (tuna) and am left with a bunch of chips, and applesauce. I love chips and applesauce, but its not filling or healthy.

I can't wait for this week to be over. Greek test on Wednesday/Thursday. That is a HUGE thing. Pray for me.

People here on campus are positive that God is not male. Yes, I'm sure they have read their Bibles before, but I wonder too sometimes.

I talked with one guy today for about 45 minutes about the Bible issue, and stuff. It was a good discussion.

In my online course, someone said, "I learned a lot about your position and I hope you can say the same." I can't. I learned very little if anything about the wrong position. I knew what it was already. I studied, and my studying convinced me further that the wrong position was wrong. I read the guys who don't have any certainty. I know what they think/say. I didn't learn anything from the few students who have read less substantial material on their own side than myself. I'm acting arrogant atm, aren't I? /sigh. Its frustrating.

I met two girls yesterday. There is nothing to that aside from I met them. So, those of you wanting me to meet people, be happy.

Ephesians 1:1-7

Paul an apostle -- Paul begins this letter much like many others. Paul's authority rests in the fact that he is an apostle of God. blah blah blah. I'm not going to type my whole paper here, srry. Or rather, yw.

I still have two posts to respond to on my internet course before I am done.

There must come a point in everyone's life when they are done believing what they do because someone else does, and believe it because they actually do. Why dost thou believe what thou dost?

So much damage can be done by ignorant people bent on undermining.

I want to setup a hold'em night next year. If we can get a solid 4-6 people to come once every other week or something that'd be cool. Even the crew of the Enterprize played poker. But that is interesting because it shows that in the near future Hold'em won't be so popular, and everyone will be playing 5 card draw. (that is what they play isn't it?)

Going to go write some. 6:00.

Almost done, but I'm done here. cya laters. 9:48.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


So, when you get swamped and/or bored its good to re-visit some old stuff that makes you laugh:

SI can be fun. But most threads people don't want to get into it with me too much. I'm posting on this thread atm though that could open into debate. We will see.

Respect. Where is it? Why don't Christians show enough respect to each other? Calling a pastor by his first name, neglecting the Mr. or Mrs. Yes, the elderly will say, "Don't call me xx." or "Sit down. You don't need to stand up to." But that is a polite courtesy on their part. How disrespectful is it when you get teenagers calling these same elderly by their first name? Does not the world show more respect than often Christians do? At a business meeting, isn't it appropriate to stand up when the other party enters the room? Do you not rise to shake hands? Why has the church cast off what is common respectful behavior?

This brings me to another issue. "Uncle" & "Aunt" When is it appropriate to refer to someone with or without the titles? Hmm? Generally speaking age is the deciding gap in many of these things. What about evangelists/pastors? I worked last summer with a kid who spoke of the evangelist that was coming on a first name basis. Ok, the evangelist was my age. Understandable, but the example before me is my Grandma who addresses her son as "Pastor," because she attends his church. I mean seriously. How hard is it to say Pastor, or Evangelist? This is definitely not age based. Some things are; some arent.

But aged based becomes subjective. What is the age gap that is appropriate? Does it also depend on familiarity? I would say yes. Does familiarity eliminate the age gap? As you probably all know, I hate the subjective. I would rather proof I'm right then have it be my opinion. Because honestly, everyone has opinions, and my opinion isn't worth too much. So, its a pride issue. Well, that's another topic, and I don't want to talk about it now. So meh.

Going to try to get some reading done. 7:02.

Well, got a tiny bit of reading done and then happened upon a thread upon the sacraments. Ok, a Fundamentalist forum on the sacraments. Let's look at it. Then the guy goes off. . . This was my first hammer. And I'm sure I'm going to be fighting this one. The guy is wacko, or re-defining every definition we hold to. Anyway, I have to go set the VB net up for the missions team. brb. 7:57.

So, I posted more. No big deal I guess. going to actually read now though. 8:55.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

almost, yet so far...

In two weeks from today I will be done. With everything. In those two weeks I have 3 papers due, 2 reading assignments, 3 finals, and 4 quizzes. The reading does not bother me. The one paper is already complete. The finals worrry me for sure. The quizzes, are not a bother. I get to drop 5, and so, IF I don't do terribly well, it will not be a big deal as my average isn't horrible.

Soo much to do, yet it will all be over soon enough.

I love PB. My roommate got a 5 lb container of it this afternoon. Creamy, though. I'm back on my diet. It is hard. Especially with all the work I need to get done. I got coke in the fridge, and ice cream, and candy....I need to stay awake, and that will do it; however, I won't lose much weight eating that kinda food.

I DL a poker game. Did I already talk about this? My friend and I played for a bit. Free online poker. Its great. My friend and I hopped on vent and we played for a few hours. You start with $1,000. If you go broke you can get another $1,000 as many times as you want, as long as it has been 5 minutes since the last time. So, I went up to 10k, and my friend went out like 9 times in the course of the 2-3 hours. It was interesting playing with people you don't know, and also not being able to judge anything by facial expressions. A game started while we were on for real money....$26 total to get in, with a possibility of winning 12k. That is good money. heh. I didn't enter. ;)

I got to try to write a 10-12 page paper on Eph. 1:1-7. That doesn't seem too hard, does it? I mean there is so much in that passage. We will see.

ok, time to read. 5:55.

I got another post in response on my internet course. /sigh. It is funny, my biggest "opposition" are the people who are or used to be good friends with my cousins family. I mean. . .?!?! Ok, the dad of the family, my uncle, has soooooo much knowledge, and I can't begin to think how much time they have spent at my cousins house. Why then are they the most adament in their wrongness. Yes, others are just as wrong, and just as un-willing to change, but the question remains, why are these people the most outspoken in their error? /sigh

I added up my pages I have read so far for my one class and I started to worry, b/c I didn't know what I was going to read to finish it up. Then I recalled, Turretin. Good answer! Good answer!

The VB missions team comes in every night to practice now. So, I have to set a VB net up every night now. No big deal. Mr. Trainer, in charge of missions or something here, also shows up.

secret of the nyhm && Myndflame == DL and watch; fyi, myndflame has some new stuff out and I hear its pretty good. Check it out.

And while, u are looking at new stuff that just came out check this out, new yesterday: alrighty, back to reading. 7:27.

Well, I'm going to go try to work out a bit before we close tonight so I can get home earlier. I finished the first book, and started the second. Only ~500 pages to go. = / ttyl. 9:28

Saturday, April 14, 2007


So, there are some ad's on my site now (you may have noticed). I was shocked at first by how well they pin-pointed what to advertise. The first one was "Get your degree in Theology/Apologetics" Then later "Buy WoW gold." etc. Today's was somewhat disappointing however. I apologize if something pops up that doesn't look right. Its not like I've made the oogle bucks I wanted, so I can go ahead and cancel maybe. . .although any extra cash would be cool.

Here I am at work. . .listening to the softball team outside my office. They are all tired. I don't blame them, its Saturday morning and the college had a late night skate till like 1am or something last night. My mom left me some donut holes and some chocolate milk. So that is what I will eat today. I also brought an apple, b/c fruits and vegetables are a very important part of every meal....remember that, fruits and vegetables. You heard it here. (And I pop another donut hole in)

I went to the play last night. It was good. I laughed. I didn't have a date. So I cried. . .wait, no, I didn't really. My mom and sister say I'm too self-centered. I think everything is about me, and thus I can't get a girl. At the same time, they say I "can" get a girl. It was a very confusing weekend.

Of course, if your only contact with me is this blog then you wouldn't know if I'm self-centered because, well, to be honest, this blog is about me. I don't think it would work even if I wanted to, to make a blog about someone else. I could try it sometime. (another DH)

See, on this blog I let you know what I'm doing at the very moment of my writing. If I'm just writing you know, but when someone wants a BB I usually say it. Well, that's not true, just sometimes. So this blog isn't really any more speciall than any other one. Only 3 Donut Holes left. . . . . . . . . or . . . . 2 I mean.

I didn't go to the late night skate. My "good reason" was that I had to get my reading done for my class. It was due by e-mail at Midnight and I was almost done, but had to finish. I did in fact finish, and got that easy 30% of my grade.

My other reason was, well, my "secret reason." I didn't want to go. /gasp Yes, its true. It wasn't that great last time, and I was extremely tired last night. Well factor out the tired; I just didn't want to go. It is a bunch of people. Too many in such a closed area. . . . . . .well, that's my thoughts anyway.

Why don't I like people? They are stupid. Well, yeah. . .but what else? "What else is there?" My sister said "You have to care, when you ask 'how are you?'" I do care, when I ask. But I don't ask if I don't care. Thus I don't ask. What makes me care about how your day went? Do you care about every strangers day? Really? I ask the people I know. . .because I care. The people I don't, well, why ask them? Am I right? Idk. . .really, idk. How does this all relate to being friendly or not? I am told I'm not friendly. . .well, define friendly. I get along with some people. Some I don't. I'm not outgoing, but that isn't necessary . . . is it? Bah, its too early to be thinking about stuff like this.

I'm still tired. But am looking forward to my break. I will be tired until the beginning of May.

Now the Acad soccor team is outside my office getting rdy. But their coach is the secretary here at the office and so she's trying to get stuff organized for the games in the office, and writing directions down and stuff. And she's on the phone. And she's getting checks ready for the other games going on today, for the refs. The phone call sounds kinda important....she is multitasking like crazy.

I'm soooo tired. I got some info that is a secret. Everyone will know in say a month, but right now its a secret. um. . . . . .Mark Twain ftw?

Well, I'm getting more and more active on SI. I found myself almost posting something because I could. I have to try to be more careful than that.

Got my answers to section 4 up on the online course today. yay! I suppose a "yay" works. I'm still tired, but I'm dont in 5:30. Yes, I forgot to time stamp my post this time, sry.

Everything I read about priests is that they are soooooo horrible endgame. It makes me want to re-roll right now. The biggest reason not to? Yup, my herbalism is already at ~225. Though I am soooooo tempted to make a 70 rogue. Haha, like I have the determination to do that.

Well. . .if my replacement gets here I can leave. So I'm logging. 6:01.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


So I doubt I get my paper done . . . It will be extremely tricky. If I weren't having company it would be close, but now its like the death star in the firing process when Han shows up close. That is close.

My brother wrote an excellent paper, and sent it out for revision before mass mailing. Will make the wedding interesting imo.

I can't wait for my cousin's wedding. Soo cool.

Haven't played much WoW lately...not too much to do, and little time to do it.

The good news, which depends on the bad news happening, is that the paper due next week I have done except for final editting, so if I am late on this paper then the next week will not snow-ball to being behind on another paper, but rather I will have all of next week to do this one that I'm having a very very hard time with. Its so hard because I don't want to or know how to write on this topic. I am writing on interpretting revelation. Throughout the past year I have either been given my topic, or been able to pick one that I was familiar with. This one I had to pick, but the familiar ones were off-limits due to my answering them on the Final questions. /sigh

Got a 20 on my greek today, and an 18.5 on yesterdays. Yesterdays shoulda been a 20 and todays a 14 or something but hey, it works out this way.

The first night of the play tonight. do i hear a woot? Didn't think so.

I miss my house, my parents, my sisters, my brother, my cousin, my other cousin. I miss the get togethers, the laughing, my brother's constant bragging, the witless jokes, the witty comments, the ragging on those who deserve it, even when its me. I miss the slams on the people who ask for it, the food, the debates, the energy, and being around people willing to hammer me when they should. I miss the political comments, and hearing the same stories over and over. I miss the debates over capitalism and lying. I miss poker, magic, star wars, and hearing my favorite final fantasy coming from the piano. I miss the superior attitude upon every topic, and sitting in the living room talking about life late at night with mom on the couch and dad at the PC . . . . . I miss home.

This new PC in the office has speakers built in. Can I hear a woot? how bout a "Poo Ha hoo ha huh?"

We've grown up, just like the puppies and the 4 seasons, with the little red squirrel. Ok, perhaps a little different than that, but here we are. Its weird. . . . .but its cool.

Oh, i may be giving out my Passwd for my stay at the resort (medical facility) so people can get me some arena trinkets while i am swimming on the beach and getting a tan (taking drugs and having my blood drawn). I only need 18 more, and me being gone 21 days it really wouldn't be too hard for a few peeps who really want to help me out to get me all 18. Yes, I'm talking about you, so think about it.

I was thinking over a book I read last fall . . . It was one of those that is left hanging until the author decides to finish the next one . . . I hope he does so soon. I have two series where I'm stuck like that. /sigh.

I keep forgetting to remind my cousin about Volleyball tonight....not like she will show up anyway, but i should at least tell her.

I made a TON of tuna-salad yesterday. It filled to the brim a 9x14 pan or w/e those pans are. We didn't have a bowl big enough. Ate about 1/3 yesterday, another 1/3 today. Leaving me about 1/3 or so for tonight or tomorrow. . .probly tonight. 6 cups of noodles and 4 cans of tuna. mm mmm, good. 7:26.

I showed back up on a forum briefly to comment on a moron, er, mormon's beliefs. He gave his farewell and jumped ship. Part of me wondered "should i feel bad? this guy had been around here for a while." then the other part said "no, why should a mormon feel comfrotable in a Christian setting, and why should Christians feel comfortable tolerating a mormon?" Thus, the fact that he left may get me in hot water, but over all, I don't think my response to his ramblings was incorrect. Like my roommate said "who wouldn't give up two years of their life to become god?"

A,C,N,O,U,T = _ _. ._ _ _ _ (the dots are a space) Hmm, I'm trying to figure it out...I'm slow I know.

The new Rocky was ok, but I was kinda disappointed. It was just very slow. 45 minutes before he even started to think about fighting. It was a good closing to the rocky series, waaay better than the last one tried to be, but not something you recommend to anyone not a rocky fan, imo.

What would the plot line have been if adrian had decided to come back for the movie? They woulda had to change a lot. Maybe he woulda won the fight? Or was that determined he wouldn't win? I think I wanted him to win . . . aren't you supposed to?

My uncle runs his blogs through MS word . . . I would too if I thought there was anyone important reading this. I run my internet course posts through word. It isn't usually for things I don't know, but rather for all the stuff that I glaze over by accident that Word can easily catch.

My cousin is going to call me in an hour so I should finish the Greek in front of me. Translating itself is not too hard. however, it does get difficult to parse. I hate parsing. Parsing is worse than anything else. It requires much thinking; no matter how much memorization, it requires thinking. I can memorize all my vocab and then I know the verb means "I give" but to find whether it means "I have been given" or the normal "I give" makes a difference. /sigh

My chest hurts. . .I love that feeling. I don't think I'm going to make 300lbs by the 4th if there isn't a weight room at my beach resort (see above). Paying taxes on my stay might be difficult. I will definitely have to remember that I will have to PAY and not be getting money next year.

I was thinking of joining some form of the armed services for law school. That gets it all paid for, plus guarantees me a job when i get done. Plus I get the veteran status that i have always wanted (ok, so maybe not for the right reasons, but talk about that later) I could be like Tom Cruise on a Few Good Men, and say stuff like "I want the Truth!!" Then again, there are a lot of rules in any of the military and I don't like rules. They disagree with me, and I with them. I need to start running. . .8:15.

Well, my uncle called first so, I'm gonna split. peace. 9:05

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

im back!

So, I had asked for this past weekend off b/c I was hoping to go to Fl. It didn't work out but I still had the weekend off. As such I didn't blog. Oh well.

We got very nice new office chair in the office. And they replaced the old poor PC with a slim PC type. It runs faster but they haven't updated IE so I'm still using 6 and I really liked 7. But the trade off is worth it so far.

My internet course is zipping along. I got some people posting the same responses over and over and over and over and over . . . see? it gets annoying. I'm glad I'm not the only one annoyed by it. I talked to another guy today and hes like "They post a question, and I was sure you answered it like 5 times already." True enough, but when you have no response just repeat yourself louder, right? Am I right?

I kinda hammered my prof and he hasn't responded since. He deserved it.

I was trying to help my roommate find some quotes so he could input yet not claim any side. Generally I was able to find some blanket statements. But the more specific quotes I would find would suppot me. I don't think he's ready to do that yet. . .though I am winn, er I am presenting a more logical/theological argument.

They were not just short posts, I spent several hours Sunday/Monday and posted another ~8 pages I think. 5 to one person and then some more "smaller" posts.

I am enjoying my twinking immensly. However, I started to think about why. When I get on to lvl. . .I play by myself, doing boring stuff. When I get on my twink, I have an invite generally in under 5 min, and I get to play capture the flag which I am *really* good at in the braket I play in. So, I play a game I'm good at with friends or play by myself doing stuff that is a drag. That is why I am twinking right now.

Paper due Friday. I still haven't decided what my topic is. I hate that part. I think it might be the author of the book of Hebrews. That was presented as an option. The more I think about it the better it seems. 1. No1 knows, therefore I will not be expected to draw any conclusion other than IDK. (and that is a favorite saying of mine) 2. all sorts of people think all sorts of things, so there should be plenty of information regarding it. 3. It lacks any sort of depth.

I forgot to shave before coming to work tonight. . .oh well.

Someone spent 720g on the ring I wanted. That is a lot of gold, but there is no guarantee that ring will ever show up again, so yeah, 720g isn't bad. . .lol.

I am tired, and I haven't even gotten to the weekend where I will be up for 30 hours or so writing a paper. Then I have tests, and reading reports, and AUAGHAUAHAGUHGHUGHUGHUAUAGHGAHUUAGUAHGAHUGHAAGHUGAHG.

I'm eating tuna/beans again, only I had some canned chicken so I'm eating that instead of the tuna today, so its more like chicken/beans. But hey! /shrug, idk why that "hey" had an '!.' but it does. I need to do more situps. Yes, that is what I need to do.

I don't undertand why I am so tired right now. I got 5-6 hours of sleep. The McD is falling apart. Like 3 other guys put there two weeks in. The manager 2nd in charge is leaving at the end of the month. . .that is anther story. He is moving to Hawai. So I'm like wow, that's something, wonder why.
"You have a job there?"
"I have like 500 applications in and have gotten some phone calls. but I just am sick of people. I just want to get away. Hawaii is [however many miles] from the nearest land."
"But there are still people there. . ."
"Yeah, . . ."
And it goes on. I mean, stupid stupid stupid. This is what discontent and searching in the life of the unregenerate does. Makes them move to Hawaii for no reason with every hope to succeed and no reason to expect to. I knew a group who moved to FL. They lasted 3 months and then were back working the same Fast-food job. They had no money, and didn't like working as one of those people that calls during dinner, w/e they are called.

I found out today that the person I thought was teaching 2nd year Greek is leaving the school to go become and assistant pastor somewhere. He was also the one teaching my NTI course and the one under whom I really did not wnt to take 2nd year Greek. But, who then is teaching it? or is it being offered? I was seriously considering taking Hebrew having thought through it these past couple weeks. Maybe I will be anyway if they don't offer 2nd year.

Which brings me to another point: Even when the students here recognize that their Prof is off, they don't see the big picture. Say Prof A is off on the bible issue. Taking Greek under him is most likely doing more harm than good. You are getting the Greek info but the entire semester/year you are hearing your Bible undermined. Think about it. . .you might say, He is arminian, thus when I take is class on salvation I should be careful. Then he gets up in chapel and says "man has a free will" and it gets soaked in b/c there shield is only up about salvation. I have no doubt the prof knows Greek. I do however feel bad for everyone who has ever had to sit through his class because his premise for study and life is that he can correct the Bible.

Another thing. Why do people ask me "Well, are they off on anything else?" What bigger issue is there?! I mean, are you looking for them to be off on the Trinity, virgin birth, salvation, etc, etc? And even then, we make our exceptions. Arminians aren't right on salvation -- unlearned. Modern TC -- well, they hold to the fundamentals. What does it take? Why must I defend a statement about the negative impact of the school, if indeed the only thing ever said wrong was the Bible issue?

What is the cause today? David asked "Is there not a cause?" [This could be termed an out of context lecture, similar to that of Spurgeon. Which always bothered me when people harped on Spurgeon about stuff like this. Yes, for me to take this question and apply it to any situation is taking it out of context. However, I am not going to be anti-biblical, I will apply biblical principles found elsewhere. So what is wrong with me using a biblical question? This is what Spurgeon did in his morning and evening . . . personally, I have a hard time hearing people belittle Spurgeon, or Turretin, or Calvin, or . . . I'm sure they were wrong on things, and would never grant them perfection, but seriously, who are *you*? who am I? Don't take pride in thinking Spurgeon was using that quote right; rather think, what is the application, and how amazing it was that God showed him all that he did.] Is it not enough to get riled over the Bible issue? Is there not just reason? Look me straight in the eye and tell me please that you are comfortable deciding what words God wanted in the holy Scriptures. Go for it. The day I hear a preacher say it, I will get up and walk out. Part of me regrets sitting through a whole message based on removing the word "the" from a verse. When some prof says it. . .well, I am here for an A, not to tell the prof he's impugning the holy transcendent Word of Almighty God. But who would dare say it? Even those who say it every day with different language would not dare say it so straight forward . . . would they? The arminian would not dare pray "Thank you that I saved myself." (Why would they thank God they saved themselves anyway? Maybe they do thank themselves "Hey Dave, I'm so glad you saved me, whew!" Blasphemous, indeed!) Yet they do say it everyday.

Tell me I'm over reacting, go ahead. I will tell you, you do not understand the seriousness of the matter. The opposing side says we are over-reacting. "Ok, you disgree, but its not worth causing a fuss over. Not worth seperating over." BAH!!!! You come to my church and say the word "the" should be removed and I go to your church and say "We don't have Gods word. What we have today is what scholars think it might be but no1 is or ever can be absolutely sure about it. Certainty on this matter is nto possible." Then you see what your people say. The statement you made is the equivalent of mine. I just am not as decpetive about it.

My mom and sisters are coming this weekend to see a play. I don't know why it is worth coming 6-8 hours and spending all that money to see a play. You'd think I was in it, but I'm not. I don't get it, but it will be nice to see them.

WOW. I missed a great weekend. I wanted in on that debate sooo badly. Not like I haven't had it before, but seriously, I wish I had been there. Makes me sad inside.

I just wrote a whole bunch in comment on my brothers blog so I won't go forever here about it. But why do you run from confrontation? 1. you have no confidence in your beliefs. 2. You can't defend your beliefs even though you think they are right (this is due to lack of knowledge on your part or lack of quick thinking/speaking) 3. you dont know what you believe. 4. you are a wimp. (as Peter Jr. would say, as quoted somewhere on SI)

The people who get up and leave, are not willing to defend their side because 1. they know they are wrong. 2. they don't know how/what to say. However in life you will find everyone can come up with some reason for anything. People have excuses etc like crazy. So, the most logical answer is that they cannot defend their position. This becomes worse because most likely, they are aware that they are wrong and already pre-determined in their wrongness. This means that our goal is not so much to persaude, as much as that is, but rather to clear ourselves of any responsibility. I attempted to persuade my friend, I failed but in the end it could not be said I didn't try. There was still more that could have and should have been done, but hey, at least I realized it last second.

Being pre-determined in wrongness is something worth writing an essay on sometime, but now is not that time. I would qualify to write that essay since I have at times been pre-determined in such a manner.

I quoted Turretin extensively lately. Quote after quote after quote. I wrote a paper of which Turretin's work comprised 6-10 pages out of my 20.(double spaced) Then I wrote those 8 pages in my online class (single spaces). It was cool to hear my brother quote Turretin and reference him. Turretin ftw.

So. . .I just found out that the next "Dispensations" class isn't offered until summer 2008. This is the class I didn't take when I got back from spring break due to my car problems. Also, they started the class earlier than normal, and the schedule was all different. But, now it appears I have to wait till summer school. That is _____ ( a word i dont say on here. and phooey doesnt work really.)

A word study. Stink/rats/phooey/snaps etc = words of exclamation. However, they don't get used as nouns, where-as other words "crap" can be used as a noun. What would be the "appropriate" word to replace "Crap?" I suppose "That stinks." But you can't really put rats/snaps/phooey in there. Exclamations stand on their own. nouns need a verb, and in this case a subject. Never really thought about that before. . .doubt u have either. :P

I called and gave my medical info to the covance place. I go for the physical May 3rd. $4k here i come . . . Lord willing of course.

Then I was doing some thinking. The only way I can see myself ending up at camp is if the girl that I would be going to camp to work with said something to the affect tht I should. So consider camp off the list, b/c I can't see her even carrying on a conversation with me before then, so . . .

It is now 7:13. And I need to get some work done. Probably. Maybe. hmmmm.

Got my Greek done. I got SOOOO much reading tomorrow. Like 7 hours worth. . .no, more than that, unless I fly. . .and believe me, I will. =D

k-k-click, BOOYAH! Riggidy Roll!! oh, btw, I went up to 7k on Taser the Gnome. I laughed. I should do some reading now probly. . .maybe. (make that 15k) Oh here come the girls to give the BB back. Now what?

8am Thursday May 3rd, I need to be in Madison at the research center. Its some drug for parkinsons (sp?) and sleep disorder or something. So I will probably be really tired for my stay. 3 doses of drugs with 6 hours between. And then some cream applied to my shoulder 10 days straight. Odd. and they take my blood a lot. Ok, no problem, I can do that. However, I can't bring my PC because its not a laptop . . . I should find a laptop to borrow for 3 weeks. But they said they have pool, and pingpong and "all sorts of things to do." We can bring DvDs and movies and they have a PS, etc, etc. 2-4 people in a room. bleh. but for $4k, hey, I'll spend 3 weeks with strangers and no WoW.

I wonder if I could get through Law School like this. Take 1-2 studies a summer can get 10k. Work part time (20-30) hours a week throughout the school year. I should be able to do that. What would be best of course is if I could get 10k through the summer and then pay for all my bills working part time. 7x20 = $140 a week - taxes = $100x4 = $400 a month. I doubt I get by on $400 a month. Offering, phone, gas, food, rent. Right, all the necessities. . .If I split rent, I think I can get it somewhere around $350? Phone = $50 = all my money. So I would definitely have to be working 30 hours a week. $210 - taxes = $160x4 = 640 - rent/phone = 240 - 50 food 190. So, if I worked 30 hours a week at minimum wage I should be able to pay for all my bills. Assuming my figures are correct. Then I have an extra 10k from each summer to apply towards loans. If the summer I before I go I can get a good amount then I could go into Law School with no debt, and a good savings. Anyway, all conjecture at this point. Maybe I'm not supposed to go to law school. 9:29.

Gtg, 9:45. bye

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

wow =! blogging

So, why did the WoW kick start back up? Some people said it was to keep in touch. Others because they were bored. Some that never quit didn't because what were they going to do in their free time?

For me, it wasn't any of those. It wasn't even the peer pressure, although that started my thinking on it. Instead it was me just dwelling on it. I would think about it and how fun it could be and how much fun I had. But what happened? I don't talk on the phone as much as I used to. We don't "talk" in game. Its just in-game. I probly communicate less now with those I did, and more with those I didn't. It is good to talk to some of my cousins again.

I don't have a particular desire to lvl. Its annoying and PvP as a priest isn't that great. So what do I have to look forward to? Running 5-mans and doing the "gear-race." My gear isn't the best, I could get better. Maybe that's why twinking appeals to me. I can tell you right now exactly what I need to be done. It isn't a matter of next month things getting better and me starting over. I cna be the best. Something that can't happen at 70.

Part of me still says I should lvl a rogue to 70. I don't want to run instances, really. Money/Fame/Happiness? I want fame. I hope people aren't waiting for me to lvl. I don't think so, b/c 5-mans can be run without a "guild-run." I'm sure when I get up there I will want to run every instance b/c hey, I will want the gear. But I want to lrn to PvP as a priest this time. Mana burn was never on my action bar.

I'm debating becoming a dagger rogue. I was BS a lot today, and it wsa nice. It was always hitting harder than my SS. I need to figure the damage done with a crit over regular to see if its worth it. Of course, that would also mean buying another AB, which is expensive. I need to spend some time farming gold. but, 100g/hr means if I can buy 100g/$5 then that's a better deal all around.

I got a 50/55 on part one of my greek test. Disappointing, b/c of some of the words I shoulda known.

I cannot decide for anything over trying a dagger build. I know I spammed SS strike like crazy, but what about ambushing and Backstabbing? Stealth is pretty much useless, but does a dagger build necessitate stealth? I can/can't swap weapons in combat. . .i forgot.

Anyway, I have a test tomorrow, and so I got to go study. Shouldn't be too bad, but we will see. 7:22.

Well, I need to go. cya sometime. bye. 9:38.

Monday, April 2, 2007

its come and gone

April 1st. I did nothing exciting or prankish. My roommamte ceran wrapped the toilets in the house but I was up when he did it, and the other roommate never commented so we assume he just saw it and took it off. I was going to mess with the ones PC, but I couldn't do my normal joke, and other little things I tried just weren't working so I just gave up.

I went to see my cousin's tour grp sing yesterday night. I shouldn't have. She was happy I did, but I think I shoulda stayed at my church. The music was really good, but I almost burst into out right laughter during the service. Part of me wishes I would have just to see what woulda happened. I probably woulda been embarrassed after, but I'm wondering if anyone else woulda started laughing too. They probably have more respect than that.

The guy did not know how to preach. He didn't exegete right, he had 4 main points each with 6 subpoints which he reminded us of every time. He tried to be funny, and make analogies and in the end it was aweful. There were a few times I wanted to get up and walk out. He drew principles which weren't there, but he also said things that just weren't right too. He tried to use the Greek and make points and did it poorly. I mean, everything that you could do wrong he did almost. He did not go waaaay over board on jokes. But that's his only positive point. If I would have heard him on the radio I would have called him a fool. Which leads to my next point:

We have tons, TONS, of people so-called pastors who stand in pulpits. I'm not talking about Catholics/Mormons/JW's. I'm talking about "Fundamentalists." Tell me every single one of them is called of God, and should be in the pastorate! My cousin used to say it takes having the gift to preach, the desire to preach, and then being recognized by the people of God that you have that ability. And you need all 3 to be a pastor. (There mighta been more, can't remember) But what does it take for the people of God to recognize that these days? Do we not too often equate desire with ability? Or even, do we not accept ability in other areas and equate it with preaching?

This is the same old "Who is really a man of God?" Because it is incredibly dangerous to call the man of God a fool. (she bears anyone?) But someone not a man of God in the place of the man of God is Satan's wolf tearing the flock to pieces. What is the litmus test? I can ask the random fast-food employee how he got saved and he says "By believing in Jesus Christ." Good answer, except his life is a mess. Fake preachers are just more educated. They can say "Believing that Jesus is the perfect Son of God who gave Himself for our sins." blah blah blah. Bad guys aren't stupid. How often do we think that? "Oh, he's a nice guy." "Oh he wouldn't do that." You don't see the tares when they are seeds!! It is only when they are grown and manifest that they are obvious. Know them by their fruits?

Yeah, but the church has been accepting wiltering fruits for a long time now, so tell me, just b/c the fruit is not dead, but perhaps is mushy and dark does that mean we let it stand in our pulpit? No, but since that is what we are used to, that is what we do. And then when someone says "That isn't right, look at his life." The response is "just like mine." /shrug.

So I saw the girl who didn't answer me about lunch.
So I said, "you coulda just said no, and not just ignored me."
She says "You were supposed to ask me again Sunday night." (Now, that isnt true. She said she would get back to me, b/c I already asked. . .I didn't say that. )
"You weren't there, I looked all over."
"I was here"
"So do you want me to ask again?"
"No, b/c I don't want you to think there is something there that isnt."
"Ok, thanks for the answer."

Now, my cousin just(as in 2 minutes ago) walked around the corner and said "Did you talk to her again [meaning after the above]? b/c you shouldn't I need to talk to you, but I'm busy atm, I'll try to come back here when I can." And then she leaves. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wasn't there a rule about that?

Some guy on my internet course thinks I said he wasn't saved. But he was very polite and open and addressed the topic admirably. I appreciate that. I will clarify what I meant later.

I started looking around on SI again. I posted twice. The people there are like starving lions and I'm new prey. I almost referenced my uncle's work and said read this post, I don't feel like talking bout this, but I don't want to associate myself yet. People throw u into a grp as soon as you are associated.

I'm finishing my one paper right now [no its not late yet] but I'm not sure how I'm going to add more words. I was doing Philippians 1:3-11 but the paper is supposed to be 2800-3200 words. I don't have that many. I suppose I could add a few verses, maybe? Idk.

I saw some amazing PvP yesterday. You rogues out there are probably all that good and sick of me talking bout it, but I was just shocked. The 62 warrior and 55 rogue die first. Then the 58 and 70 run away to bandage. Then the 58 and 64 open up on the 70 (or did the 64 help kill the 58?), and the 70(or 64) kills the 58 and then the 64 destroys the 70. I mean whoa! And then I run in and fight the 19 pally and get the chest. =D 3 down, 21 more to go. w00t for help!

So its not so "chili" here today, and my ankle is not nearly so "soar" as it was before. "Eye" am not as tired as "aye" have been but I have to work tonite. ;)

I'm just looked at the calender and saw the passover is tomorrow. Who cares? Isn't it great that we don't have to care about what feast is when and make sure we have the animals we are supposed to kill?

There was some talk about my VB team still playing for fun once a week, but only 3 people have repsonded and 2 said it would be a "maybe" each week.

April 25th is Administrative assistant day, but if your eyes are fuzzy and you are squinting to look at it, it might appear to say administrative assassin day, maybe.

My brother wants me to vote for some JW or something. I dont' really know anything about the guy except he liked Reagan. . .wait, what more do I need to know? In the words of Denny Crane, "There are two places to find the truth. First God and then Fox News." Srry, I found that, and couldn't help it.

Obviously the guy could turn the whole country into a mormon paradise. We could end up being persecuted, but I think that would be down the road since there is a lot more to clean up from his perspective before "christians" (I would hope). We might also get a stronger country (temporally speaking). As long as he conitnues to support Israel we could be ok. But there is a lot of power in Salt Lake. Think of the network they have? Like could the CIA/FBI stop it if they wanted to? We would hope so, but I'm sure there are mormons inside the Gov too. And so then it becomes who's spies are higher up. In the end, I will vote for him b/c my brother knows more about it than I do, and he says go for it, but from what I hear, he won't make it through the primary. 7:17.

Well, its time to close up shop. I got it done with 7 words to spare. Not where I like it, but next time I'll pick a longer or more difficult passage I guess. cya. 9:40.